Name: ______Period:______

An Age of Uncertainty (Chapter 15.1)


Read “Setting the Stage” on page 463. Note the key ideas of the reading here:


Activity Overview:

As your text explains, the horrors of World War I shattered the Enlightenment belief that progress would continue and reason would prevail. Despite the tragedy, anxiety, and hopelessness left behind by the devastation of World War I, new ideas and patterns of life developed in the 1920s that changed the way people looked at the world and still affect our lives today.

This activity is designed to get you reading, analyzing, and comprehending the years after WWI as a period of loss and uncertainty, but also one of invention, creativity, and new ideas. The activity is broken down into 3 steps (explained below) - one of which you must complete individually and two of which you will work in groups to complete. It should be noted that if you do not complete the individual activity thoroughly, your group work will suffer.

For this activity, each individual will be assigned an Area of Change during an Age of Uncertainty:

Name: ______Period:______

Science (pgs.463 – 464)

Philosophy (pgs. 464 – 465)

Literature (pg. 464)

Art (pg. 465)

Music (pg.465)

Society (pg.466)

Technology (pgs. 466 – 467)

Name: ______Period:______

Once you have been assigned your Area of Change, you may begin Step 1.

Step 1: Individual Notes

Use Ch.15.1 in your text to complete detailed (reference specific historical evidence, terms, and/or names) and analytical (break down the material in the text and put it in your own words) notes on the following concepts:

WHAT:What changed in your assigned area during this time? Do not just list things that changed, but rather explain the changes that were made.






WHO:Which figures were involved with changes in your assigned area? Who were these figures? Where were they from? Which country did they impact? What were their contributions?





WHEN:Gather a list of important dates associated with the changes in your assigned region. Briefly annotate the significance of these dates.





**WHY: Why were these changes significant? Think of the why as your “effects” section. Predict the effects of these changes being made?







Step 2: Group Work Collaboration & Creation

Product: Poster-size Collaborative One-Pager

Process:As a group, you must work together to compare your notes. You will then transform your notes into a collaborative one pager that includes all of the following:

Name: ______Period:______

  1. The Name of your Area of Change
  2. Major Changes in your assigned area
  3. Major figures involved in your assigned area
  4. Images/symbols
  5. Color
  6. Quote representing your assigned area
  7. The “WHY”/ “So What”

Name: ______Period:______

Step 3: Presentation & Completion of Notes

Each group will be presenting their findings and their poster to the class. Group presentations MUST:

  1. Explain the information (not just recite it), be sure to describe accurately and carefully
  2. Everyone must give information. One person may not do the majority of presenting.
  3. Provide the “Who, What, When, and Why” of your assigned area to the rest of the class.

By the end of all presentations, every student should have notes on the various changes to all areas during the 1920s.