Exploring Tech Nelson-12-2015
T-Shirt-- Super Fan Assignment
Your task is to create your own “Super Fan” shirt! We've discussed how this will possibly be used as a new design for the student store. We also plan to vote on a shirt and print these before the semester is over – now's your chance to make a difference. By using Photoshop, you will create your own design promoting GHS. Your design may possibly be used to promote positive energy and support all teams, activities, and students at GHS.
l Your t-shirt must have a clear focus to the design! Remember to create a focal point using leading lines, or a sharp foreground against a blurry background, or the subject in the focal point could be framed by say an explosion or a ring of butterflies, or you could create a drop shadow behind the focal point to create depth and intrigue! So many possibilities! Remember not to clutter the area around the focal point. Give that area “room to breathe!”
l Remember that contrast is one of the best ways to make something stand out.
l Remember to consider what color fabric you will be printing on. If you will be printing on white fabric (t-shirt, pillowcase, etc). And you want anything in the background that is white to stand out, then you should put a frame around it, otherwise it will blend in with the shirt.
l Cannot include any brand names! NO BRAND NAMES!
l Cannot include images of celebrities, or bands or any copyrighted characters (Shrek, Mickey Mouse, etc)
l Must be your ORIGINAL DESIGN!!
l You must have at least 5 elements (graphics, etc) – not simply a sentence on a shirt.
l You cannot insult anybody
l Must be appropriate content
(Nothing offensive, if you have to ask if it is appropriate it is most likely not)
l Remember to save your work frequently! Save so it’s retrievable!
l Experiment! Play with filters!
l Ask friends for help!
Starting in Photoshop
1. Open the Program Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Start > List of Programs > Adobe Photoshop Elements
2. You MAY be asked what you want to do? Select either “Start from Scratch” or “Edit Photo”.
3. To create a brand new file: File > New>
File size should be...
Width: 8.5 inches
Height: 11 inches
Resolution: 150 (dpi = dots per inch)
Colour: RBG
Background: white (or transparent)
To open any image in Photoshop: File > Open>
(Then select the file from its location)
Please note: any changes you make to this file will be permanent in this version of Photoshop Elements. I you don't want to change the original image, make a copy of the image first, and then use the copied version only.
** A note about resolution: the higher the resolution, the clearer the image but, the slower your computer will be. Good prints from a camera store (i.e. Black's) will print at around 300 dpi, anything on the web only needs to be 72dpi, a regular printer will print at around 150dpi.4. Make a copy of the background layer. Go to: Layer > Duplicate. A pop up window will ask you to rename it. Rename then hit OK.
*** The original “Background Layer” is locked and won't let you move it around. That's why you make a duplicate layer.
l Experiment!
l Add layers last (they cause your computer to get REALLY slow!)
l You can go back 20 steps if you go to the “History” tablet (View > Show History)