• To carry out individual training programmes
  • To initiate new activities and projects
  • To lead a team in the absence of Programme Co-ordinator
  • To work as part of the team
  • To fulfil and further the aims and objectives of the day service.

The Deputy Programme Instructor is accountable to the Programme Co-ordinator.
To adhere to the Kent Autistic Trust Policies and procedures policies and to comply with the relevant legislation and guidelines, including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Care Standards Act 2000 and Valuing People – A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21 st Century, NAS Accreditation.
  • To understand and respond to the specific needs of service users with Autistic Spectrum Condition.
  • To protect the rights and interests of service users by treating each person as individual, supporting their rights and respecting and promoting (where appropriate) their views and wishes.
  • To respect the rights and dignity of service users while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves and other people.
  • To establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and carers.
  • To develop and maintain links with the local community and resources to the benefit of service users.
  • To report immediately any incidence, suspicion or sign of physical or verbal abuse, neglect or harm of a service user, as outlined in the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure.
  • To participate in training in order to develop the skills necessary to provide the best support to service users, improve and maintain your knowledge and skills.
  • To create a therapeutic environment for all service users attending the day service.
  • To act as a key worker to individual service users attending the day service.
  • To attend staff meetings and reviews sometimes outside your normal working hours.
  • To inform residential staff and line manager of physical and emotional needs of an individual service users.
  • To liaise and promote communication with all parties concerned: parents, residential staff, HaltonCollege, outside services, Support/Service Manager.
  • To carry out tasks as set out in the individual support programme and set out in PDR session with your line manager.
  • To assist Programme Co-ordinator in meeting the Kent Autistic Trust's policies, aims and objectives.
  • To participate in training in order to develop the skills necessary to provide the best support to service users, improve and maintain your knowledge and skills.
  • To participate in the process of supervision and performance appraisal.
  • To adhere to all the Kent Autistic Trust's policies and procedures.
  • To participate in the process of selection and recruitment of day service staff.
  • To report all problems with behaviour management to Programme Co-ordinator within one week.

2.1 To create a therapeutic environment for all service users attending the day service
To be able to explain what autism is
To interact positively with individuals
To adhere to a non-aversive approach
To encourage interaction with others
To inform service users of events, developments and any issues that might affect them
To promote and encourage choice through the delivery of clear information
To ensure that service users are adequately prepared and informed before taking part in new activities/attending new environments
To utilise TEACCH techniques and other relevant tools to ensure a structured and predictable environment
2.2 To act as a key worker to individual service user(s) attending the day service
To act as an advocate, informing residential staff and line manager of physical and emotional needs of the individual
To carry out service user's questionnaire 6 weeks prior review and include this information when making recommendations for the individual support plan meeting (pre-review)
To make the service user aware of the complaint procedure within two weeks of start and record when this took place
To contribute to the review process
To liaise with residential staff /other day service staff and professionals and contribute to the formulation of the individual support plan
To ensure Quality Assurance is carried out for the member you are keyworker to and outstanding issues are acted upon
2.3 To liaise with all parties concerned and promote communication
To ensure all service user's' diaries and personal information are read and information is understood at the start of the day
To ensure/maintain good handover practice with Residential Staff
To ensure communication book is read and counter signed
To report all health issues and behavioural issues through communication book
To ensure at the end of every day the completion of: (as appropriate)
* accident/incident forms/seizure forms
* behavioural data
* personal care plan/over lap duties
* personal training plan
* medication sheet
* diary
To liaise with HaltonCollege in developing modules
To participate in day service meeting and general staff meetings three to four weekly
To liaise with outside services providing educational tools, advice and suitable activities
To liaise with Support and Service Manager and act upon recommendations and guidelines re: behaviour
To liaise with parents as and when required
To ensure that overlap duties/daily programmes of service users form the bases of discussion at meetings
2.4 To be responsible for carrying out tasks as set out in the individual support programme and as set out in PDR sessions with your line manager
To ensure each day that the ISP is carried out for each member attending day centre
To evaluate each ISP daily
To ensure that overlapping duties are carried out
To formulate modules as set out in PDR Sessions
To evaluate modules on each occasion the member participates
To familiarise yourself with all current reactive and proactive strategies
To be familiar with all service users' risk assessments
2.5 To assist Programme Co-ordinator in meeting KAT policy, aims and objectives
To understand and adhere to all the Trust's policies and procedures, including Day Service Procedure and Health & Safety Procedure
To assist Programme Co-ordinator in adhering to fire safety regulations
To maintain accurate record system pertaining the running of the service as required
To ensure that building and equipment are maintained to a high standard
To ensure that receipts and payment of monies are maintained and assist in the administration of petty cash
To ensure that the necessary elements of risk taking in care practices are carried out knowingly and within the best interest of individual adults
To evaluate individual risk taking in the resource centre and community regularly
To ensure families are involved in major risk taking decisions
To accompany individuals to doctor's appointment when requested
2.6 To fulfil staff responsibilities
To work as part of a Team
To set an example
To achieve appropriate delegation and distribution of duties amongst staff
To achieve a positive work environment for all staff
2.7 To adhere to the Reporting Procedure
To report all problems in behaviour management to line manager within one week
To report incident/accidents requiring hospitalisation or doctor's appointment within one hour to line manager and to parents
To report missing person to line manager immediately and search the immediate area and report to police
To report missing person within ½ hour to parents
To report all issues posing Health and Safety risk immediately to your line manager
To report all staff - incidents and problems relating to the running of the service and breaches against KAT policy to line manager
To report all matters which have a negative effect on service users well being
2.8 Other Duties
To maintain confidentiality, within the service, regarding all service users and staff
To attend residential houses as required
To maintain confidentiality, within the service, regarding all service users and staff
To report immediately to the Programme Co-ordinator all matters which have a negative effect on service users' well being
To maintain clear and accurate records as required by the Trust's procedures and the Care Standards Act 2000.
To drive the Trust's vehicles as required
To undertake such duties as are required and appropriate to the professional task

This Job Description and Standards of Performance are not necessarily an exhaustive reflection of DeputyProgramme Instructor’s duties. It will be reviewed periodically and changes to its contents may be made at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, in conjunction with the post holder.

This Job Description and Standards of Performance form an integral part of your Terms and Conditions of Employment.

To be signed by the member of staff on appointment

I have read, understood and will comply with an above Job Description and Standards of Performance.




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Job Description & Standards of Performance - Deputy Programme Instructor

September 2012