The meeting was held at The Ridgeway Community School

on Monday 23rd November 2015 @ 1830hrs


Present: Jesse Chapman (JC)

Andrew Jupe (AJ)

Darryl Morgan, Headteacher (DM)

Mark Rosling, Chair (MR)

David Savage, Vice Chair (DS)

Karol Toporek (KT)

Apologies: Ilaria Barnett (IB)

James Bawn (JB)

Stephen Jordan (SJ)

In attendance: Alison Dudley, Clerk to the Governors (AD)

Julie James, School Business Manager (JJ)

Jayne Moore, Head of School (JM)

a)  Apologies had been received from IB, JB and SJ. These were discussed and agreed.
b)  MR announced his receipt of IB resignation from the Governing Body, this due to personal circumstances.
c)  The meeting was quorate.
a)  Completed Register of Interests form was received from Karol Toporek.
b)  Governors made no declaration of any interest in specific agenda items at this meeting. / AD to file business interests form;
this then to be uploaded onto the website / AD
(a) Noted that COP (co-opted) governor vacancy has yet to be filled.
MR re-capped on the desirable skills set, namely:
- accountant
- Chair potential and willingness
- Vice Chair potential and willingness
JJ mentioned a contact who may be interested, someone with a public finance qualification and who has been very involved with the Farnham Hedgehogs
(b) Noted that a PA (parent) governor vacancy has now opened up, following the resignation of Ilaria.
DM and JM referred to potential nominees of whom they are each aware.
MR made a general comment that the gender balance of the Governing Body should also be a consideration when weighing up the pros and cons of various candidates, but that gender alone should not be allowed to take precedence over the fulfilment of skills criteria deemed prerequisite to the position of governor.
MR suggested there ought to be a commitment to try and ensure replacement governor(s) are in place in time for the next FGB meeting 01.02.16
Governors all agreed. / JJ to approach her associate if no volunteers come forward
DM to follow up parent governor elections / JJ
All governors, 01.02.16
4 / CHAIR’S ACTION (statutory)
MR referred to development in the car park project and explained this had already been covered in the preceding F&R meeting.
MR said he had attended the 1st of 3 training sessions, as part of the Chair of Governors Leadership Development Programme. He described the sessions as “good”, said that delegates had been set homework and that he was due to attend further sessions in January and April 2016.
MR had also been in Guildford the previous week, attending a training update re. Ofsted, specifically on the new ‘Framework’.
In this context, he explained:
1.  “Evidence” is a key word to keep in mind, including in the context of governor challenge, and gave the example of governor monitoring visits;
2.  Schools are usually given ca. ½ day’s notice before an inspection;
3.  The inspection usually lasts 1 day, but it is usually known by lunchtime of the first day whether or not an additional day’s inspection is going to be necessary – this in the event that the OFSTED rating of a school has potentially changed, either up or down.
5 / HEADTEACHER REPORT (statutory)
The report had been distributed to governors with the agenda.
KT queried whether or not he was included on the circulation, because the email containing docs had not arrived with him prior to the meeting.
KT had set up IRIS for Technology Week and said he would be supporting teachers in using this - in line with their appraisal targets - to support the embedding of it within the school’s practice.
MR asked how IEP date had improved so much – from 32% behind expected progress in the period 2012-2015 to just 1% behind expected progress in 2014-2015?
DM explained that the change in the data systems had thrown up some anomalies. An explanation for this is given in the data reports.
JC asked whether OFSTED would pick up on this as well?
DM said yes maybe, but that should not be a problem. DM referred governors to pp. 9 and 10 of the Head’s report.
MR asked about Pupil Premium?
DM explained that the use of Pupil Premium funding in the school was not just targeted at PP students. This was because of the differential needs of pupils. In other words, it was not the case that pupils who attract PP are necessarily those who require additional spend. DM went on that “the school has the freedom to augment the progress of all pupils in the school.”
MR remarked that the report was very thorough and noted that the word “outstanding” appears many times within it.
MR asked governors to comment on whether they were all OK with the format of the report? Is it too much, perhaps?
DM noted the importance of covering the 4 main inspection areas, and said he hoped his colour-coded updates (red: NEW, blue: NEW LAST TIME) to the report were useful in helping governors to avoid covering older information many times
DM noted that the SEF is not a document required by statute.
JC acknowledged that it must be “demoralising” having to write a report “for the sake of it”.
DS said how much he values being able to see DM thoughts on paper.
DM commented that, if governors would like the report to be shorter, that would be fine.
Governors all agreed the format of report was fine as it currently is.
JJ added that she finds the report useful in terms of customer service and bidding processes. / AD to check circulation list and re-send email / AD
Noted that P&S dd. 10.11.15 minutes would be available electronically and in school from 24.11.15
Noted that F&R dd. 23.11.15 minutes would be available electronically and in school from 07.12.15
Brief explanation that the role of the committee and governor reports is to further augment the contents of the SEF e.g. The Horticultural Report.
MR invited questions from all governors.
JC said he could see there was a clear benefit to the children’s involvement in the horticultural scheme.
DM said that governors should ask why it is that pupils are leaving other areas to attend the horticultural area?
He said that each child will fill in a form at the end of each session.
DM highlighted the value of practical activity in the delivery of many benefits:
- social
- confidence-building
- practical, independent learning
- numeracy
- problem-solving
He continued that this was good in terms of the engagement profile of children.
All governors thanked Martin Billett for the huge amount he is contributing.
JM and DM added that MB has been on the radio recently talking about the school.
a)  Safeguarding – JM
MR asked that, for future meetings, a clear note be made in the ‘papers attached’ column of the agenda, if a document was included with the agenda. The same should go for the SEF and other documents.
Governors had no questions for JM and were happy with the contents of the policy.
b)  Looked after Children – JM
Governors had no questions for JM and were happy with the contents of the policy.
c)  Teacher Appraisal – (to be brought forward to next FGB meeting, for Pay Committee to report to governors) / Attached papers to be referenced accordingly / AD
7 / SCHOOL INFORMATION (statutory)
An annual check must be made to ensure that all the required information is published on the school website.
DM noted that the annual check of relevant information is in hand.
Governors raised a question as to exactly what information should be shown on the school website? E.g. should a copy of the Governing Body constitution be on the website? Or the Instrument of Government? / Clerk to follow up and confirm to governors / AD
8 / POLICIES (statutory)
a)  Governors were satisfied that Child Protection and Safeguarding had been discussed and effectively signed off at the FGB meeting 15.09.15
b)  Performance Management. Governors were satisfied this had been effectively signed off following confirmation that the Pay Committee had met with the Headteacher, reviewed appraisals and appraisal recommendations against performance, and the school’s policy for pay progression.
c)  Managing Behaviour
d)  Teaching and Learning
No other questions were raised on policies.
Governors were made aware of developments and activities regarding the Fearnhamme Confederation.
DM had prepared a report and this had been photocopied and tabled at the meeting.
DM referred to the expansion of this confederation he had mentioned in the Headteacher’s report and said he believed this to be a ‘soft’ way of going into a group with Special Schools, rather than a MAT.
DM noted that Linda Mardell, Executive Headteacher Manor Mead School, had made a representation and submitted it to the LA last week. The LA was apparently keen to work with schools on that.
Noted that titles for Adel Ridgen and Neil French had been changed, to Assistant Headteacher.
Brief discussion around potential SPAN development.
DM updated that the LA has been looking at potential nursery sites.
One had been a private school which was looking to close, but the circumstances have now changed and this is no longer an option.
(a) MR led discussions exploring ways in which governors can work even better together.
MR said that a high-functioning team is best achieved when the people in it get to know each other better, and suggested that some sort of social gathering, outside of the context of school meetings, might facilitate freer conversation.
MR suggested that a meal for all governors might be appropriate?
JC welcomed MR’s comments as a positive step.
DS agreed too.
Ahead of the meeting, SJ had expressed his support for MR initiatives as well.
JM commented that members of staff had in the past met socially at The Fox pub.
Following was agreed:
Date: 01.02.15 (to follow on after the P&S-focused FGB meeting)
Time: ca. 1915hrs
Venue: The Fox pub, Frensham Road (enquiry to be made re. private room)
Payment: each attendee to pay for themselves
(b) Governors discussed upcoming key dates for the school, including the Christmas Fayre. MR had been in touch with Brodie McCallum who is organising the fayre. MR asked for helpers to assist on the Governors’ Stall, between ca. 1500 and 1800.
Discussion also regarding the Strategic Planning Day. MR asked DM who he needed for the day?
DM also said key dates would be:
- 22.01.16 LMT Strategic Planning Day at The Frensham Pond Hotel. Governors are welcome to attend.
- 01.03.16 Strategic Planning Inset Day for all staff, open to all governors. NB the morning probably the most useful part.
MR said he had requested and received from Steph a list of key dates in the school calendar. He will send this to governors. / AD to book
AD to ensure JB and SJ advised separately and additionally to the minutes
Dates reminder to be sent 2 weeks ahead of meetings
MR to circulate key dates to governors / December 2015
Governors had:
- (DM) checked the school data presented to ensure that outcomes reached were commensurate with the provision
- (MR) Questions and answers re. various points in the SEF
- (DM) ensure that pay progression proposal is related to performance
- (DM) ensured that pay is in line with the Strategic Plan
- (DS) scrutinised the budget to ensure the school is maintaining the highest educational outcomes for the pupils
Governors are to meet again @ 1700hrs, February 01. 2016 for the P&S-focused FGB meeting
14 / PART II BUSINESS (statutory)
Governor discussions are minuted separately.

The meeting closed at 2035hrs.

Model Termly Agenda 2015-16 Updated 14/9/15