JUNE 1-3, 2010

June 1, 2010 – Adult Principals


Tracy ChenowethOIEP

Kari RiceOIEP

Rhonda MahanOIEP

Keith JamesOIEP

Lori LoomisLakin Correctional

Jacob GreenOIEP

Greg CurryDenmar Correctional

Rebecca DerengeOIEP

Kenny HolbrookHuttonsville Correctional

Kathryn TolerMt. Olive Correctional

Row HarmanAnthony Correctional

Judy BurkleSt. Marys Correctional

Karen BoonePruntytown Correctional

Fran WarsingOIEP

Certifications Issues – Jacob – An email was sent after last principals meeting concerning those employees who needed their certification renewed. Most of the issues have been fixed. Another email will be sent so you can review the list for your employees whose certification expires 6/30/10. There are a few that we have had no contact with, check those please. Share this list with your staff, anyone who expires 2010 will receive a memo that tells them what they need to do. If they have a permit that expires, they will need to take 12 hours during 2011. An extension will not be issued in 2011, they will be let go. Renewing their certification is their responsibility. If you have problems or questions, call Jacob. Information for employees at regional jails will be sent to Keith James.

ABE – Jacob - It is the instructor’s responsibility to take the ABE courses that are required for certification. We are going to devise a way to notify employees to remind them of this. A lot of the teachers did not meet the required hours. Be sure to tell them not to wait until winter to take courses, take some in the summer. Lots of the trainings were cancelled due to bad weather this past year. Stress to your staff that these courses are important. Central office will give employees time off, but will not pay for travel or expenses. They do, however, need to submit travel request for approval to go. If classes are cancelled or not being offered, let central office know, we will try to work something out with Kathy Shank.

Jacob emailed the principals’ new salary information for the coming year. A letter will also be received from Dr. Paine.

Transition Data Submission – Jacob, Kari, Fran - We need this data and we have not been receiving it. This is not an option, we need data to report to the board, etc. Tracy has the database set up. This is really important, if you are having problems talk with Fran or Kari. Contact parole officers if having problems with phone numbers, etc. Check anyone who leaves your institution that was enrolled in your school prior to release.

Aftercare form is available in the OIEP file cabinet. The following are the submissions dates for quarterly submission:

July – Sept – submit by October 15th

Oct – Dec - submit by January 15th

January – March – submit by April 15th

April – June – submit by July 15th

If you have a lot of data to enter and have no one to do it, let central office know and we can help get it on the forms for you.

Gary Wingrove set up an Anthony Center email, this email address is given to those leaving who are leaving. This is a good idea, former students that need to email information can use this email address and you are not using personal email address. If you need cards with the email address on it to distribute, you can contact Kathryn Toler or Judy Burkle and they can help get them printed.

After Care Policy – Fran – New policy and procedure was distributed, After Care of Youth and Adults. The Division of Corrections’ policy does not contain any information concerning aftercare. A draft copy was provided. Everyone was instructed to read over and let Fran know if you have comments.Submit comments to us by the end of June. Share this policy with your transition people and see what they think. Keep a log when you make contact with individuals, this is very important.

Ruby Payne training – Kari – We now have 10 trainers across the state. Kari went to RESA V and presented this program to Work Force. The training can be done in 2 ½ hours to 6 hours. A list of trainers will be posted to the file cabinet, and can be found under Transition section. If you have any questions about this program, contact Kari.

Early Release Plan – SB 218 – scheduled to go into effect July 1. This is a Division of Corrections issue and if inmates have questions they should not be asking education. This is for non violent offenders, level 1 & 2. It contains the same criteria that they need to go to work release. It will be January 2011 before anyone comes up for this program. Anybody eligible for this program needs to be given first priority in completing classes.

Division of Corrections classification policy – Kari – DOC did make changes to the weight of programming overall to an inmates’ classification. This does not single out education and does include ALL programming, DOC and OIEP. If an inmate is doing what they should be doing, programming will not have a positive or negative effect on their classification. It will, however, have an impact if an inmate is IRPP compliant, employed, completed at least 2 courses, etc… essentially if an inmate is going “above and beyond” then they will be recognized and alternately if an inmate is refusing crime specific programming or employment, which is determined ONLY if they are enrolled in ABE/GED or have proof of a GED or high school diploma, their lack of participation will have a significant impact on their classification. This is the same way that it works in the community… if you’re doing what you need to do or on the right track, then you won’t be rewarded or penalized. If you are outstanding then you will be recognized and if you refuse to comply, follow the rules, etc., then there will be consequences. Classification issues will be addressed by DOC only and you need to clearly explain this to your staff. You also need to deter all questions by inmates regarding classification to their case manager.

June 2, 2010 – All principals


Tracy ChenowethOIEP

Kari RiceOIEP

Rhonda MahanOIEP

Kathryn TolerMt. Olive Correctional

Keith JamesOIEP

Lori LoomisLakin Correctional

Greg CurryDenmar Correctional

Dan GardnerBurlington School

Joe MichaelsRubenstein Center

Bill DesRochersBarboursville School

Lisa HoskinsPressley Ridge @ White Oak

Pam AbstonPressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens

John MarraBoard of Child Care

Becky DerengeOIEP

Dewayne DuncanOIEP

J. P. TenneyElkins Mountain School

Jared HughesOIEP

Bill BallDavis Stuart School

Bobby BucklandBeckley Center

Karen BoonePruntytown Correctional

Judy BurkleSt. Marys Correctional

Row HarmanAnthony Correctional

Kenny HolbrookHuttonsville Correctional

Bill WarmanAcademy Programs

Katherine BlankenshipWV Industrial Home for Youth

A copy of the proposed new GED Policy was distributed. The new language is underlined and the changed language is marked with strikethroughs. The changes to the policy include minimum scores.

This will go into effect on July 1, 2010. Please read over the policy carefully and familiarize yourselves with the changes.

GED Option is Section 126-32-6 Testing of Individuals Enrolled in the GED Option. This is a new section.

Policy is out for comment, Under GED Option the student will be earning a high school diploma. Please pay careful attention to this section.

Plato – Tracy - The PLATO trainings have been very successful. There is now a train the trainer at each facility. These individuals will assist the others at the facility and train new individuals who need to use Plato. You can designate others to assist in the entering phase of students. The person trained is point person for the facility. A list serve has been set up to make communication easier. Information in Plato can follow student from one facility to another. Make sure that you are working with the 4.3 version of Plato. Check to see if the GED portion is installed and that the patch is updated.

Tracking System Follow-up – Tracy - Central office will be collecting data quarterly from the reports. There are all types of reports on various demographics. Resources are listed in the OIEP filing cabinet.

Lending Library – Tracy – There have been many additions to the lending library. Be sure to look under 1200 curriculum section, there are many resources. Currently we only have math but will later have a wide variety of other curriculum in the future. If you are interested in these resources, fill out request sheet and Tracy will burn a CD and send to your facility. Let Tracy know if there are some supplemental resources. This will be especially beneficial if students cannot use the internet.

There is a section in the lending library for Ruby Payne (510) – resources will be added – new audio-visual items have also been added. Let us know if something is outdated so it can be adjusted. Please let your staff know that these are available so they can be utilized.

Dr. Robin Asbury conducted a presentation on Work Keys. This presentation included training objectives and overview of what Work Keys is and its benefits. This includes job profiling, Work Keys assessment and instruction. Information was distributed giving an overview of Work Keys with characteristics of the Work Keys assessments.

Occupational profiles can be found online

June 3, 2010 – Juvenile Principals


Tracy ChenowethOIEP

Kari RiceOIEP

Rhonda MahanOIEP

Keith JamesOIEP

Dan GardnerBurlington School

Bill DesRochersBarboursville School

Joe MichaelsRubenstein Center

John MarraBoard of Child Care

Fran WarsingOIEP

Bill WarmanAcademy Programs

Jacob GreenOIEP

Row HarmanAnthony Correctional

Bill BallDavis Stuart School

J. P. TenneyElkins Mountain School

Bobby BucklandBeckley Center

Dewayne DuncanOIEP

Rebecca DerengeOIEP

Pam AbstonPressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens

Lisa HoskinsPressley Ridge @ White Oak

Katherine BlankenshipWV Industrial Home for Youth

Special Education Update – Information concerning special education and upcoming audits was distributed. Jared will send out the findings to individual schools, for the most part the reports were good. Envelopes with students selected for a transition file review were distributed to the appropriate facilities. If you did not get an envelope for a student transition file review, type on letterhead for 3.7 that you did not get selected for a review. Beginning on September 15, IEPs will have to be done using the online form. Copies of the Procedural Safeguards were distributed, it is also available on the OIEP website under special education. Additional copies can be obtained by calling Rhonda.

WVEIS – Jacob – Jacob will be who you will contact for passwords to WVEIS. Complete survey so we can see what type of access you want your teachers to have. If your staff to use the web base version they need to go through training, which will be at a local RESA computer lab.

Certification – Jacob – Each principal will receive an email reminding you who has not turned in certification paperwork for 2010, and a reminder of who expires next year. If they do not take care of taking the necessary classes and submitting the correct paperwork this for next year, they will be let go. This is their responsibility. If there are problems with paperwork, fingerprints, etc. this is different. Explain to your staff about permits and certification so there are no misunderstandings.

June 16th we need alternative education certifications submitted to central office so they can be all sent down together. Send these to Vickie. If staff is unsure what they need to do for their certifications, they can call Jacob and he will be glad to help them through the process.

OEPA Audits - Dewayne Duncan – The facilities having an OEPA audit next year will be Academy Programs and Barboursville School. Before next spring the audit team will be coming and will help you get ready. Go over standards with your staff and discuss and you should have no problems passing the audit. Discussion of the audits that occurred during this year’s audits was held and some of the findings that they had were also discussed. It was suggested that a session on this type of information be held at the fall conference. J. P. and Dan will probably assist with a workshop of this type.

PLC – Dewayne - We have been working with Liza Youell on making our organization a professional learning community. An overview of PLCs was distributed which included the characteristics of a PLC and questions that need to be answered and discussed. Three ideas for a PLC include focus on learning, collaboration, and focus on results. The ultimate goal is for student’s learning to improve.

After Care Policy – Fran- A draft copy of the new After Care Policy was distributed. Please share with transition coordinator and staff. If you have any comments, send them to us by the end of June. Make sure they are aware of the procedures for working with students, juvenile and adults so we can avoid issues like the ones we have had recently.

West Test – Tracy – Schools were congratulated on completion of the West Test for this year. Few problems occurred.

Re – ED – Terry Collins and Steve Fairlee from Academy Programs attended and presented on Re-Ed. Each gave overview of the program at Academy Programs. Originally it was initiated in public schools. Performance in classroom is just as important as treatment. There are benchmarks used for student progression. These benchmarks can be moved monthly. It is a graduated system, its purpose being to improve behavior and academics.

Several individuals from OIEP will be going to the RE-Ed conference in August. Formation of relationships is necessary to make this work.

Jim Brown – WVDE – Special Education Audits – Question and answer session on issues that came to the forefront during special education audits. Solutions to our individual issues because of the type of schools that we have and the individual problems of OIEP were discussed and will require additional discussion to find ways for OIEP to correct deficiencies.

The meeting was adjourned, the next meeting will be held in conjunction with the Staff Development Conference in Morgantown in September.