May 13, 2014
RFQ – 14-010
The GREENVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (GISD)announces Request for Qualifications (RFQ) forGeotechnical Engineering Servicesper the specifications stated in this solicitation document. All interested consultants shall agree to comply with all of the requirements, conditions and specifications contained in this RFQ. A duly authorized official of the firm submitting the information must sign the submission. All costs incurred in preparation of the submission shall be wholly born by the interested consultant. Informationshall be submitted in a sealed envelope labeled on the outside with the vendor’s name and address and mailed or delivered directly to:
Greenville ISD
Purchasing Department
4004 Moulton St.
Greenville, Texas 75401
Qualifications will be received at the above address until 2:00 PM on June 4, 2014. Immediately following the deadlinefor receiving RFQ’s, names of the respondent’s will be made public. All responses shall become the property of GISD upon receipt. One original and 5 copies are required.
Faxed qualifications will not be accepted. Qualifications must be submitted in sufficient time to be received and time/date stamped at the above location on or before the published date and time shown on the RFQ. Greenville ISD will not be responsible for mail delivered from the post office. Any proposal received later than the specified time, whether delivered in person or mailed, shall be disqualified. Vendors must submit sealed qualificationstogether with any material required by this RFQ by the time and date specified. All proposals must remain open for ninety (90) days from the opening date pending acceptance by GISD.
The evaluation criteria specified herein will be used to determine which of the proposals provide the best quality for GISD. GISD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive all technicalities, and to accept the proposal(s) that is determined to be the most favorable to GISD.
No portion of the services provided may be subcontracted without the prior written approval of GISD. All proposed sub-consultants shall be clearly indicated in the submission
Requests for clarification of information regarding the contents of this RFQ, or questions concerning the technical requirements may be submitted in writing not less than SEVEN DAYS PRIOR to the due date to:
Greenville Independent School District
XXXXX Department
4004 Moulton St.
Greenville, Texas 75401
Fax No. 903-457-2575
Requests must be in writing and should reference the Request for Qualifications number. Written responses to requests for clarification will be provided in the form of an addendum to this RFP.
- All Proposals, Reports, and Letters shall be addressed to the Owner with copies sent to Ben Harris, P.E. with Huckabee (817-377-2969 / bharris@huckabee! To facilitate development of proposals, reports and letters, electronic drawing files of floor plans and site plans may be obtained from Huckabee’s office upon completion of an electronic drawing release form.
- The proposal shall include proposed boring quantity, locations and depths so that the design team can provide comments. However, the proposal shall provide the complete scope proposed. The geotechnical firm shall fully evaluate the site and the proposed improvements. The scope listed in this letter is considered the minimum scope. The geotechnical firm shall provide any additional testing and information recommended for a complete report.
- The proposed building boring depths shall extend a minimum of 10 feet deeper than the deepest anticipated pier/pile depth for a minimum axial downward force of 0 kips (including any requirements to anchor piles/piers sufficiently to resist any uplift loads caused by expansive soil) and a maximum axial downward force of 200 kips per story (e.g. 400 kips for twostory building areas) with a minimum assumed pier/pile diameter of 18” and a maximum assumed pier/pile diameter of 30”. A unit price shall be included for any additional boring depth recommended by the geotechnical engineer. If it is realized after drilling that the borings were not deep enough, the geotechnical engineer shall provide the District with recommendations for additional borings and the proposed cost to the District.
- The proposal shall consider current site conditions (trees, obstacles, utilities, water, mud, etc…), weather predictions and the specified schedule and shall include any recommended special, equipment/labor (e.g. all-terrain vehicle, backhoe, low-overhead drilling rig, chain saw, concrete coring, etc…) as line items in the proposal. In addition, The District shall not be charged for equipment not used (e.g. if not in fact necessary or if the District provides the equipment directly).
- The proposal shall indicate the type and quantity of tests anticipated to measure soil characteristics as deemed appropriate by the Geotechnical Engineer (e.g. Atterberg limits, swell tests, settlement tests, suction tests, hydrometer tests, unconfined compression tests, pocket penetrometer tests, triaxial tests, etc…) Specifically, the proposal shall include testing for the presence of sulfates where considered tobe appropriate by the Geotechnical Engineer and the report shall include recommendations for soilpreparation under buildings and pavement appropriate if sulfates are encountered.
- The Geotechnical Firm shall determine whether special equipment, such as ground penetrating radaror electrical resistivity, is recommended to locate subsurface voids or caves in the vicinity of proposedimprovement, and shall include such costs in the proposal as a line item for separate consideration.The Geotechnical Firm shall also provide any testing recommended to investigate the potential effectsof nearby activities such as mining, drilling, natural gas fracturing, fracturing material well storage, orearthquakes. The Geotechnical Firm shall also determine whether special environmental borings, suchas contamination plume wells are recommended based on any knowledge of underground storagetanks, dry cleaner facilities, or other possible sources of contamination.
- The Geotechnical Firm shall provide the District with two (2) original bound copies of the report andprovide Huckabee with three (3) original bound copies and one (1) loose copy. All copies shall besigned and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas.
- Materials Testing services are to be contracted under a separate proposal upon direction of the Owner.The Owner reserves the right to select or not select the Geotechnical Firm (or any firms associated withthe Geotechnical Firm) to provide Materials Testing services. Neither the Geotechnical Proposal northeGeotechnical Report shall require that any specific firm perform Materials Testing services. Neitherthe Geotechnical Proposal nor the Geotechnical Report shall limit the Geotechnical Firm’s liability ifthe Geotechnical Firm (or any specific firms associated with the Geotechnical Firm) does not provideMaterials Testing services.
- The log of borings in the report shall include the final boring locations, located by using GPS by aregistered Land Surveyor, submitted both electronically and as a hard copy. The proposal shall includethe cost of providing this GPS location as a line item.
- Provide recommendations for new building foundations.
a. Unless expressly directed by the Owner in writing (with a copy of this direction provided toHuckabee), the foundation recommendations shall be based on the assumption that the Districtconsiders acceptable a maximum of 1/2" total differential movement, including but not limitedto movement resulting from the effects of settlement, expansive soil, etc…. Specifically, themaximum Potential Vertical Rise associated with soil preparation and other foundationrecommendations in the report for slabs on grade shall be 1/2".
b. Minimum recommended depth of void boxes below grade beams and below structural floorslabs where required.
- At any renovations of existing buildings: Provide recommendations for renovations of existingbuildings where the foundation is a slab on grade system.
a. Provide a line item proposal for a floor survey to establish a baseline of existing conditions andmeasure the magnitude of the greatest differences in elevations.
b. Provide a line item proposal for interior borings in each phase of the construction for theexisting buildings.
- If Drilled Piers and/or Augured Cast in Place (ACIP) Piles are recommended in the report, providerecommendations for:
a. Minimum penetration.
b. Minimum and maximum pier diameter.
c. Bearing and side shear allowables for straight shaft compression piers.
d. Pullout resistance allowables for piers with tension loads.
e. Special shaft preparation, if any, required to develop side shear.
f. Time limit allowed between completion of drilling and concreting of the pier.
g. Temporary casing requirements.
h. Requirements for belling.
i. Minimum spacing and group action formula.
j. Recommendations for the design of drilled piers resisting bending and lateral loads.
k. For drilled piers in expansive clay, provide a procedure for calculating tension uplift at the top ofthe piers due to clay expansion, as well as recommendations for resisting this uplift at lightlyloaded piers.
l. Recommendations regarding the need for full time inspection or other measures to be taken inthe field to verify the recommended design allowables provided in the geotechnical report.
m. Recommendations for light poles up to 30 ft high and other structures such as signs.
n. Recommendations for ACIP Pile load testing. Huckabee recommends that the GeotechnicalEngineer include loadtesting of piles as a line item on the proposal for this geotechnicalinvestigation if the Geotechnical Engineer believes that they may recommend ACIP Piles as anoption, unless the Geotechnical Engineer believes that pile loadtesting is not necessary.
- Provide for paving provide the following:
a. Recommendations for asphalt and concrete paving (both medium duty and heavy duty).
b. Provide joint spacing and layout requirements.
c. Provide recommendations for large expanses of concrete flatwork, as well as concrete sidewalks.We recommend that estimated soil movement not exceed 1-1¼" in 25'-0”.
d. Conduct sulfate testing as recommended.
- Provide recommendations for basement walls and retaining walls as follows:
a. Recommended backfill materials.
b. Backfill compaction requirements.
c. Drainage requirements.
d. Lateral pressures for design, including surcharge loads.
e. Equivalent Fluid Pressure (or corresponding phi angle) for retaining wall design. Please providerecommendations on slope stability using site soils.
- Provide dewatering recommendations, if applicable. Provide special bedding recommendations forunderground utilities, if applicable. Provide recommendations regarding ground water/subsurfacedrainage (french drains, etc.)
a. If a water table is present, identify its depth from existing grade.
b. Include any recommended testing regarding water table elevations, water pressure, water flow,etc., such as piezometers.
- The geotechnical firm shall provide the seismic site class for the subject property.
- Maximum safe slope for sides of temporarily and permanently unprotected excavations.
- Maximum safe slope for crawlspace grading.
- For Athletic venues (if applicable):
a. Provide recommendations for athletic fields (e.g. baseball, softball, football, soccer fields)
b. Provide running track recommendations.
c. Provide bleacher foundation recommendations.
d. Provide press box foundation recommendations.
e. Provide dugout foundation recommendations.
f. Provide a boring at each athletic light pole.
- The proposal shall also identify any additional testing recommended for future building locationsproposed such as expansions or future concessions buildings, to avoid another geotechnicalinvestigation where possible. This testing may be identified as one or more line items on the proposal.
- Upon receipt of a 100% completed set of drawings, the geotechnical firm shall review the constructiondocuments to ensure that the drawings comply with the intent of the geotechnical recommendations.The geotechnical engineer shall review and submit a written evaluation to the District. This review shallinclude but not be limited to the specified soil preparation (accounting for final finished floorelevations as well as cut and fill), foundation bearing strata and penetration, dewatering and/or casing,foundation design and testing. This review shall be provided as part of the basic geotechnical servicesand shall not require an additional fee.
- The Geotechnical scope shall include answering questions during the construction phase and makingsite visits when requested.
Architect: Tom Lueck and Craig Drone , Huckabee
Structural Engineer: Ben Harris, Huckabee
Electronic File Release: Carol Cameron, Huckabee 2/2013
The undersigned, in submitting this RFQ and endorsement of same, represents that he/she is authorized to obligate his/her firm, that he/she is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate with regard to race color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability unrelated to job performance of the RFQ: and that he/she has read this entire RFQ package, is aware of the covenants contained herein and will abide by and adhere to the expressed requirements in ALL sections of this RFQ.
(Official Firm Name)
(Original Signature)
(Typed or Printed Name)
(Typed or Printed Name)
Taxpayer Identification #:______(SUBMIT CURRENT W-9FORM)
Prompt Payment Discount:______% ______days
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following addenda (if applicable) which have been issued and incorporated into the RFQ document. (Please initial in ink beside each addenda received.)
Addendum No. 1______Addendum No. 3______
Addendum No. 2______Addendum No. 4______
All costs related to the preparation and submission of the response to the Districts Request for Qualifications shall be paid by the submitting firm.
Proposal Submissions must include the following:
Cover Page - Identifying the RFQ subject, firm submitting, contact information including telephone number, office location, fax number, contact person’s name and title, email address, and phone number.
Questionnaire - Responses to the Questionnaire included as a part of this document should be included in the documents submitted. All answers will be considered in the evaluation process. Please indicate clearly which question is being answered in any section of the document.
The following items must also be included as part of your proposal:
1)Executive Summary
- Describe your organization’s background and experience in geotechnical engineering.
- List local office(s) and resources.
- Overview of proposed services.
2)Describe your organization’s personnel expertise and experience in geotechnical engineering.
- Specify the number of full-time employees in your firm.
- Identify the contact person who would handle requests from the District and their office location.
- Provide a listing of all licenses held by the individuals in your firm.
- Provide biographies of key firm management and personnel who would be directly involved with District staff.
3)Current geotechnical engineering sample.
- Provide a listing of current Texas School District clients, including the DFW area, that are comparable in size to Greenville ISD and the number of years they have been clients of the firm.
4)Geotechnical Engineering Services
- Proposed work plan.
- Other services and/or assistance the firm may provide to Greenville ISD.
- Provide four references of current clients where geotechnical engineering services are provided by your firm in a District comparable to Greenville ISD. Of these four, two must have been with your firm for five or more years and two must have been with your firm for less than five years.
- Provide two references from non-clients. It is important that the firm maintains good relations with all its non-clients such as vendors and or other professional organizations.
- Provide a listing of all geotechnical engineering clients your company has added in the last three years.
6)Regulatory Compliance
- Describe any regulatory censure and/or any litigation filed against your company or its officers, owners, agents or employees during the past ten (10) years, including the filing of misdemeanor or felony complaints and/or felony indictments. Provide the type and include the names of defendants, state, cause number, court and final outcome.
- Describe any criminal prosecution filed against your company or its officers, owners, agents, or employees during the past ten (10) years, including the filing of misdemeanor or felony complaints and/or felony indictments. Provide the type and include the names of defendants, state, cause number, court and final outcome.
- Describe any Texas Attorney General Complaints filed against your company or its officers, owners, agents, or employees during the past ten (10) years, include the final outcome of each complaint.
7)Include a sample contract.
8)Any other information you consider relevant to consideration of your qualifications to provided geotechnical engineering services.
All submissions will become the property of the District. The District shall not be obligated to meet with any or all of those submitting proposals, and the District reserves the right to conduct discussions and/or negotiations with any or all of those submitting Qualification documents.
Contract Obligations
This document, as well as any submitted documents and any negotiations, when properly accepted by the District shall constitute a contract equally binding between the successful firm and Greenville ISD. The selected firm will be considered as the prime Contractor and shall assume responsibility for the services to be provided. Failure to meet such obligations may result in cancellation of the contract.
The firm’s proposal may be incorporated into any Contract which results from this RFQ, therefore, firms are cautioned not to make claims or false statements which they are not prepared to commit to contractually.
Legal Documents
The firm must submit with its proposal any agreements for services, etc. which may be required by their organization to enter into a contract for the services proposed. Such agreements are subject to the terms and conditions as stated in this RFQ.
District’s Review and Acceptance