SPSU Store ARCH verbiage (we removed the store page on 3/17/2016). Will keep in case they need the verbiage.

<font color="orange"<b>The Architecture Summer Workshop Program is designed to offer students a transition experience from high school or other degree programs to the Department of Architecture's B.ARCH program. All participants will receive an architecture starter kit that includes basic design tools and supplies. All incoming students are highly encouraged to register when they register for the KSU Ignition and get a head start on their architectural education. IGNITION Orientation is separate and MUST be TAKEN prior to the Summer Workshop-Go to: </b</font>



<font color="orange"<b>Room and Board is optional. Both rooming options (Single and Double Occupancy) includes all meals from July 11th to July 28th. Ask about retaining your room into the Fall semester if you're planning to live in freshman housing during the fall. Contact Bobby Burk, for more details. Fall semester room fees would apply at the start of Fall semester.</b</font<br


<p<b>2016 Schedule*</b</p>


July 11th, 13th and 15th<br

July 18th, 20th and 22nd<br

July 25th, 27th and 28th (last day (28th) is the exhibit and reception of student work)<brbr

<b>*Please note, the dates in this 3 week period are subject to change.</b>




<p<b>July 11th, 2016: Opening-Day!</b<brbr

<b>10:00am:</b> Welcome by Department Chair and Meet-n-Greet with architecture student organizations.<br

<b>12:00-1:00pm:</b> BBQ hosted by AIAS, APX and NOMAS.<br

<b>1:00pm:</b> Marshmallow Tower Competition.<br

<b>2:00pm:</b> Studio desk assignments and KIT Pick-Up!<br

<b>3:00pm-6:30pm:</b> Group activities and movie!<brbr</p>

<p<b>Morning Sessions 10:00am-12:pm</b</p>



Morning sessions consist of lectures on architecture, films, discussion sessions, college 101, portfolio development, curriculum and time management. <br


<p<b>Lunch 12:00pm-12:50pm</b</p>


Many eating facilities are available on & off campus.<br


<p<b>Afternoon Sessions 1:00pm-5:00pm</b</p>


Afternoon sessions are studio-based workshops with project assignments, desk crits and presentations.<br


<p<b>July 28th 4:30pm-6:pm</b</p>


Gallery Reception and 2016 Summer Design Workshop Exhibition<br

<p>If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact Cathy Smith <b>()</b</p>