Creates independent corporation to provide oversight, management of 3

state-owned tracks

Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno and the State Senate Majority

today unveiled a bold new plan to reinvigorate the thoroughbred racing

industry in New York that includes creation of an independent,

state-controlled umbrella corporation to exercise oversight and guide the

management of racing and gaming operations at Saratoga, Aqueduct and


The plan, which establishes a public-private partnership to protect

State taxpayers, was released following four public hearings conducted by

the Senate’s Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee to review the Governor’s

proposal on the future of racing, as well as a proposed Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) between the administration and NYRA. Many of the

individuals who testified at the Senate hearings criticized the proposed

MOU, and raised questions about the secretive process that generated it.

“After a number of public hearings across the State, it’s clear that

there will have to be major changes to the Governor’s proposal on the

future of racing, and that a new framework should be created to improve

transparency and accountability. Our plan ensures that New York will

continue to be home to the best horse racing in the country, and that we do

everything possible to maximize revenue for education,” Senate Majority

Leader Joseph L. Bruno said.

“After conducting our hearings and reviewing each of the four bids,

it became apparent that components of each of the four bids had strengths,

which if integrated in a proper way, could be assembled to greatly enhance

the value of the State Racing Franchise. This Senate proposal facilitates

the ability of the best operators of racing and gaming in the country to

partner with each other to advance the best interests of racing, raise

money for state education, and create true tourist destinations to bolster

our State’s economy,” said Senator William Larkin (R,C-Cornwall-on-Hudson),

Chairman of the Committee on Racing, Gaming and Wagering.

"It is very important that we ensure local interests are protected,"

said Senator Betty Little (R,C,I-Queensbury). "One of my main concerns

with the Governor's proposal was its ambiguity regarding payment of local

property taxes. Our plan eliminates any uncertainty by clearly

guaranteeing all future property taxes on all three race courses."

“This is a critical point in the future of racing in New York State,

and the plan ultimately implemented needs to be as thoroughly researched

and vetted as possible,” said Senator Mary Lou Rath (R-C-I, Williamsville).

“The Senate’s proposal establishes accountability and invests back in the

state and local communities by capitalizing on the racing industry’s

ability to generate revenue.”

The independent corporation, known as the Racing, Gaming and Equine

Sports Development Corporation, will be charged with providing additional

oversight and transparency to improve the integrity of racing. Its members

will initially be made up of the existing members of the NYRA Oversight

Board, who will be transferred to the new entity to ensure a timely and

efficient transition. Under the plan, the new entity would ultimately be

comprised of representatives of both the Horse owners and Breeders, along

with up to four additional representatives of the racing, gaming and

commercial development industries, for a total of up to eleven members.

The new corporation will be authorized to contract with bidders who

have demonstrated excellence in all aspects of racing and gaming, including

VLTs, backstretch improvement, simulcasting, marketing and promotion. The

new entity will hold title to the real property, and guide the management

of capital improvements and development of the land.

The Senate plan recognizes that local governments have an interest in

a strengthened racing model, and seeks to maximize input from local


Community advisory groups will be established to amplify local

concerns, and to implement changes and improvements, including the

installation of VLTs and further development at Belmont. The plan will

preserve the unique historic character of the Saratoga racecourse and

guarantee all future property taxes for the race courses will be paid to

the local governments.

The corporation will also be authorized to explore a new operating

model between on and off-track betting operations in order to increase

efficiency and revenues that can be utilized to increase school aid. The

overall plan calls for increased purses and contributions to the Breeding

Fund to strengthen racing and promote growth in New York’s agriculture and

thoroughbred breeding industries.

The Senate plan represents an effort to jump-start the lagging

process for selecting NYRA’s successor, stalled for months following the

Spitzer administration’s move to cast aside the existing process put in

place by the Legislature and the previous administration to make this

important decision. After retreating behind closed doors, the Governor

finally made his choice public on September 4th, less than four months

before the current racing franchise expires.
