Minutes of Meeting on November 9, 2017

Board Members Present: John Bartels, Steve Baucher, Michael Berg, Molly Brown, Scott Camp, Kerry Grimberg, Gus Kallergis, Greg Marston, Orli Perez, James Schmidt, Bob Shenk

Board Members Absent:Michael Brogan, Ryan Mayhugh, Richard Mears, Connie Ozan, Kevin Rahilly, Jonathan Rice

Guests in Attendance: None

Call to Order: This regular meeting of the Board of the Shaker Youth Hockey Association (“SYHA”) was called to order by Scott Camp at 7:34 p.m. on the 9th day of November and was henceforth moderated by Scott Camp (SYHA President).

Board Decisions Requiring a Vote: None.

Notable Discussions:

  1. Website Update: There have been delays in getting updates to the website. Unfortunately, it often takes 3-4 days for information to appear. Working towards a solution.
  2. Spring Hockey Questionnaire. Michael Berg indicated his desire to send out a survey to members to see what they were interested in for spring hockey. He was thinking five to six questions, and he asked for input from the Board for types of questions. Spring hockey would run until the Figure Skating show, which is at the beginning of May.
  3. Tournament Updates. For the South Bend MLK tournament, we were able to get all of our teams in one hotel. Some teams will also be going to a Pittsburgh tournament.
  4. MLK Mite Tournament. Letter soliciting teams was completed and sent. Only 5-6 teams have registered. It has been difficult getting teams to commit and register.
  5. Skate a Thon Recap. The board thanked James Schmidt for his efforts in chairing the event. The event should net the program approximately $12,000 in support of the program.
  6. CSHL Night at the Monsters. The program has purchased 150 tickets for the event.
  7. Mite Recap. The program is growing and is very healthy at all mite levels, including Mighty Mites. A discussion was had regarding a “Try Hockey For Free Day” and also the potential for establishing an equipment swapping program.
  8. Regular Season Issues and Schedules. Nothing significant to report.
  9. Financial Update. The program is financially healthy. The Skate a Thon went well. There was a discussion about the need to send thank you letters to sponsors and donors.

Adjournment: Since all discussion ended, Scott Camp asked for a motion to end the meeting. The MOTION to adjourn the meeting was made and the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m.