St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 20th Sept. to Sun. 28th Sept. 2014
Sat. 20th Sept. [V] 7.00 p.m.:Tommy Walsh, Ballybeg, Michael Walsh & decd. family
Sun. 21st Sept. 10.00 a.m.:Nora, John, Tom, Mary & Tom Clarke
1.00 p.m.:Paddy Durkan (2nd Anniv.) Ballybeg & Corroy
Mon. 22nd Sept.10.00 a.m.:Special Intention
Tue. 23rd Sept.10.00 a.m.:Special Intention
Wed. 24th Sept.10.00 a.m.: Mary Ellen Timlin, Carravaneen
Thu. 25th Sept.10.00 a.m.:Pakie Ruttledge, Knockfree
Fri.26th Sept. 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention
7.00 p.m.:Martin Reddington
Sat.27th Sept.10.00 a.m.:Charles & Andrew Walsh (Anniv.)
Sat. 27th Sept. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Anthony Finnerty, Ballybeg
Sun. 28th Sept. 10.00 a.m.: Sheila Kelly & decd. family
CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass
READERS: 28th Sept. – [V] Michael Sleater. [10] Mary Murphy.
E. MINISTERS: 28th Sept. – [V] Mary Crean. [10] Teresa Holmes.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 8: Teresa Traynor, Mary O’Connor.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Next Wed. 24th Sept. after Mass until 11.30 a.m.
Knockmore GAA Lotto: 13/09/14 – No J.Winner. Weekly Tickets – F. McDonnell, C. McHale, P. Dowd. Season Tickets – J. Gibbons, Ann McLoughlin, Finbar James. Jackpot is €14,400. Draw in Clubrooms Sat. 20/09/2014.
Mini-Ceilí: Every Sun. night in the Mayfly Hotel, Foxford – from 8.30 p.m.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.
Crisis Pregnancy Support Services: Cura cares! 1850 622 626.
Accord: Counselling for people experiencing difficulties in their marriage – 096 21478.
Bingo in Knockmore C. Hall: Mon. 22nd Sept. at 9 pm. €2,500 in prizes. Please Support.
Conn Rangers FC Lotto: Next draw in Brogan’s Bar on Mon. 22nd Sept.
Resource Centre, Knockmore: Anyone wishing to have Dinner delivered, call (094) 9258016.
Hip-Hop & Modern Dance: Every Monday in the Resource Centre.
Lady available to mind children: In her own home - Knockmore area. (086) 401 3112.
Leaving Cert. Art History & Appreciation classes incl. visits to exhibitions and Neolithic sites, also classes for Junior and Leaving Cert. life sketching exams. Contact : 087 3976752
Pioneer Mini Vigil: In Knock Shrine, 26th Sept. 8.30pm - 12 midnight. Everyone welcome.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Sun. 5th Oct. Mass 3pm. Annointing of the sick 2.30pm.
Legion of Mary National Pilg. To Knock Shrine – Sun. 28th Sept. From 2.30 p.m.
Bingo: Every Fri. in Foxford Leisure Centre 9-11pm. Over €5,500 in prizes. Refreshments.
Moy Valley Over 55 Club: Cathedral Road, Ballina, are hosting a Coffee & Ceili morning in aid of the Clubs transport service on Tue. 23rd Sept.11am - 1.30pm. A morning of fun, socialising & dancing. Please support. Also- free computer classes daily – all welcome.
NEWS NEWS NEWS!!!Knockmore Rathduff Butterflies Playschool: A Childcare Session (12.45 – 3.00pm) is now available at Butterflies. These times would suit parents who are already collecting children from Nat. School. Pick up can be before/after N.S. finishing time. Much reduced fees. Antoinette (086) 8726632 or Brendan (086) 8678715.
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 21st Sept. 2014
Sat. 20th Sept. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Tony Holmes, Lisduovogue
Sun. 21st Sept.11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
Mon. 22nd Sept.10.00 a.m.:Jim, Bridget, Paddy & Edward McDonnell,
Mary & Mike Culligan
Tues. 23rd Sept. 10.00 a.m.:Patrick, Ellen & Henry Roche, Eileen Bourke & Martin Flynn
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tues. 10.30am – 6.30pm
Wed. 24th Sept.10.00 a.m.:Mary Ellen Bourke, Tavanaghmore
Thur. 25th Sept. 10.00 a.m.:Thomas & Ellen Thornton, Tavanaghmore
Fri. 26th Sept. 10.00 a.m.:Kate, Martin & Marty James
Sat. 27th Sept.10.00 a.m.:Tom & Teresa Clarke, Ballina Road, Foxford
Sat. 27th Sept. [V] 8.00 p.m.:John, Lizzie & Jack Ferguson & Margaret Cusack
Sun. 28th Sept.11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Vigil Mass.
READERS: 28th Sept. [V] Martina Gardiner. [11] Padraig Corcoran.
E. MINISTERS: [V] D. Connolly & N. Barrett. [11]Mary Brogan & J. Walsh.
SERVERS: [V] Emily Martin & Natalie Martin. [11] Raymond Kelly & Mikie Kelly.
CHURCH CLEANING: M. Armstrong, B. Holmes, C. Clarke & E. Doocey.
COUNTERS: Counters (Sept. – Group A)
COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.
Enrolment Ceremony for First Communion Children – Sat. Vigil Mass, 27th Sept. 2014.
CAIRDE 2014: The Committee welcome articles, Special occasion photos, old pictures, ads, etc. Email to or contact any of the Committee members.
Western Care Assoc. 5Km Fun Run/Walk: In Crossmolina Sat. 27th Sept. at 2pm. Online Registration at Refreshments afterwards.
An Teanga Bheo:Recommences all group & individual Irish classes this Oct. The Leaving Cert Irish Oral 10 week course starts Sat. 4th Oct., 5th/6th, 1st/2nd year group classes Wed. 8th Oct. & 5th years Thurs. 9th Oct. Téigh i dteagmháil le hÓrla Ní Slaic ag 085 8512688.
Nemwan Institute in association withNUI Galway & St. Angela’s College, Sligo, have limited places left for their part time Certificate in Theology & Community Involvement which progresses to degree level. Starts early October. For Info. or to reserve a place: 096 72066; email
Novena to St. Anthony of Padua: Fri. 26th Sept. to Sat. 4th Oct. in St. Patrick’s Church, Ballina at 8pm (with exception of Sun. 28th Sept.) 6.30 p.m. with Annointing of the sick. Guest Speakers.
Rock Rose Support Group meeting: At Rock Rose House, Castlebar on Thur. 25th Sept. 7pm. Guest speaker will attend. All welcome. 094 9038407.
Thanks to all who supported the recent Cancer Care West fundraisers in memory of Brigid Cogger, Straide, RIP. In excess of €31,600 was raised and donated to Inis Aoibhinn, Galway.
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.