19th Annual


Benefiting West Texas Rehab Center


DEADLINE: February 09, 2018

Complete entry forms must be received by the deadline, and will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

A completed entry form includes the following: a) signed registration form; b) registration fee; and c) photos of artwork. **Failure to submit all three of these items could result

in a rejected application. **


·  A maximum of two framed or gallery-wrapped works may be entered.

·  Artwork in excess of 48” will limit the artist to one piece

·  Pieces cannot exceed 6.5’ x 5’ (Again, artists with large pieces will be limited to one)

·  Extra pieces will be randomly selected as space allows

·  No questionable subject matter


·  Oil/Acrylic

·  Collage/Mixed-Media

·  Water Media on Paper

·  Photography (original works only)

·  3-Dimensional (Ceramics, Glass, Metal, Wood, Found Object)

·  Pastel/Graphics (Pastels, Conte, Crayon, Charcoal, Graphite, Pen and Ink

·  Fine Art printmaking (Etching or Intaglio, Lithography, Silkscreen)

*No commercial prints, off-set lithography, giclee, or other photographic or mechanical reproductions*


1.  WTRC and the Stribling Art Executive Committee reserve the right to deny any piece that does not conform to size, subject matter, or display standards

2.  All entries must be original and executed without instructor supervision. PLEASE NOTE: Prints will not be accepted! Replications of other artists’ work will not be accepted. For more information, visit www.copyright.gov. Violations will result in immediate dismissal from the show, and disqualification from subsequent shows

3.  All exhibitors must be at least 18 years old, and a current or former resident of the Concho Valley

4.  Picture of artwork (finished works or works-in-progress) should be submitted to the WTRC with the Artists Entry Agreement

5.  Two-dimensional work must be framed adequately and wired for hanging (NO SAW TOOTH HANGERS). There will be a $5.00 charge for paintings that must be wired during check-in. All works must be thoroughly dry; suitably framed or gallery-wrapped; and neat, finished, and show ready. GALLERY WRAPPED CANVASES WILL BE ACCEPTED WITH SMOOTH SIDES ONLY. NO STAPLES. “Chubby” gallery wrapped is acceptable and must be 1-1/4” MINIMUM. **PLEASE NOTE: Pieces that do not conform to these standards will be rejected. No Exceptions.**

6.  All work must be well-constructed, stable, and appropriate for sale. No sharp edges or materials deemed “dangerous.”

7.  No previously exhibited items

8.  WTRC reserves the right to photograph any artwork or participant for promotional or publicity purposes

9.  All accepted works must be available for sale during the show on a first-come, first-serve basis. All work must remain on exhibit for the duration of the show. No price changes after the show begins

ENTRY FEE: $15.00 per piece. Payment can be made by check, cash, or credit card. Payment is due with the entry form.

SALES: The split on sales attributed to the show will be at least 55% to artist and 45% to WTRC. WTRC accepts and appreciates any increased split benefiting the Center. No percentages smaller than 45% will be accepted.

INSURANCE: While in the show, works will be insured through WTRC.

SET UP: The Stribling Art Extravaganza Exhibit Committee, not the artist, is responsible for set up. Exhibit committee has final decision for display. Once all art is hung it cannot be moved. Due to restrictions for the historic buildings at Fort Concho, some works (because of weight, size, etc) can only be displayed in certain areas.

SHIPPED ART: Must be RECEIVED by MARCH 16, 2018. Shipped work will be returned in entrant’s container via same carrier and prepayment for shipping is the entrant’s responsibility. It must be well-packed in a strong reusable container to:

Stribling Art Extravaganza

c/o West Texas Rehab Center

3001 South Jackson

San Angelo, Texas 76904

ARTWORK CHECK-IN: Once accepted into the show, you will receive instructions for turning in your art at the Fort Concho Quartermaster Building, 704 Burgess, San Angelo, TX. YOU WILL RECEIVE A CHECK-IN TIME ASSIGNMENT WITH A COMPLETED AND ACCEPTED APPLICATION.

***Artwork arriving late will be refused. NO EXCEPTIONS***

ARTWORK CHECKOUT: All unsold artwork must be picked-up SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2017, 3:00PM – 4:00PM; unless shipping has been previously arranged.

PREVIEW PARTY: You and one guest are encouraged to attend the preview party on THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018, 6:00PM. Name tags will be provided and you must register your guest. For additional guests, tickets are available for $25.


Contact West Texas Rehabilitation Center’s Donor Relations Staff –

Justin DeLoach, , 325-223-6313

Amber Ward, , 325-223-6364

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