Church History
Chapter 12The Age of “Isms”: Revolutionary Thinking Confronts the Church
Directions: this is an optional study guide that you may complete for extra credit points --- up to a maximum
of 40 points. This is an all or none proposition --- no partial study guides will be accepted. It should include the vocabulary and key concepts. These must be hand written using dark blue or black ink only (typed responses will not be accepted). Remember to write the question on one line and the response on the following line(s). You should also include the various headings as you write your responses. Neatness counts! These are due no later than ______, whether you’re in school that day or not. If you’re unclear about any of these expectations, talk to me immediately. You are expected to follow these exact instructions.
Part One: Religious Strife and War: Buildup to the “Isms”(pages 237-239)
A. Review Questions
- List the nine “isms” listed in the introduction.
- What events led up to the Gunpowder plot and what were the results?
- What was the Thirty Years’ War and what were the results?
- Describe the mutual intolerance of religions in France.
- Why were people accused of and persecuted for being witches?
- Why was Johannes Junius burned at the stake? What concerns does he express in the letter to his daughter?
B. Vocabulary:
C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places
b)Peace of Westphalia
Part Two: New Styles of Religious Life: A Response to Poverty and Misery(pages 240-242)
A. Review Questions
- In what ways did Vincent de Paul respond to the needs of the poor?
- Why was the Daughters of Charity founded? Why was this new religious order considered revolutionary?
- How did De La Salle influence modern education?
- How did De La Salle instruct his teachers look at their students?
B. Vocabulary:
- none
C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places
d)Vincent de Paul
e)Vincentians/Congregation of the Mission
f)Louise de Marillic
g)John Baptist De Le Salle
Part Three:The Rise of Rationalist and Scientific Thought(pages 243-244)
A. Review Questions
- Explain rationalism. How did it challenge religion?
- Explain empiricism. How did it challenge religion?
- What did Galileo believe about the relationship between scientific discoveries and religious truth?
B. Vocabulary:
C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places
i)The Age of Reason
j)John Locke
k)David Hume
l)Sir Isaac Newton
Part Four: Individualism, Secularism, and Nationalism: Revolution in the Making(245-251)
A. Review Questions
- Which of Rousseau’s ideas challenged monarchial power?
- What is secularism, and where could it be seen in the 1600s and 1700s?
- Why was religion perceived to be supportive of the oppression in France?
- Explain the deplorable conditions described by Jean-Roch Coignet in the sidebar on page 246.
- How did the reign of Napoleon in Franceaffect the church? What was the aftermath?
- How did the Italian Revolution loosen the church from its worldly power?
- In what ways was the church suppressed in Spain? Why were republics such as Spain so antichurch?
- What was Otto von Bismarck’s plan for Germany? How did this affect the Catholic Church there?
- What was John Henry Newman’s perspective on the role of intellectual inquiry in the Catholic faith?
- Explain the significantchanges implemented by Pope Pius IX?
B. Vocabulary:
- none
C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates, People and Places
n)religious nationalism
o)The French Revolution
p)the September Massacres
q)Napoleon Bonaparte
r)Pope Pius VII
s)Giuseppe Garibaldi
t)Otto von Bismarck
u)Emancipation Act of 1829
v)John Henry Newman
w)Pope Pius IX
x)the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception
y)Syllabus of Errors
z)Vatican Council I
aa)infallible/papal infallibility
bb)the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary
Part Five: Capitalism, Marxism, and Darwinism(252-255)
A. Review Questions
- Explain the unfortunate consequences of the Industrial Revolution including child labor abuses.
- What was Karl Marx’s response to the evils of industrial society?
- What are the ways the church responded to the ills of industrialism?
- What did Pope Leo XIII’s papal letter say about the rights of workers?
- Why did Charles Darwin’s publican Origin of Species usher in a period of doubt about God? How did Leo XIII respond?
- What are four implications of the period of “isms” which can still instruct us today?
B. Vocabulary:
- none
C. Key Concepts, Events, Dates
cc)Industrial Revolution
dd)Karl Marx/communism/Marxism
ff)Henry Manning
gg)Pope Leo XIII
hh)Charles Darwin