December 24, 2016

With the words, Glory to God in the highest you are invited to respond Hear our prayer.

Reveling in the presence of Emanuel, God with us, we pray for your church, your world, and those in need.

a brief silence

Holy God, you bathe this night with the light that transforms the dark time of the year and the dark times of our lives. Let us move through our days embodying the light that is your love burning within us.

Glory to God in the highest

Hear our prayer.

Holy God, all creation--from the smallest worm to the highest mountain--speaks to your majesty and glory. Guide us in caring for this earth you have given us, and grant good weather to all who travel to be with their nearest and dearest at this festive time.

Glory to God in the highest

Hear our prayer.

Holy God, you gave us your son, asking much of a simple woman and a humble man to do what you asked in the face of confusion and the condemnation of others. May we too find the will, the courage, to do what you ask of us and thank you for the miracle of being your people.

Oh holy child of Bethlehem

Hear our prayer.

Holy God, you care for us when we seem alone. Help us to see your face when others reach out to us in our need and loneliness. Motivate us to provide food, caring, and hospitality to those in need, those who are also your beloved ones. We pray especially for those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)

Glory to God in the highest

Hear our prayer.

Holy God, you gave us a holy baby, a little boy full of infinite love and a vision for humanity made in your image. Let us look into the face of others and say, "The spirit in you greets the spirit in me"--and know that you are present with us.

Glory to God in the highest

Hear our prayer.

Holy God, you call our hearts and minds to that little town of Bethlehem. An ordinary place, a town with few places to stay except with family, from which an extraordinary story of unconditional love emerged. Open your heart to that story, and you shall never be the same.

Glory to God in the highest

Hear our prayer.

Hear our prayers, tiny child, and see the candles we light held high with all our hopes and dreams for the divine dance of eternity. In the name of the Christ child,
