Your Response
3. Policy or Paragraph No: / 8. Your Comments: why do/don’t youPolicy 4 / support the Policy or paragraph?If you’d
Paragraph 2.54 / like to amend or add something new, what
would it say? Please limit your response
below to 100 words.Detailed comments
may be provided on separate sheets if
4. Do you support this policy or / necessary
paragraph? (i.e. do you think it is / I object to the loss of Green Belt land for housing development at Worts’ Causeway and Fulbourn Road. These proposals are contrary to the five purposes served by the Green Belt as identified in the NPPF. It says that Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in ‘exceptional circumstances’. As these sites would provide only 3% of the projected housing need, the ‘very special circumstances’ required to justify harm to land of high Green Belt value do not exist. Growth should be targeted towards non Green Belt locations as part of the overall strategy across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire.
sound and/or legally compliant)
x / No
5. If no, in summary, why do you not support the policy/paragraph?
Tick which options apply
It won’t work i.e. not effective
It is too negative
It isn’t justified i.e. there is no evidence to justify the policy
It isn’t consistent with national policy / x
It doesn’t comply with the law
6. What would you like to happen?
Delete policy or paragraph?
Amend policy or paragraph? / x
Add a new policy or paragraph?
(Please give further details in box 8)
7. Would you like to verbally express your views to an independent inspector?
x / No
Note: If you wish to comment on more
than policy or paragraph please use another form
Data Protection
The information collected will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information from the forms will be stored on a computer database used solely in connection with the Local Plan Review. Representations will be available to view on City Council’s website, although address and contact details will not be included. However, as copies of representations must be made available for public inspection, they cannot be treated as confidential and will be available for inspection in full.