- by Matt McNally


Rules amended by Tony McCarthy to as per below for 2016/17 season, due to player number increase.


The following represents the basic rulings that are implemented in our competitions, accompanied with a number of our house rules.

Team Size

·  There must be at least 6 on to begin a match

·  Teams must have a minimum of 2 female players on the pitch at all times

·  Goal keepers are allowed. Hands CANNOT be used. One player is to be nominated as goalkeeper and a bib is to be worn. Teams can interchange keepers via swapping the bib throughout the game.

Team Player Shortage

In the instance where a team only has 6 players, they can seek ‘ring ins’ to assist filling numbers, however a 1 goal penalty will be incurred for each ring in (a 1 goal penalty will NOT apply if the ‘ring in’ is female). Ring ins CANNOT score goals. In the case where the 6 team players are male, female ring ins must be used. The ratio of 9 team players must contain at least 2 females.

Match Duration

·  Pool matches consist of 2 x 25 minute halves

·  5 minute half time interval.

·  Finals consist of 2 x 30 minute halves

·  In finals, extra time golden goal rule will be applied


·  ½ pitch – played across the field.

Kick Off

·  Before the start of the game, the referee will toss a coin between the team captains. The team that wins the coin toss will choose which goals they will attack in the first half.

·  The game will start by order of the referee and the ball is considered to be in play soon as it moves forward

·  The player who takes the initial kick cannot touch the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player

·  At the beginning of the game and each restart by kick off, players of the opposing team should be no less than 5 metres from the ball until it is in play.

·  After a goal has been scored the kick off is taken by the opposing team from the centre of the field.

·  After the regulation half time break the teams will change pitch sides and the kick will be taken by the team that did not start the game

·  A goal can be scored from a kickoff.

Scoring Goals

·  A goal is scored when the whole of the ball crosses the line.

·  From an ‘in-direct’ free kick

·  From a side line kick in that has been touched by another player before the ball crosses the line


·  Unlimited interchange can occur only in a break of play and the Referee must be advised.

·  During interchange the player coming off must be off the pitch before the replacement comes on. Failure to do so can result in an indirect free kick


Free kicks are either direct or indirect.

For both direct and indirect free kicks, the ball shall be stationary when the kick is taken and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player.

Players of the team not taking the free kick must be at least 10m away from the ball at the taking from a free kick.

In-Direct Free Kicks

A goal may only be scored from an in-direct free kick if it has been touched by another player

·  If the ball enters the goal from an indirect-free kick, without having first been touched by another player, a goal kickout will result;

An in-direct free kick will be awarded for any of the following infringements:

·  Playing at the ball from the ground;

·  Not playing the ball from where the initial free kick was awarded

·  Referees’ discretion

Direct Free Kicks

·  A direct free kick will be awarded for any of the following infringements:

·  Kicks or attempts to kick a player of the opposing team.

·  Trip or attempts to trip a player of the opposing team.

·  Jumps on or throws himself upon the opposing player.

·  Charges a player of the opposing team

·  Spits on or assaults an opponent.

·  Holds the opponent or obstructs the player’s action with any part of the arm, legs or by holding the uniform.

·  Pushes an opponent

·  Touches, deflects, holds or projects the ball with the hand or arm intentionally.

·  A double footed tackle.

·  Any tackles from behind

·  A player blocks the way between the ball and an opposing player to stop his normal movement (shepherding) or intentionally obstructs the vision of an opponent to hinder progress of their play.

A goal can be scored from a direct free kick without being touched by another player.

It should be noted that there is a 6 second time limit on Kick-ins, corner kicks and Free kicks. An infringement of this, will result in the referee awarding the opposing team an indirect free kick from the point at which the infringement occurred.

Penalty Kick

·  At the discretion of the referee for any bad fouls in the above mentioned

·  A penalty will be awarded for tackles from behind in the opposition half

·  Penalties will be taken from the centre of the pitch. 10 metres from goal. Keeper can be used but cannot use their hands. Keepers CANNOT be swapped in the event of a penalty being given.

·  The player taking the penalty kick cannot touch the ball a second time

Cooling Off

If a player becomes too aggressive on the pitch, at the referee’s discretion he or she may be sent from the pitch for a cooling off period of 5 minutes. The team will be penalised by playing 6 players only until the cooling off period is finished. The player may take the pitch once the 5 minutes has elapsed and the referee has called the player back into play.


A dismissal will result in an immediate suspension from the game and (in the least) a 1 game suspension.

Dismissal will occur if a player is guilty of:

·  Violent conduct,

·  Spitting at an opponent, official or spectator.

·  Foul and abusive language directed at players and officials.

·  Throwing or kicking the ball at an official in an aggressive or dangerous manner or threatens to strike or attempts to strike an official.

·  Deliberately stopping the ball from entering the goal with his/her hand with the exception of the goalkeeper.

·  Receiving a second yellow card during the game.

Time Wasting

·  Time wasting will be determined by the referee and will result in a free kick to the opposing team.


An advantage may be played at the referee’s discretion even though a prior foul may have occurred

‘Corner Kicks’

The referee will award a corner kick when the whole ball has crossed the goal line having last been played by the defending team. Opposing players must remain a minimum of 5 metres from the ball until the ball has been kicked into play. The ‘corner’ kick corner will be taken from the place in which the ball left the field of play.

Sideline Kicks

A Sideline kick will be awarded as a means to restart play when:

·  The whole ball has crossed the sideline. The kick will be taken by a player of the opposing team to that which last touched the ball.


·  The player who is to kick in the ball will stand behind the side line at the same point through which the ball left the pitch.

·  The ball will be in play from the moment it moves forward

·  Opposing players must be 5 metres away from kick in.

·  A goal cannot be scored directly from a side line kick, unless it has been touched by another player.

·  If the player doesn’t comply with these procedures, the referee will award a side line kick to the opposing team.


Each match shall be controlled by a referee, who will have full authority to enforce the Laws of the Game in connection with the match to which they have been appointed.

The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the match, are final.

No Fight Policy

·  Zero tolerance on fighting.

·  Any abuse or gross misconduct directed at referees or other players will result in exclusion from the game and possible suspension of the team from the competition. Any team excluded from the competition forfeits their game and bond


In the case of a team that cannot provide at least 6 players, a forfeit loss (LOF) will apply to the team creating the forfeit. Arrangement for fill-in players must be made if a team cannot front a game, however the forfeit result will still stand.

Game Stoppages

In the case where matches need to stopped due to serious injury, the match will be either moved to an adjacent pitch or called off at the referee’s discretion with current score standing.

Where the match is called due to extreme weather the summer soccer committee will determine as to whether the matches will be rescheduled.


The points are allocated as follows:
Loss On Forfeit (LOF) = - 3 Goals
Win On Forfeit (WOF) = + 3 Goals


Players must wear football boots, shin pads and long socks completely covering the pads.

Team coloured T shirts.

Player Responsibility

Soccer is a recreational activity and slips, trips and collisions may occur during a game. Any person travelling to and from the competition grounds, observing, training and playing soccer is only allowed to do so on the distinct understanding that they do so at their own risk. All players agree to abide by the rules of soccer, compete with the spirit of fair play and abide by the decisions of the competition organisers. In doing so they waiver all and any claims, or cause action which they might be entitled to have against all managers personnel, officials, organisers or any person whatsoever involved in the matches or events conducted as part of the competition and other competitors who may be liable for any damage in respect of any matter whatsoever arising out of/or incidental to the matches, events or functions being held as part of or in conjunction with the Summer Soccer Competition.