Delta Dental of Virginia Error Code Descriptions

Error Code 4 - Invalid Date

This error appears when an invalid date is submitted in any of the date fields, when the Date of Hire is more than 75 years in the past, or if the submitted Effective Date is prior to the submitted Date of Hire. The date field that contains the error will be indicated in the error description. You will need to correct on your end before the next file is sent.

Error Code 7 - Individual must be at least 15 years old

This error appears when an individual is submitted with a Relationship Code of Subscriber or Spouse, and they are under age 15, based on the submitted Date of Birth. If the Date of Birth is incorrect, you will need to correct on your end before the next file is sent. If the individual is a child that is going on COBRA, you will need to confirm this, and we will manually add the individual to our system.

Error Code 8 - Mismatch on Date of Birth

This error appears when the submitted Date of Birth does not match the Date of Birth we have in our system. If the Date of Birth in our system is correct, you will need to correct on your end before the next file is sent. If the submitted Date of Birth is correct, you will need to relay this information to us, and we will manually correct in our system.

Error Code 12 - A different Spouse exists on our system

This error can appear for different reasons. If you are adding a new spouse, but an existing spouse has not been terminated, you will receive this error. This will also appear if you are trying to change the spelling of a spouse’s name. If the data on our system is correct, you will need to correct on your end before the next file is sent. If the data on the file is correct, you will need to relay this information to us, and we will manually correct in our system.

Error Code 13 - Possible twin or name misspelled

This error appears when you are trying to change the spelling of a dependents name or if you submit twins. This does include middle initials being added or removed from the First Name field and punctuation in the name fields. If the name is spelled correctly on our system, you will need to correct on your end before the next file is sent. If the name on the file is correct, or if it is twins, you will need to relay this information to us, and we will manually correct in our system.

Error Code 14 - Dependent Age exceeds the allowed age limit

This error appears when a dependentis over the age limit designated for your group, based on the submitted Date of Birth. If the dependent is handicapped, you will need to update the file to indicate this. If the dependent isnot handicapped, you will need to remove the record before the next file.

Error Code 15 - Invalid Zip Code

This error appears when the Zip Code submitted on the file in not valid, according to the United States Postal Service database that we validate our addresses against. The correct Zip Code will need to be determined and corrected in your system. When the correct data is submitted on the following file, our system will be updated. You can find the correct data by using the United States Postal Service website at

Error Code 17 -Submitted Rate Code is not valid

This error appears when the submitted Rate Code is not a valid Rate Code, according to your group setup. You will need to correct on your end before the next file is sent.

Error Code 18 - Coverage Tier Does Not Cover Dependent

This error appears when the subscriber is submitted with a Rate Code that does not allow coverage for the spouse/dependent that is being submitted. (Example: A subscriber is submitted with a Subscriber only Rate Code, but a spouse is also submitted with active coverage. If the spouse should be covered, the Rate Code needs to be changed on your end before the next file is sent. If the spouse should not be covered, the record should be removed from the file.)

Error Code 19 - Subscriber Coverage record not found based on submitted Dependent Info

This error appears when the subscriber's record and the dependent's record do not match (Example: The subscriber’s record is submitted with a Subscriber only Rate Code and the dependents record is being submitted with a Family Rate Code). This will also appear in conjunction with an internal error that we work in-house. If you are changing a subscribers’ coverage retroactively, the system does not automatically update the record, we handle that manually. Since the system did not update the subscriber record, when it tries to validate the dependents record, the coverage does not match.

Error Code 23 - Individual already exists in system as termed

This error appears when a record is being submitted for someone who had prior coverage but has been terminated. If the individual should be covered, you should relay this to us, and we will manually add the record to our system. If they should not be covered, the record needs to be removed from the file.

Error Code 28 - City/State does not match with Cities/States associated with submitted Zip

This error occurs when the City/State/Zip Code combination does not match, according to the United States Postal Service database that we validate our addresses against. Spelling, spacing and punctuation that donot match the database will generate this error. (Example: The City submitted is Virginia Beach, the State is VA and the Zip Code is 24012. Since 24012 is not a valid Zip Code for Virginia Beach, the record will reject to the error report). This error will also be generated if the City is abbreviated and the abbreviation is not in the database. (Example: The City is submitted as Mt Pleasant but the database only has the city listed as Mount Pleasant). You will need to determine what data is incorrect and fix it before the next file is sent. You can find the correct data by using the United States Postal Service website at

Error Code 38 - Individual who dropped off the current eligibility file and were Terminated

This error appears when an individual is on our system with active coverage but they are not submitted on the file. The individual will be auto-terminated and the Termination Date will be listed. If the individual should be terminated, nothing needs to be done on your end. If the individual should be reinstated, please correct your records so they will transmit on the following file and the reinstatement will be made.

Error Code 40 - Effective Date has been changed because submitted date exceeds allowed retro date

This is an informational onlyerror that appears when an individual is submitted with an Effective Date that is prior to the allowable retro-activity rule. If a record is submitted with an Effective Date prior to the allowable retro date, the process will change the Effective Date to the first day of the month, according to the retro rule. (Example: A record is submitted on a 1/15/09 file, with an Effective Date of 1/1/06. If you have a 90 day retro-activity rule, the process will change the Effective Date to 10/1/08. If you have a 12 month retro-activity rule, the process will change the Effective Date to 1/1/08).

Error Code 47 - Primary Subscriber not found on file

This error only applies to dependents and appears for one of the following reasons:1) the subscriber record is not on the file or 2) the subscriber record is on the file but is not on our system because it was rejected to the error report. You will need to correct the record(s) before the next file is sent.

Error Code 51 - Mandatory Column(s) are missing in the Address Information

This error appears when a record is submitted with missing information in the mandatory address fields. The mandatory address fields are Address 1, City, State, Zip Code and Country Code. You will need to determine which field(s) are missing and correct the record before the next file is sent.

Error Code 52 - Invalid value of Group, Sublocation & Division

This error appears when an individual is submitted with a Group, Sublocation or Division ID that is not in our system. You will need to correct the record before the next file is sent.

Error Code 53 - Group, Sublocation & Division are not active on submitted effective date

This error appears when the submitted Sublocation or Division ID for an individual is valid, but is not active as of the submitted Effective Date. You will need to determine if the Sublocation or Division ID needs to be changed or if the Effective Date needs to be corrected.

Error Code 65 - Supplied data contains one or more invalid characters

This error appears when an individual is submitted with an invalid character in one of the name fields. The field will be listed in the error code description for that record. The only valid characters for the name fields are A-Z, 0-9 and characters‘ . , - `. The individual is not loaded or updated (if an existing member) and will need to be corrected on your end before the next file is sent.

Error Code 66 - Supplied data contains one or more invalid characters

This error appears when an individual is submitted with an invalid character in one of the address fields. The field will be listed in the error code description for that record. The only valid characters for the address fields are A-Z, 0-9 and characters'.:,-#\/()%. The address is not loaded or updated (if an existing member) and will need to be corrected on your end before the next file is sent.

Error Code 77 - Termination date has been changed because the submitted date exceeds allowed retro date

This error appears when the submitted Termination Date is prior to the retro-activity rule designated for your group. The process will automatically change the Termination Date to a date within the retro-activity rule and will also utilize the Termination Date logic set up for your group. Please see the below examples:

A Termination Date of 6/30/06 is submitted on a file received on 1/15/09. If your group has a 90 day retro-activity rule, the Derived Termination Date will be 10/31/08 for end of the month terminations or 10/15/08 if terminations are allowed on any day of the month.

A Termination Date of 6/30/06 is submitted on a file received on 1/15/09. If your group has a 12 month retro-activity rule, the Derived Termination Date will be 1/31/08 for end of the month terminations or 1/15/08 if terminations are allowed on any day of the month.

Error Code 78 - Termination date has been changed because a claim was incurred after therequested date.

This error appears when the submitted Termination Date is within the retro-activity rule set for your group, but a claim has been paid with a Date of Service that is later than the submitted Termination Date. The process will change the Termination Date to either the Date of Service of the claim, or the end of the month in which the claim was paid, according to how terminations are set up for your group. (Example: An individual is submitted with a Termination Date of 12/31/08, but a claim with a Date of Service of 1/5/09 has been paid. The process will change the Termination Date for that individual to either 1/5/09 or 1/31/09, depending on the Termination Date logic under your group policy).

Error Code 84 – Rate Code Alert Message: Please adjust the rate code for this subscriber or add dependents if applicable.

This error appears when the subscriber is being submitted with a particular rate tier but there are not enough dependents to support this rate tier.

Error Code 91 – Individual information is missing

This error appears when there is mandatory information missing on the file

If you have any questions regarding the errors on your error report, please contact the Electronic Eligibility Coordinators. They can be reached via email at .