Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Green High School Library / / September 14, 2009
6:00 p.m.

Green Local Schools

Board of Education Agenda

4070 Gallia Pike

Franklin Furnace, Ohio 45629

September 14, 2009

Regular Meeting

6:00 pm

Green High School

Mr. David Sparks, President
Mr. Kevin Lewis, Vice President
Mr. Ralph Salyers, Student Achievement Member
Mr. Roger Collett, Member
Mr. Ron Lindsey, Superintendent
Mr. John Walsh, Treasurer
Meeting Dates
January 12, 2009 / July 20, 2009
February 16. 2009 / August 17, 2009
March16, 2009 / September 14, 2009
April 20, 2009 / October 19, 2009
May 18, 2009 / November 16, 2009
June 29, 2009 / December 21, 2009
The mission of Green Local Schools is to ensure the highest quality education by helping
each and every student to realize his or her fullest potential and become a productive and
responsible citizen through innovative and diversified academic programs, which will be
provided in a caring environment conducive to learning and in concert with our community.



Notice of this meeting was given in accordance with the provisions of Policy BD of the Green Local Board of Education, which were adopted in accordance with Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Procedures Act.

Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____


A.  Pledge of Allegiance

B.  Green Local Teacher’s Association

IV. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC-- Limited to 5 minutes per topic


1. It is recommended that the Board of Education retire to executive session to interview Board candidates and discuss negotiations.

Motion: ____ Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____

Vote: ____ Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____

2. It is recommended that the Board of Education resume the regular public session meeting.

Motion: ____ Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____

Vote: ____ Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____

3. It is recommended that the Board of Education select ______to fill the remainder of the term of Jeremy Carver .

Motion: ____ Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____

Vote: ____ Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____


Administered by Mr. Walsh, Treasurer

Do you, ______solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and that you will perform faithfully the duties as a member of the Green Local Board of Education, Scioto County, Ohio to the best of your ability and in accordance with the laws now in effect and hereinafter enacted, during your continuance in said office, and until your successor is elected and qualified, so help you God?



1. Bank Reconciliation for August, 2009

2. Fund Balances as of August 31, 2009

3. Listing of Bills Paid in August, 2009

4. Budget Summary as of August 31, 2009

5. Revenue Summary as of August 31, 2009

It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education approve the treasurer’s business reports.

Motion: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____


It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education approve the minutes from the following agenda:

Regular Meeting – August 17, 2009

Motion: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____


1. It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education approve the following permanent appropriations and set spending authority at the fund level for FY 2010.

Governmental Fund Types / Fund Number / 2010 Appropriations
General Fund / 001 / 6,128,107.11
Total General Fund / 6,128,107.11
Special Revenue
Public Schools Support / 018 / 17,000.00
Termination Benefits / 035 / 71,227.73
District Managed Activity / 300 / 53,315.00
Management Information System / 432 / 5,000.00
Public School Preschool / 439 / 147,206.20
Data Communication Fund / 451 / 6,000.00
School Net Prof. Development / 452 / 2,500.00
Vocational Ed. Enhancements / 461 / 6,000.00
Poverty Based Assistance / 494 / 465,111.54
Project Lead the Way / 499 / 1,800.00
IDEA Part B / 516 / 290,218.88
Fiscal Stabilization Fund / 532 / 222,041.66
Title I / 572 / 312,569.03
Drug Free School Grant / 584 / 3,388.36
Improving Teacher Quality / 590 / 57,962.28
Miscellaneous Federal Grant / 599 / 2,111.12
Total Special Revenue / 1,663,451.80
Proprietary Fund Types
Food Service / 006 / 298,200.32
Total Enterprise / 298,200.32
Fiduciary Fund Types
Expendable Trust
Special Trust / 007 / 2,500.00
Total Expendable Trust / 2,500.00
Agency Fund
Student Managed Activity / 200 / 27,644.57
Total Agency Fund / 27,644.57
Total Appropriations – All funds / 8,119,903.80

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____



1. Mrs. Armstrong, Elementary

2. Mr. Hopper, High School

3. Mr. Lindsey, District


1. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Brian Okarma as a regular bus driver.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

2. It is recommended that the Board of Education transfer Brian McCallister to the evening custodial position at the elementary school.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

3. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Brian Sampson as the Junior High Boys Basketball coach pending completion of all requirements.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

4. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Tate Skinner as the Athletic Director.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

5. It is recommended that the Board of Education recognize Stacie Hankins as a volunteer Girls Basketball coach pending completion of all requirements.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

6. It is recommended that the Board of Education recognize Brian Ramey as a volunteer Boys Basketball coach pending completion of all requirements.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

7. It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent to post a “High Schools that Work” Coordinator for Green High School at a rate of $600.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

8. It is recommended that the Board of Education recognize the following 2009-2010 volunteer band parents pending completion of all requirements:

Mick Craft – Driver

Joe Castle -- Driver

Kathy Sloan –Bus Chaperone

Laura Baldridge – Bus Chaperone

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

9. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve a leave of absence for Candace Lilly.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

10. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Jeff Hurst as a substitute custodian.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

11. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ substitute teachers as recommended by the County Superintendent.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____


1.  It is recommended that the Board of Education purchase a sound system for the high school gym from Newtech systems, at a cost not to exceed $13,000.00.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____


1. It is recommended that the Board of Education continue to contract with Child Nutrition Services as consultants for the Green Local Schools Food Service Program.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____


1. It is recommended that the Board of Education not go through the Ohio School Facilities Commission planning process at this point in time.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

2. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following fund raisers:

Girls Basketball/Jr. High Basketball – World’s Finest Candy Sale

Cheerleaders – Yankee Candle Sales

Service Learning Class – Bobcat Pride, Bake Sale, Face Painting

National Honor Society – Rent me for a Day

Endowment Fund – Great American Online Store Link to our web page

Boys Basketball – TV Raffle

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

3. It is recommended that the Board of Education dispose of the following items:

Old Junior High Science Books, 3 wood compasses, 3 wood protractors

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

4. It is recommended that the Board of Education change the school district calendar to reflect the high school prom being on May 1, 2010 rather than April 24, 2010.

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

5. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the bid proposals for the following items:

1991 International Carpenter Bus - $650 – Michael E. Belford

1992 International Carpenter Bus - $650 – Michael E. Belford

1980 Chevrolet Pickup Truck - $126 – Marshall Hurst

Motion: Roger Collett ____ Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

Vote: Roger Collett ____Kevin Lewis ____ Ralph Salyers ____ David Sparks ____ New Member ____

6. It is recommended that the Board of Education waive the three readings and adopt the policy regulation AC-R, dealing with Harassment.

File: AC-R


All harassment complaints are investigated in accordance with the following procedure:

1. Any member of the school community who believes that he/she has been subjected to harassment shall report the incident(s) to the appropriate administrator. Students shall report the incident to their respective principal and employees shall report it to the Superintendent.

2. The administrator attempts to resolve the problem through the following process.

A. The administrator promptly confers with the charging party in order to obtain a clear understanding of that party’s statement of the alleged facts. The charged party shall write a description of the event and give a signed copy to the administrator.

B. The administrator meets with the charged party in order to obtain his/her response to the complaint. The response is put in writing by the administrator and signed by the charged party as a testament to the statement’s accuracy.

C. The administrator holds as many meetings with the parties and witnesses (if any) as are necessary to gather facts. The dates of meetings and the facts gathered are all put in writing.

D. On the basis of the administrator’s perception of the problem, he/she will:

1)  notify the parents of those students involved in the incident.

2)  bring both parties together and attempt to resolve the matter informally through conciliation or

3) notify the parties by of his/her official action relative to the complaint.

4) take disciplinary action as needed.

5) provide strategies to the victim to avoid further incidents.

3. If either party disagrees with the decision of the administrator, he/she may appeal to the Superintendent/designee for students or Board of Education for employees. After reviewing the record made by the grievance officer, the Superintendent or Board of Education may attempt to gather further evidence necessary to decide the case and to determine appropriate action to be taken. The decision of the Superintendent or Board of Education is final. If any of the named officials are the charged or charging party, the Board designates an alternate investigator and retains final decision-making authority.

4. Administrators will report harrassment incidents to the Superintendent at the end of the semester and end of the year.