Oak Harbor Elementary Schools after School Sports Programs Permission Form


Dear Parents of Elementary school students. The Broad View and Crescent Harbor Physical Educations teachers are continuing an after school Archerytournament program for 4th and 5th grade students. The practices will be from 6-7 p.m.on Wednesdays at BVE. Students are required to commit to the entire season and attend the State Tournament on Saturday, March 28th in Ellensburg, WA in order to participate. There will likely be two additional tournaments during the season-one in Mount Vernon and the other in Oak Harbor. The first practice will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd with a MANDATORY parent meeting at 5:30pm beforehand.Costs associated with the club will be for tournament entry fees and Archery Club shirts. There are 24 spots on the team and sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis. You will be informed via email on or before December 1st if your child made the team or if he/she is on a waiting list.If you have any questions please feel free to contact me: Breanne Smedley 279-5271.

Parents will be responsible for transportation to practice and matches. Only student whose parents will agree to transport or arrange for transportation of their child to ALL tournaments will be allowed to participate in this activity.

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My child will be participating in the Broad View/Crescent Harbor Elementary schools After School Archery Programs this year.

Childs Name:______

First (print) Last (print)

Parent or Guardians Name:______

First (print) Last (print)______

Home Phone #Cell Phone #

Email Address:______

*Communication will be primarily through email. Please put the email that you are best reached at as well as the email of other family members who need to be informed of Archery Club updates.

RELEASE: In signing this release for myself (or for the named entrant), I understand the intent of this release and agree to absolve and hold harmless all sponsors, their officers and members, and any other parties connected with this event in any way from and against any blame or liability for any injury, misadventure, harm, loss, inconvenience, or damage suffered as a result of participation in these event.