SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2009 – 11am



Item 1 / Present
K. Walters-Chairman (KW), P. King-CEO (PK),
J. Stevenson (JS), R. Black (RB), J. Danbury (JD),
R. Harvey (RH), R. Scott (RS), D. Cockell (DC),
C. Andrews (CA), R. Caborn-President (RC),
S. Lee (SL), S. Brookes (SB), AD Lynch (ADL)
J. Hallam (JH), P. Angus (PA), S. Matthewson (SM),
R. Morley (RM), C. Perkins (CP), Dr. A. Attwood (AA),
B. Wright (DW), D. McElhinney (DMc), / I = Information
D= Decision
A= Action
Item 2 / Apologies
P. Garnish, E. Hoyland
Item 3 / Declaration of Interest
RC – Various Trusts and Charities
CA – Relative of employee of Auditors
BJ – Police Community Clubs of Great Britain and 1st
Ace / I
AGENDA / Before moving onto the Agenda a paper concerning 10 notes was presented to each of the members in attendance as the meeting commenced.
ADL and JH suggested a meeting between the Council and the Board should take place to discuss the points within the notes for the Council Meeting handed out this morning.
A suggestion was raised it would be far better in terms of business to have 4 representatives from the Council and 4 representatives of the Board to meet and discuss some of the issues.
AGENDA / A vote took place and it was agreed the Board would meet with the Council.
The primary and sole issue was to review the outline of notes tabled this morning.
Meeting to be arranged in the future.
This paper concerning the notes was distributed by ADL and JH who stated he was speaking on behalf of Council Members having received calls and conversations based around the contents of the note distributed. KW raised concerns based on the fact that he takes all calls and any issues personally and does address themas ABA Chairman why on this occasion had people failed to contact him, concerning the notes distributed, by hand.
A great deal of debate took place concerning the main point item 1 of the notes and the Chairman KW allowed discussion to flow freely. It was Proposed ADL that the Council have its own Secretary and Chairman nominated from the elected Council.
DMc suggested this should occur and the Council would have the remit to carry out this task. PK then indicated if those assembled wished for himself and also the Chairman to be replaced then it should take place at this meeting and not as DMc suggested at a future meeting.
A vote took place concerning KW remaining as Chairman of the ABAE Council and PK remaining as the Secretary to the ABAE Council until the 2009 Annual General Meeting where reselection of these two posts will take place 11 votes for them to remain none against. RH indicated he had never had any reservations about the leadership but felt a couple of communication issues should be implemented in terms of draft minutes being published both for Council and Board within a 7 day period and this suggestion was supported by RC and those in attendance. / D
Item 4 / Minutes of the last meeting 5th August 2008
Proposed SB, Seconded JD accepted unanimously.
Item 5 / England Team Manager Reports
5.1Womens World Championships – China
5.2Womens European Youth & Junior Championships – Bulgaria
5.3England vs Ireland U21 – Ireland
5.4England vs Germany – Birmingham
All of the above reports were accepted and it was excellent to see such good results particularly concerning the two womens events in China / I
During the World Championships where Nicola Adams won a silver medal and in the Womens European Youth & Junior Championships in Bulgaria where Savana Marshall won a gold medal the first ever medals to be won by England in these two major International Tournaments.
Item 6 / Review of Action Logs
6.1Risk Register
The Risk Register was assessed concerning the 8 items lodged and discussion took place giving an update, against each point.
6.2 Self Assurance
The Sport England Self Assurance template in terms of updated items to be uploaded onto the national system for Sport England was reviewed and it was indicated a great deal of the outlying issues were currently either under resolution or had in fact been submitted. / I
Item 7 / Chief Executive Reports
7.1 Update of the ABAE Online Competition
Members raised the issue concerning the matchmaking facility which was currently available free of charge to all ABAE Clubs on a pre-requisite of affiliation. However a number of members also raised concerns about the make up of the Competition Matchmaking facility within the ABAE systems and its construction and access.
Note to be sent to Regional Secretaries to gain an insight to some of the problems.
When their replies and issues have been compiled a review of the Matchmaking facility would be discussed with the providers (LDL) and a solution to some of the sticking points delivered in the near future.
7.2BABA Reports
PK gave a complete review of the current BABA processes to the Council and praised the fact that BABA had achieved a funding level of £6.7 Million for the next Olympic cycle from UK Sport even after they removed Home Nation status from ABAE, this was a massive vote of confidence in the Sport and BABA to deliver results.
PK also re iterated the structure of Boxing in GB offering another statement of where the Home Nations (including ABAE along with ABS and WABA) fit into this over arching programme. The Home Nations, now have a responsibility and only the restricted funding to deliver National programmes focussing on Grow, Sustain and Excel to a National Level, ABAE cannot afford a large international programme against the current funds available only BABA could facilitate and provide these opportunities for athletes within the GB Boxing Programme 15 Podium, 20 Development
When athletes reach National prominence for their National team (ABAE, ABS or WABA), they will then be monitored and assessed to potentially join the GB Squad at Podium or Development levels, this funding of GB Boxing is provided solely by UK Sport and ring fenced just for the ultimate outcome of Olympic success, this programme receives all of its funding directly from UK Sport against a rigid Plan and Budget, with set targets, throughout the life of the Plan.
PK also re stated that the current funding method and organisational structure was no different to that of the historic Amateur Boxing England (2000 to 2005) and the GB Boxing Performance Management Group (2006 to 2008), people need to reflect on this as things will not change, in terms of structure and primacy for the ultimate Olympic outcomes within GB and there would be no compromise from Sport England and UK Sport.
ADL raised an issue concerning the attachment of a former England Coach Kelvin Travis to the GB Programme due to T. Edwards (former GB Coach) relinquishing his post, with immediate effect. Debate took place concerning this interim appointment and it was indicated by PK that a clear process of advertisement and audit would be adopted as these new posts would be published this coming week and application was open to anybody throughout England, Wales, Scotland and throughout the boxing world.
It was also indicated an advertisement for Programme Manager for GB Boxing had been placed and as a consequence these interviews would take place very early in March along with the interviews for the potential GB full time coaches (2 posts) going forward. / A
All of the ‘new posts’ would be advertised through the trade magazines, ABAE Website and other sports organisations.
PK outlined the forthcoming calendar of events for BABA in terms of its Board Meetings and structure of appointments in full. Copies of BABA minutes would be available following BABA Meetings. These would be distributed when available, to the ABAE Board and Council.
BABA had received a formal outline of funding levels from UK Sport for the forthcoming 2009/2013 Olympic cycle. This had seen a 40% increase towards the GB Programme which clearly depicted enthusiasm from UK Sport in terms of GB Boxings potential to deliver success at London 2012.
7.3ABAE Database
No database report was available as we could not currently receive the information from LDL our providers at this moment in time. PK had indicated that a ‘new google web search database report’ process would be immediately implemented by the Sheffield office.
7.4Ball Inn Update
It was evident that the current financial crisis throughout the world had significantly affected the potential development of the Ball Inn and the Board at its future meeting in March 2009 would make a formal decision about the Ball Inn’s position.
7.5Sport England Four Year Plan 2009-2013
PK gave an overview and confirmed that a funding offer level of £4.7Million had been awarded to the Amateur Boxing Association of England in recognition of its Whole Sport Plan for the set period, copies within the Council Pack.
This was also a 40% increase on any previous funding received from Sport England from a point of three years ago were the sport received £42K per year for the whole provision of grass roots participation, to grow, to sustain and Excel within the ABAE. / I
RC indicated this was a massive vote of confidence from Government and the Funders, Sport England (£4.7 Million committed to ABAE) and UK Sport (£6.7 Million committed to BABA and GB Boxing) totalling £11.4 Million of funding never before achieved directly into Amateur Boxing, he stated it was extremely encouraging to see so much funding now coming directly to the sport of Amateur Boxing and ensuring that we now eventually (after 20 Years of Under Investment and poor leadership) have an opportunity to expand both grass roots participation and the elite programme towards London 2012 and beyond in terms of legacy.
7.6ABA Website Forum
It was indicated by PK that an Officer question and answer ‘Forum’ which would include a CEO, National Coach and other ABAE Officers was due to be launched in May 2009 and would consist of a two hour window on the ‘Forum’ to answer contemporary questions, from all sections within the sport or externally. This would drive up some Forum traffic and also offer the opportunity to deliver prudent and clear messages to the membership and others.
7.7TV Negotiations
We currently await BBC confirming what their requirements would be along with potentially Channel 4 in terms of Junior and Schools Championships to be broadcast on the 4Sport programme.
7.8 GB Championships
PK indicated that the GB Championships were now available for England, Scotland and Wales and the Council supported this provision, whilst seeking to raise a British perspective and identify future England and British Internationals at the same moment in time. These Championships for all age groups will commence this calendar year and are currently placed within the ABAE calendar of international events, supported unanimously. / I
7.9 Cornertalk Enews
This provision had been readily accepted and was a really vibrant weekly tool offering contemporary news and issues with a feel for the clubs to have a major input into this news item.
7.10Final Rule Book amendments were questioned
by JH and ADL in terms of some of the decisions made at the previous meeting which unfortunately they could not attend. Each rule under the direction of KW was discussed and full explanations in terms of the rules, amendments and changes was given clearly by DC. Each rule was fully ratified by the Council and would be published within the Rule Book with amendments in March 2009. DC was thanked for his effort in connection with producing the Rule Book along with the Championship and Technical & Rules Committees.
7.11Rebecca Gibson National Womens Boxing
Development Officer gave a complete overview on womens boxing development and the outline potential for participation for London 2012.
Matthew Williams Coach and Club Officer also gave a full overview of the new UK Coaching Certification Level 1 accredited course and the timelines ABAE would need to meet this facilitation and delivery. He also gave an update concerning the Clubmark Programme which now had three clubs registered in terms of Clubmark. with a further 25-30 seeking to become Clubmark facilities in the very near future.
The two individuals were thanked for giving an excellent outline on their areas of work and an update to the ABAE Council, concerning progress. / I
Item 8 / Financial & Legal Reports
8.1CSRT Update
The minutes of the CSRT were produced for the Council and it was also indicated that a formal submission would need to be made by ABAE to be recompensed for the legal costs in defending its position in terms of its ability to nominate Trustees. This figure would be submitted to the forthcoming CSRT meeting and a resolution to be sought. Proposed JD, Seconded SM, unanimously supported.
8.2Welsh ABF Update
DMc gave an update concerning the current situation in terms of costs being allotted against our former solicitors Hammonds who were deemed to be negligent in their advice and action in seeking to gain payment in the first stages of the findings against WBF through the courts on behalf of ABAE. It was also indicated that the costs awarded through court would now be further propagated to ensure a payment structure was in place for ABAE to receive a structured payment system to pay off the debt from WBF to ABAE. A finalisation on this situation is sought as soon as possible.
8.3DMc gave an overview of ABAE Finance based
on the attached report which was dated and not contemporary in its content as it reflected only up until January End 2009. He reported the ABAE had investments and property. ABAE pre-audit meeting would take place in the very near future, setting out the scope of the 2008/2009 audit of annual accounts. / D
8.4DMc indicated that currently on the debtors list
were 123K of which 70K-80K may not be deliverable against a creditors list of 238K as of this meeting there was 80K in hand and he did state that the finances were tight due to variable income streams and a lack of commercial income but did state that the ABAE was solvent.
SB raised some issues concerning payments to Western Counties and also further individual expense payments were raised by members with DMc who produced a spreadsheet of current outstanding expense payments to be made. It was evident R & J’s and other ABAE individual personnel were waiting up to 45 days for payment and it was stated and supported that for the forthcoming financial year a review of this payment structure to individuals would be revisited in terms of attempting to gain a steadier cash flow situation and ensure people did not wait as individuals too long for their expenses.
In terms of the Research and Safety Commission work being carried out by Dr Garth Wilson JH raised the question how much had the research cost and what would the implications be for the ABAE going forward. DMc indicated a sum of 60K had been made available to support this work and now formally a Technical File had been produced and ABAE were seeking a 50% payment from AIBA which may fail to fall this financial year into ABAE accounts, dependant upon the AIBA resolution or acceptance of the standards when their Technical and Rules Group meet would determine the outcome.
PK also indicated that if AIBA failed to fulfil its obligation ABAE would seek immediately to register the Technical File of specifications with a worldwide patent and then ensure these standards and specifications are used as the standard only for ABAE equipment, it was also suggested a licence fee would then be paid by all producers in the future to ABAE. The outlay it was felt was a short term investment against a potential long term income stream licensing must be agreed in terms of headguards and gloves for all activities confirming re competition, cost of licence to be scoped out and implemented potentially 2010-2011 season.
JS raised a point concerning Slough and Milton Keynes amateur boxing clubs regarding their CCDP focus club allocations, enquiries would be made with the suppliers immediately and this information to be shared with Home Counties. SM also raised a Midlands application which required sourcing in terms of status, these would be raised immediately.
In terms of CCDP there were only ten particular club projects which now needed completing and that would see the delivery of the CCDP Programme impacting on 180 clubs across the Amateur Boxing Association of England throughout the last 20 months, the largest numerical CCDP club numbers ever achieved under Sport England by a single sport and ABAE were proud to have succeeded.
This was a very large project which had successfully delivered for all of the clubs concerned and was a superb opportunity for clubs to raise their provision, profile and quality of environment. PK indicated a new tranche of CCDP funding was allocated within the Sport England 2009/2013 Award and this would be propagated in roughly the same manner in the future. Future CCDP expenditure and targets will be included within a report to go to the Board for its meeting in March aligned to the budgets to be produced at the same meeting for the year 2009-2010. It was relevant to point out that ABAE would not access CCDP Funding until years 2,3 & 4 of the 2009-2013 Programme.