Association for the Study of African American Life and History

Washington, DC

Renaissance of Confidence Annual Fund Campaign

Branch Contributions

Branch Name:______

Branch Address:______

Email Address:______Phone Number:______

Contact Person:______Phone Number______

_____Conducting Fundraisers using Woodson’s Appeal

ASALH will provide each branch with a signed, numbered copy of Woodson’s Appeal, along with an unnumbered, unsigned sample copy.

  • Direct fundraising from public: For each donation of $250 or more, the donor will receive a signed, numbered copy of the “Appeal” and the branch will receive $125 for its coffers. (Donors will receive a certificate documenting the number of their book, and the donations are tax deductible.) The headquarters will provide branches with brochures.
  • Raffles: Branches may also raffle off copies of Woodson’s Appeal at their meetings and events. The winners will be mailed a signed, number edition, along with a certificate. Branches will receive $125 per book.

_____Partnering with a local Black Studies Program to hold an annual educational event utilizing the Annual Black History Kit for your local community.

ASALH is seeking to qualify for grants from the National Council of Black Studies and the combined federal campaign. In both cases, the national headquarters must demonstrate that it has a national reach. Drawing on the expertise of a local Black Studies Program in your community. The event should be geared towards disseminating scholarly information about black history to children, teachers, and members of the general public. ASALH will provide up to 100 Annual Black History Kits (plus those needed by instructors). Branches will be required to provide a report on the program to the National Headquarters within 45 days of the event. The Headquarters will provide assistance in contacting and coordinating scholars to participate.

_____Annual donations of $1,000.00 in addition to regular branch dues

We request that branches increase their dues to ASALH by an additional $1,000 to support the on-going work and programs. Branches that meet this goal will be honored at the Annual Meeting Dinner in Cincinnati. Funds raised via the above programs will count toward the goal.

M:\Executive Council\June 2009\PLEDGE FORM FOR BRANCHESsfh.doc