Widening Access Network – 20 October 2015

Neuadd Reichel, Bangor University

Present: Delyth Murphy (Bangor University Widening Access Centre - Chair), Rhodri Evans (Bangor University – Administrative Officer), Kelvin Roberts (Gwynedd Council – Communities First), Eiriona Hughes (Gwynedd Council – Communities First), Meira Evans (Welsh for Adults, Bangor University), Sandra Myers (Steps4ward), Meg Browning, Tom Cockbill (Wild Elements), Ann Bierd (Reaching Wider), Judy Hutchings (Bangor University), BuddugWiliam (Workers’ Educational Association), Gayle Hudson (Open University),Brec’hedPiette (The Open University), Bethan Hughes-Jones (Isle of Anglesey County Council), Derlwyn Hughes (Medrwn Môn), Llio Gwynfor (Pontio, Bangor University), Eifion Owen (GrŵpLlandrilloMenai), Mark Richardson (Social Impact Consulting), MelyndaStandring (Elements of Learning), Rob Owen (Conwy County Borough Council – Communities First), Millie Boswell (Community & Voluntary Support Conwy), Tammi Gwyn (Cofis Bach), Shan Robinson (Library and Archives Service, Bangor University), Wyn Thomas (School of Music, Bangor University), Lesley Tipping (GrŵpLlandrilloMenai), Peter Jones (Reaching Wider)

Main points

  • Delyth Murphy (DM) confirmed that BUWAC application forms are now available and that Network members should contact her if thinking of submitting an application for funding.
  • DM reiterated Dr Ian Connor’s request for data to be collected during RW-funded projects.
  • Ann Bierd (AB) is keen to receive applications from Network members and to discuss opportunities for collaborative working – especially so on projects that aim to improve results of children in care. AB’s contact details:
  • DM noted that BUWAC and RW can jointly fund projects.
  • Presentation bySylvette Jones, TEC Cymru (attached)
  • Eiriona Hughes and Kelvin Roberts, Gwynedd Council
  • Update on the Family Learning Signature. Create and train local partnerships as a means of ensuring that the Signature is a sustainable intervention. The Signature places emphasis on planning and self-evaluation. This then allows schools to recognise weak points and plan accordingly.
  • Meira Evans, Welsh for Adults
  • In discussions with GISDA to provide Welsh courses. An emphasis on informal learning. Some uncertainty following the rearranging of Welsh for Adults nationally but still keen to discuss with local partners.
  • Sandra Myers, Steps4ward
  • Working with Communities First Môn in order to provide Steps4ward sessions on the island.
  • Tom Cockbill, Wild Elements
  • 2 projects inMaesgeirchen. Youth Club and Job Club. Hoping to develop a project that is a mix of children and adults.
  • Prof Judy Hutchings, Bangor University
  • With funding from BUWAC, Welsh-language versions of the ‘Little Parent Handbook’ have been printed and will be shared out to parents imminently.
  • BuddugWiliam, Workers’ Educational Association
  • Working on projects that centre on the family unit. A mentoring / befriending project underway at Bryn y Neuadd Hospital, Llanfairfechan.
  • Gayle Hudson andBrec’hedPiette, The Open University
  • OpenLearn Champions project –over 10 thousand hours of free resources.
  • Currently developing a part-time, distance-learning Access Course.
  • Opportunities for partners to collaborate with The Open University on projects.
  • Launching a resource for carers with possibility of collaboration with partners.
  • Derlwyn Hughes, Medrwn Môn
  • Can provide courses on bid writing.
  • Llio Gwynfor, Pontio, Bangor University
  • LlG responsible for attracting and developing new audiences for Pontio. This includes children, families, students, those from disadvantaged areas, etc.
  • Can offer discounted rates of entry through Communities First and offer transportation to workshops and performances. Site visits with specific groups can also be arranged.
  • Eifion Owen, GrŵpLlandrilloMenai
  • 2 projects currently in development. 1) CODECLUBS a 2) Vocational courses with Years 5 and 6 primary pupils.
  • Mark Richardson, Social Impact Consulting
  • The ‘Social Enterprise Schools’ programme currently underway at YsgolDyffrynNantlle andYsgol John Bright. A social enterprise run by pupils, with a Dragon’s Den-style presentation event to be held in February 2016.
  • MelyndaStandring, Elements of Learning
  • EoL projects focus on family learning. Specific focus on literacy and numeracy with parents.
  • Currently looking for funding.
  • Rob Owen, Cymunedau’nGyntaf
  • ‘Pyramid Groups’ activities in Conwy, targeting years 5 and 6 primary pupils, especially those pupils in danger of withdrawing from education. 14 schools partaking in the shceme – 150 people in total.
  • Millie Boswell, Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
  • ‘Playwork’ Project, targeting NEETs, residents of Communities First areas, etc.
  • It is hoped that this project will lead to further projects in the same field.
  • Tammi Gwyn, Cofis Bach
  • Cofis Bach provides opportunities for children and parents inPeblig area, Caernarfon, to experience arts and performing.
  • ‘TocyniBle?’ –an original production by the children ‘staged’ at the University was a huge success.
  • An art workshop will be held during the Christmas period.
  • Seeking to conduct research to assess the effectiveness of the activities.
  • Shan Robinson, Library and Archives , Bangor University
  • Bangor University’s Libraries and Archives are an effective ‘soft entry’ resource that can be used to introduce the University to the public. Conduct historical tours of the main building, provides advice on using the archives, etc.
  • Wyn Thomas, School of Music, Bangor University
  • BU conducted workshops and concerts on the theme of ‘Music and Science’ at this year’s National. 18,000 visited the Science Tent.
  • The annual ‘ClustiWrando / Lend Me Your Ears’ conference was held in April this year. 108 people (and one dog!) attended. 2016’s conference will take place on 16 April – will focus on ‘Technology and the Deaf’.
  • With support from BUWAC, numerous awareness and BSL taster sessions were held during the past year – the response has been incredible. A 10-week course – Introduction to BSL – is currently ongoing, again with support from BUWAC and GLlM tutors.
  • Lesley Tipping, GrŵpLlandrilloMenai
  • Noted that a significant number of individuals enter Further Education as a means of re-sitting GCSE Maths / English / Welsh. This suggests that an intervention needs to take place during Year 10 and 11.
  • Peter Jones, Reaching Wider
  • Offering courses in primary schools and mentoring training for secondary-school pupils.
  • Keen to do more in the North-East, especially so via the medium of Welsh.

Action Points

  • Invite Meg Browning to the next meeting to present aspects of her work.
  • Invite Martin Walker and Paula Jones, GLlM, to the next meeting.
  • Invite representatives from ‘GwE’ to the next meeting to present on their work.

Date of next meeting: 10:00, 26 January 2016.

Location: Neuadd Reichel, Bangor University.