Thorpe on the Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting 8th November 2017
17.92 Parish Council
- Membership: Cllrs C Martin, S North, R Sheldon, R Andrew, N Williams (Chair), C Scott, N Lyons. The Chair welcomed Cllr Lyons to the Parish Council meeting and thanked him for agreeing to become a Parish Councillor. Cllr Andrew chaired the meeting in Cllr Williams absence
- Present: 2 members of the public, County Cllr Thompson and Janet Guest Parish Clerk
- Apologies:Cllr Williams, District Cllr Appleby and County Cllr Thompson
- Declaration of interest: Cllr Sheldon re grant applications
- Declaration of gifts and hospitality over £50 : none
- Councillors training attended: none
17.93Police and public time–no police were in attendance. In public time, the following matters were raised.
1. FlyFishers gave a report on the changes they would like to see in terms of their licence and hoped it could be agreed for an official signing on Monday 13th November at their club meeting.
2. Scouts reported on their progress with the licence and hoped to see a copy of the Terms of Reference for the Lake Sub-Committee before they commenced their discussions with the Parish Council on the Licence.
17.94Report from District and County Cllrs–County Cllr Thompson sentthe following report
There has not been any LCC full council business since I last reported. HoweverI attended and found the County Highways Parish Cluster Meeting last week to be very useful and am pleased that Clerks and Chair people from 3 parishes in Eagle and Hykeham West were able to attend. I will forward presentation slides from this meeting when I receive them after the Cluster sessions are concluded. I also attended a member’s update from Highways last Thursday which complemented Tuesday's meeting.
In view of the issues about Road Safety and speeding which concern me and the Parishes which I represent I was pleased to attend the first Lincolnshire Road Speed Summit yesterday and attach a summary which you may circulate to councillors for information. A leaflet accompanied the presentation. Since I am unable to send electronically I will provide a copy for Parish Councils when able to do so.
Unfortunately the issue of Speed Check guns was rose which PCs will have to purchase. Since these do not have to be calibrated for enforcement it was suggested that purchase could be made from a well know on-line site for £approx. 100 (some UK PCs already have these), or an existing mobile speed check sign could be tripod mounted. The LRSP would offer an annual check of these devices.
During the meeting the following actions were agreed
17.95approve theminutesof the meetingon 4th October 2017as an accurate record
17.96 Accept the Independent Inspectors report on the Parish Neighbourhood Plan but with some comments on the report as advised by NKDC who will discuss this with the Inspector. CLERK TO ACTION
17.97 be a part of the Community Speed Watch Scheme as outlined in County Councillor Thompson’s report. Also to investigate the costs etc. of setting it up in the Parish CLERK TO ACTION
17.98 accept the quote for installation of the gateways as investigated by Cllr Martin who will take the lead on the installation and purchase. 30 MPH signs to be put in the middle of the gateways. Cllr Sheldon may have a couple of gates to donate for the project. All furniture to be painted white. Highways need to be informed before the installation date via County Cllr Davies.
17.96Sign the amended Lake Licence for the Feather Benders at their meeting on Monday 13th November 2017 provided they agree to the final document wording CLERK TO ACTION
17.97reverse the decision of the last meeting regarding creating a Lake Sub Committee, reinstate the Lake Advisory Committee and create the Terms of Reference for this Group. This document to be approved by Cllrs via email and forwarded to the members of the Advisory Group. CLERK TO ACTION
17.98 accept the financial report as presented by the Clerk
17.99pay the following invoices – Print talk Ltd vfth £138, BTinternet £108, British gas ORPMR £45.72, Wicksteed Playgroundsrepairs to equipment £628.18, Labeller and litter picking equipment £11.58, Anglian Waterbowling £101.16, TFM Country storessigns £48, Royal British Legion £30 donation, LCC grass cutting on shared field £743.77, Currys projector £399 and telephone £29.98 Income received to be noted –ORPMR hall hire £198 plus £4 donation to hall, OFGEM £15, VFTH ads £40
17.100 Support the email received from a parishioner regarding the future of Love Your Parish Week. Parish Clerk to meet with them to move the suggestions forward CLERK TO ACTION
17.101 Attend the Investors in Education Awards 2017 at Belton House CLERK TO ACTION
17.102 support the grant applications received from TOTH Bowls club for £300 + VAT and St Michaels Church £700 including VAT. All grant applicants will be contacted to discuss their application and the reasons for accepting or refusing the application CLERK TO ACTION
17.103A contract change was accepted for the Parish Clerk until Dec 2018
17.104An agreement was reached regarding the caretaker role and salary evaluation
17.105 discuss with NKDC the affordable housing site on the Old Piggeries which is currently up for sale. CLERK TO ACTION
17.106buy a Christmas tree from Doddington Hall for the grounds of the church CLERK TO ACTION
17.107stake and reseed the area boarding the road on Little Thorpe Lane and it is very badly churned up CLLRS TO ACTION
17.108 Planning matters
a)17/1457/RESM Proposal: Reserved Matters Application for the erection of 9 No dwellings, garages and access road. Location: Land At Westfield Lane Thorpe On The Hill Lincoln - no comments
b)17/0998/RESM Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters re outline planning permission 15/0054/OUT (Erection of 23 dwellings (Outline with all matters reserved) Location: Middle Lane Thorpe On The Hill Lincoln LincolnshireComments submitted to NKDC are The planning application seems to be much as it was before although there are some minor changes. The biggest point is the car parking arrangements for the plots 1-8. The houses are 3 bed and will undoubtedly have 2 cars, living in Thorpe without a car is difficult. The worry is that they will park outside their houses on the main road (Middle Lane) and walk into the front their house from there. As this is near to the bend, (and we all know the speeds that are regularly seen) it would be extremely dangerous and restrictive - as experienced at school times now.
c)Notification of Decision Application Reference: 17/1245/FUL Erection of 1no dwelling Location: Land Adjacent To 30 Lincoln Lane Thorpe On The Hill Lincoln it was resolved to refuse the application by NKDC
d)17/0620/FUL Proposal: Proposed change of use of unutilised D2 land to form Holiday Golf Retreat to include stationing of lodges and associated access tracks and services. Location: Lincoln Golf Centre Moor Lane Thorpe On The Hill Lincoln – approved by NKDC but not for sole residential use
e)Animal by-products plant , Norton Disney – Cllrs discussed the pre planning consultation being undertaken by Lincoln Proteins Ltd and their intention to relocate from Skellingthorpe
f) to Norton Disney Concerns were raised
- that the Parish has had no consultation from the company and that this will affect the Parish in terms of smell and traffic.
- The Parish knew nothing about the open meeting.
- The Parish Council supports the concerns of Norton Disney Parish Council and wonders why the plant can’t be put onto an industrial site if there is no risk of smells or other issues from the site.
- Access and egress from the site will be difficult due to the dual carriageway
- It’s in the middle of Witham Countryside Park which is supposed to offer some countryside protection
2018 Meeting dates
Jan 31st Meeting
Mar 14thMeeting and Annual Parish Meeting
Apr 25thMeeting and AGM
Jun 6thMeeting
Jul 25thMeeting
Sept 12th Meeting
Nov 7thMeeting
Dec 12th Meeting
Other dates
End MarFinancial year end
30 Oct final date for receipt of grant applications
Officers, Committees and representatives
- Chair -Cllr Williams
- Vice Chair– Cllr Andrew
- Planning sub committee - Cllrs North, Martin and Andrew
- Whisby Quarry Liaison meeting - Cllrs Andrew and Martin
- Whisby Nature Park Steering Board - Cllr Sheldon
- Police Community Panel- Cllr Andrew
- Neighbourhood Plan Group- Cllr Andrew and Parish Clerk
- Finance - Cllr Martin
- Allotments - Cllr Williams
- Lake Advisory Group – Cllr Sheldon and North + 2 each from Scouts, Featherbenders and Parishioners
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as official minutes of Council proceedings until approved and signed at the next meeting. Page 1 of 4