Annual Fall Tour: Saturday October 22nd, 2016
Join us for our Annual Fall tour in the Luck, WI area.
Tour starts and ends at Morley’s Maple Syrup, 141 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853. Phone: 715-554-2301
Tour registration will start at 7:45 and the bus leaves Morley’s Maple Syrup
at 8:30 am sharp. The tour will head north where we will visit the historic
Forts Folle Avione, located near Danbury, WI on 80 beautiful wooded acres
along the Yellow River. The park is a living history site with two Fur Trade
Posts; North West Company and the XY Company, reconstructed on the site
known to be active from 1802 to 1805. There will be live demonstrations and tours of Fort life as well as eat lunch at this historic site. Golf carts are available for those that need help getting around.
After lunch we will continue our tour with a couple of nice sugarhouse visits. First we will be stopping at Paul Pederson’s Sugarbush near Frederic, WI. Then the final stop will be at Morley’s Maple Syrup Sugarhouse just a few miles east of Luck on Hwy 48. Finally, we will return to the Morley’s Maple Syrup.
Cost per person is $35.00 – This includes the bus and meals.
Please fill out the form below and send with payment. Must be post marked no later than October 6th.
Names: ______
Sugar Bush Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email Address: ______
Send Fee and Registration To:
Make checks to: Miriam Durkey, WMSPA Treasurer
WMSPA Fall Tour Registration
Anderson’s Maple Syrup, Inc.
2388 40th Street
Cumberland, WI 54829
The Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producer’s Association is Dedicated to Improving the Ability of its Members to Produce and Market the Finest Maple Syrup in North America!
Hotel Options
Luck Country Inn
10 Robertson Road
Luck, WI 54853
715-472-2000 – Tell them you are with the “Maple Syrup Association Fall Tour”
Right behind Morley’s Maple at the corner of WI Hwy 35 and WI Hwy 48.
10% off regular rates – 2 double beds would be $81.99 less for 1 queen – reservation is required in advance to get these rates
Holiday Inn Express
2190 US Highway 8
St Croix Falls, WI, 54024
There are no special rooms reserved and it is 15 miles south of Luck on the Minnesota boarder
Best Western Northwoods Lodge
23986 State Road 35
Siren,WI 54872
There are no special rooms reserved and it is 15 miles north of Luck in Scenic Siren, WI
The Lodge at Crooked Lake
24271 State Road 35 N
Siren,WI 54872
There are no special rooms reserved and it is 15 miles north of Luck in Scenic Siren, WI
Annual Fall Tour: Saturday October 22nd , 2016
Join us for our Annual Fall tour in the Luck, WI area.
Tour starts and ends at Morley’s Maple Syrup, 141 West 1st Avenue
Luck, WI 54853. Phone: 715-554-2301
Tour registration will start at 7:45 and the bus leaves Morley’s Maple Syrup
at 8:30 am sharp.