Minutes of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting

ERCOT Austin – 7620 Metro Center Drive – Austin, Texas 78744

Thursday, November 20, 2014 – 9:30 a.m.



Adair, Marshall / Consumer - Residential
Allen, Thresa / Iberdrola Renewables
Avila, Robert / Brownsville PUB / Alt. Rep. for J. McCann
Boren, Marie / OPUC
Boyd, Phillip / City of Lewisville
Brandt, Adrianne / Austin Energy
Brewster, Chris / City of Eastland
Cochran, Seth / DC Energy
Crockett, Brenda / Champion Energy Services
Downey, Marty / TriEagle Energy
Frazier, Amanda / Luminant
Goff, Eric / Citigroup Energy
Greer, Clayton / Morgan Stanley
Gross, Blake / AEPSC / Alt. Rep. for R. Ross
Jones, Randy / Calpine
Minnix, Kyle / Brazos Electric Power Cooperative
Morris, Sandy / Direct Energy
Nelson, Stuart / LCRA / Alt. Rep. for R. Stephenson
Ögelman, Kenan / CPS Energy
Pieniazek, Adrian / NRG Texas
Pridgeon, Marcus / CMC Steel Texas
Soutter, Mark / Invenergy / Alt. Rep. for J. Minalga
Trenary, Michelle / Tenaska Power Services / Alt. Rep. for K. Emery
Walker, DeAnn / CenterPoint Energy / Alt Rep. for J. Houston
Whitehurst, Stacy / TNMP

The following proxies were assigned:

·  Sean Andrews to Sandy Morris

·  Dan Bailey to Adrianne Brandt

·  David Naylor to Kyle Minnix

·  Henry Wood to Stuart Nelson


Ainspan, Malcom / ECS Grid / Via Teleconference
Bertin, Suzanne / EnerNOC / Via Teleconference
Blackburn, Don / Luminant / Via Teleconference
Brown, Jeff / Shell / Via Teleconference
Bruce, Mark / Stratus Energy Group
Bryant, Mark / PUCT / Via Teleconference
Bunch, Kevin / EDF Trading / Via Teleconference
Coke, Gary / GVEC / Via Teleconference
Elliot, Christopher / Bank of America/Merrill Lynch / Via Teleconference
Emery, Keith / Tenaska Power Services / Via Teleconference
English, Barksdale / Austin Energy
Firestone, Joel / Topaz Power / Via Teleconference
Flowers, BJ / Sharyland
Graham, Greg / Texas Reliability Entity / Via Teleconference
Gregory, Angela / EDF Trading / Via Teleconference
Harvey, Julia / PUCT / Via Teleconference
Hatfield, Bill / LCRA
Hauk, Christine / Garland Power and Light / Via Teleconference
Hendrickson, Brent / Nexant
Howell, Jim / Southern Power Company
Jones, Liz / Oncor
Kremling, Barry / GVEC
Looney, Sherry / Luminant / Via Teleconference
Lyons, Chris / Exelon
McKeever, Debbie / Oncor
Micek, Kassia / Platts / Via Teleconference
Mottin, Suzanne / Oxy / Via Teleconference
Rehfeldt, Diana / TNMP / Via Teleconference
Roth, Werner / PUCT / Via Teleconference
Sandidge, Clint / Noble Solutions
Santos, Juan / Garland Power and Light / Via Teleconference
Schwertner, Russell / MP2 Energy / Via Teleconference
Scott, Kathy / CenterPoint Energy
Shaw, Pamela / CES / Via Teleconference
Siddiqi, Shams / Crescent Power
Stanfield, Leonard / CPS Energy / Via Teleconference
Sturm, John / ACES Power / Via Teleconference
Trout, Seth / CES / Via Teleconference
Varnell, John / Tenaska
Velasquez, Ivan / Oncor / Via Teleconference
White, Lauri / AEPSC
Whittle, Brandon / Stratus Energy Group
Wittmeyer, Bob / DME
Zotter, Laura / Austin Energy / Via Teleconference

ERCOT Staff:

Albracht, Brittney
Annab, Maggie
Bernecker, John / Via Teleconference
Bivens, Carrie / Via Teleconference
Boren, Ann
Clifton, Suzy / Via Teleconference
Gilbertson, Jeff / Via Teleconference
Gonzalez, Ino
Hanson, Kevin / Via Teleconference
Hailu, Ted / Via Teleconference
Landry, Kelly / Via Teleconference
Levine, Jonathan / Via Teleconference
Lowrie, Gene / Via Teleconference
Magarinosrevolo, Marcelo / Via Teleconference
Manning, Brian / Via Teleconference
Matevosyan, Julia / Via Teleconference
Mereness, Matt
Peters, Patrick / Via Teleconference
Phillips, Cory
Reed, Bobby / Via Teleconference
Ruane, Mark / Via Teleconference
Stecklein, Chris
Thompson, David / Via Teleconference
Warnken, Pete / Via Teleconference
Xiao, Hong / Via Teleconference
Zeplin, Rachel / Via Teleconference

Unless otherwise indicated, all Market Segments were present for a vote.

2014 TAC Vice Chair Chris Brewster called the November 20, 2014 TAC meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Antitrust Admonition

Mr. Brewster directed attention to the displayed Antitrust Admonition, and noted that the Antitrust Guidelines are available for review on

Approval of Draft TAC Meeting Minutes[1]

September 25, 2014

Randy Jones moved to approve the September 25, 2014 TAC meeting minutes as posted. Clayton Greer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

October 23, 2014

This item was postponed to the December 18, 2014 TAC meeting.

Protocol Revision Subcommittee Report (see Key Documents)

Chris Lyons presented Revision Requests for TAC consideration.

Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 560, Caps and Floors for Energy Storage Resources

NPRR639, Correction to Minimum Current Exposure

NPRR651, Clarify DC Tie Data Request Timeline and Content

NPRR652, Posting of Information Under NERC Reliability Standards to the MIS

NPRR653, Removal of Reasonable Contribution Language For Market Participant Data Requests

Mr. R. Jones moved to recommend approval of NPRR560, NPRR639, NPRR651, NPRR652, and NPRR653 as recommended by PRS in the respective 11/6/14 PRS Reports. Adrian Pieniazek seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

NPRR646, Emergency Operations Settlement for CFC Testing

Amanda Frazier moved to table NPRR646. Blake Gross seconded the motion. Market Participants discussed the necessity of aligning the timeline of NPRR646 with that of Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) 136, Verify QSE Capability to Operating in CFC. The motion carried unanimously.

NPRR664, Index Fuel Price – Urgent

Market Participants discussed the merits of NPRR664 and reviewed the 11/18/14 GDF Suez comments. Market Participants expressed concern that the number of possible occurrences of exceptional fuel prices would not justify the project implementation cost of NPRR664; and discussed impacts to Generators in providing service below costs under the applicable circumstances, and the precedent of creating a Make-Whole Payment for the cost of fuel unrelated to a Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC).

Kenan Ögelman moved to recommend approval of NPRR664 as recommended by PRS in the 11/6/14 PRS Report and as amended by the 11/18/14 GDF Suez comments, with a recommended priority of 2015 and a rank of 1400; and to request ERCOT revisit with TAC the rank and priority of NPRR664 prior to project initiation. Mr. Pieniazek seconded the motion. Market Participants discussed the need for a date to stop the manual workaround, to avoid the need for approval of a secondary NPRR.

Mr. Ögelman moved to table NPRR664 for one hour. Eric Goff seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Ögelman restated and clarified his motion to recommend approval of NPRR664 as recommended by PRS in the 11/6/14 PRS Report and as amended by the 11/18/14 GDF SUEZ comments, with a recommended priority of 2015 and a rank of 1400; to discontinue the manual workaround of Sections and on May 1, 2015 (grey-box); and to request that ERCOT revisit with TAC the rank and priority of NPRR664 prior to project initiation. Mr. Pieniazek confirmed his second of the motion. Market Participants supported the use of a manual workaround to implement the Make-Whole Payment portion of NPRR664, making it effective for the upcoming winter, but debated whether to provide the sunset date for the specific sections. ERCOT Staff also noted that the only portion of NPRR664 that can be manually accommodated is the Make-Whole Payment. The motion carried unanimously.

NPRR666, Clarification for the CRR Balancing Account – Urgent

Mr. Greer moved to recommend approval of NPRR666 as recommended by PRS in the 11/6/14 PRS Report and as revised by TAC. Adrianne Brandt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Notice of Withdrawal

NPRR535, Resource Status Startup – Shutdown

NPRR572, Asynchronous Tie Interconnection Process

Mr. Lyons noted the withdrawal of NPRR535 and NPRR572.

Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS) Report (see Key Documents)

Bill Hatfield reviewed recent ROS activities and presented revised ROS Procedures and Revision Requests for TAC consideration.

NOGRR137, Rescind NOGRR034 and Maintain Current Telemetry Performance Reporting Practices

Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) 039, Generation Data for Resource Adequacy and Reliability Reporting

ROS Procedures

Marcus Pridgeon moved to approve NOGRR137 as recommended by ROS in the 10/30/14 ROS Report; to recommend approval of PGRR039 as recommended by ROS in the 10/30/14 ROS Report; and to approve the ROS Procedures as presented. Mr. R. Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Results of Under-Frequency Load Shed Survey

Matt Mereness presented results of the Under-Frequency Load Shed survey.

Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Report (see Key Documents)

Seth Cochran reviewed recent WMS activities and presented a Revision Request for TAC consideration.

Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Request (VCMRR) 005, Index Fuel Price – Urgent

Mr. R. Jones moved to table VCMRR005 for one month. Mr. Greer seconded the motion. Market Participants noted related NPRR664, Fuel Index Price for Resource Definition and Real-Time Make-Whole Payments for Exceptional Fuel Cost Events, would be considered by the ERCOT Board of Directors at the December 9, 2014 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Report (see Key Documents)

Kathy Scott reviewed recent RMS activities and presented the 2015 Flight Schedule for TAC consideration. Market Participants discussed third-party access to Advanced Meter System (AMS) data.

2015 Flight Schedule

Ms. Frazier moved to approve the 2015 Flight Schedule as recommended by RMS. Stacy Whitehurst seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Report (see Key Documents)

Harika Basaran reviewed recent COPS activities and presented a Revision Request for TAC consideration.

Load Profiling Guide Revision Request (LPGRR) 053, Zip Code to Weather Zone Table Update

Mr. Greer moved to approve LPGRR053 as recommended by COPS in the 11/5/14 COPS Report. DeAnn Walker seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Future Ancillary Service (FAS) Update

Kenneth Ragsdale noted the November 18, 2014 posting of NPRR667, Ancillary Service Redesign, and that the language would be given initial consideration at the December 11, 2014 PRS meeting. Mr. Ragsdale also noted that ERCOT has also posted responses to Market Participant informal comments to the draft language on the Future Ancillary Service Team (FAST) page. Mr. Ragsdale proposed that Market Participants file formal comments to NPRR667 by January 21, 2015 in preparation for a January 28, 2015 workshop.

Market Participants discussed whether to consider the language in a joint session of ROS and WMS. Mr. Brewster expressed a preference for a workshop or workshops to be held first, and then joint voting body meetings after the Cost Benefit Analysis is published.

ERCOT Operations, Planning, and IT Report

Jones Creek Regional Planning Group Project

TAC took no action on this item.

Frontera Plant Move Out Update

ERCOT Staff reported that an understanding had been reached with the Frontera facility that ERCOT will be able to call on it in an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) through most of 2016; that Operators will have a desk procedure regarding the specific conditions for operating the Frontera facility that its owners have agreed to follow during the transition period; and that ERCOT is evaluating the need for Protocol language regarding switchable units, with the intention to further discuss the issue with the market via WMS.

Other Business

Brad Jones informed Market Participants that, as a part of its standard risk management process, ERCOT Staff is working on developing Protocol language to document procedures for market restart in the event of a system-wide outage.


Mr. Brewster adjourned the November 20, 2014 TAC meeting at 11:47 a.m.

APPROVED Minutes of the November 20, 2014 TAC Meeting /ERCOT Public

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[1] Key Documents referenced in these minutes may be accessed on the ERCOT website at: