April 7 Last day of classes

April 9-22 Exams

Iat813 final work No class this week. Instruction for final weeks.

Apr 13 Thur 2:30-6: 10 min presentations of your project to date. Room TBA

Apr 21 Fri 9pm: (submit on or before) , 1) Your short paper, 2 Your final project with report , code, data. (submit to my email either as a zip file with all material or a link to a download site if it is big)

Other issues. See me for advice. Other issues: Do you need a special room for your presentation? Let me know I am trying to book the black box for us. Would you rather not present to class? Other issues?

So you will showing your work (to date) quickly to the class Apr 13 Thurs 2:30-6 in 10 min presentations, try and keep to time, this is not how I fully grade your project. I mainly grade it when you hand it in to me Apr 21, this is simply the way you show a pre version to me and the class. Often it is not complete, so getting advice from the class is useful during the presentation.

Then you will be refine the work ( if applicable), package it up and hand your work in with a report by Apr 21 9pm via email to me with attachments ( one zip) or pointing to a download site. I do want the report and data and code if applicable. The report should have instructions to run your application ( if applicable). At this same time I need your short paper in a format and style that fits you main audience (HCI, AI, Ai and arts, …). If your paper is on your main project, then I only expect a short report ( do not bother duplicating what is in the paper in the report). The report can bring up issues and instructions that the paper ( being more formal ) would not. Below is an example of the Report main sections where those with a ** a mandatory. Feel free to add other sections that fit your style of project. Everyone is doing very specific work, so please customize the report and instructions here to best show off your work to me. If you are doing a non-software application – you r paper is your proect – yet I still want a report and the data, output, etc materials.


Typical Report: ------

Title ** –

Author **

– name , sfu id , team or indiv – if team specific a few sentences on roles

Introduction **

short paragraph on what you were trying to achieve, what techniques you used, what libraries / code/ data you used.

Implementation **

Description of techniques, libraries, with instructions on how to run it, what I should be look at, make sure I notice the best of the application for best grade – explain your work and how I should view it or what I should be noticing – so as to guide me to the best grade for you.


Deeper description ( than intro) of your work epically if I cannot fully reproduce it by running it. Show screen shots, results, main code snippets ( equations, …) or main flowchart, etc. Something that documents the process and pieces. Take as much space as you need. Do not duplicate this if it is in your paper – you can point to your paper instead.

Issues **

Any issues throughout the year, tat you had – ui an use a weekly milestone blog if that makese sne. Let me know what you researched, things you tried that worked or didn’t. And your general path to create your final paper and project. I tend to give create for effort as well as execution so heres where you discuss all you have done.

Future Directions

What directions would you like to take your project/implementation either to finish it or to extend it. Same with paper.

Typical Report: ------