Delaware State Arts Council


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Milton Historical Society

Lydia Black Cannon Museum, Milton, Delaware

Phone 302-577-8285, FAX 302-577-6561


Judy McCabe, Chair Paul Weagraff

Pamela Bell Karen Lewis

Theda Blackwelder Terry Palmer

Gary Grunder Kristin Pleasanton

Brian Mille Leslie Richeson

Lise Monty Sheila Ross

Elisabeth Poole Susan Salkin

John Ranney Roxanne Stanulis

Ann Schenck

Allen Sessoms GUESTS

Joyce Stoner Sara Bucic, DE Main Street

Debbie Wicks Melinda Huff, Milton Hist. Soc

Carson Zullinger Paul Morrill, DE Main Street

Agenda Item 1. Approval of Minutes/Chairs Report - Chair, Judy McCabe

A motion was made by Joyce Hill Stoner and seconded by Lise Monty and voted unanimously to approve the September 19, 2007 minutes as written.

Ms. McCabe introduced Melinda Huff, Director of the Milton Historical Society and thanked her for hosting the Delaware State Arts Council meeting as well as for her hospitality. Ms. McCabe introduced newly appointed Council members, Elisabeth Poole and Pamela Bell, and welcomed them to the Delaware State Arts Council. Ms. McCabe acknowledged Paul Morrill and Sarah Bucic from Main Street Delaware.

Judy McCabe attended a Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation meeting as well as the National Assembly of State Arts Agency conference. The NASAA conference was very informative and was also attended by Council member Lise Monty and Division Staff; Paul Weagraff, Susan Salkin, Sheila Ross and Terry Plummer. Ms. McCabe also mentioned that she and Sheila Ross met with City Theater Company representatives to get an update on their financial situation.

Agenda Item 2. Director’s Report – Paul Weagraff

See Appendix I below.

Agenda Item 3. Main Street Delaware Presentation

(See Appendix II below)

Terry Plummer, Community Arts Coordinator/Delaware Division of the Arts

Sarah Bucic, Main Street Delaware

Paul Morrill, Main Street Delaware

Sarah Bucic and Paul Morrill from Main Street Delaware City presented a proposal for a pilot project: establishing an arts district in Delaware City with incentives to attract artists to settle and work in Delaware City.

Paul Weagraff mentioned that Delaware City approached the Division of the Arts requesting support as a pilot project. After the presentation the Council agreed that this was a worthwhile and innovative effort and approved support for the program unanimously.

Agenda Item 4: IAF Application Review/Kristin Pleasanton

(See Appendix III below)

Ms. Pleasanton presented the results of the adjudication process for the 2008 Artist Fellowship applicants, noting that works were submitted to jurors selected by Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation with Division of the Arts approval. All Fellowship recipients are required to hold a public presentation. Fellowship awards range from $3,000 for an Emerging artist, $6,000 for an Established artist and $10,000 for the Masters category which is on a rotating basis.

Joyce Hill Stoner made a motion to approve the recommendations, which was seconded by Ann Schenck and approved by all.

Agenda Item 5: Council Discussions

Arts Funding and follow-up/NFF Presentation:

Representatives from the Nonprofit Finance Fund will present: “State of the Arts: A Delaware Study” on January 14, 2008 at the Delaware Arts Museum. Invitations will be sent to Directors and Board Chairs from arts organizations, Legislators, Funders, and Council Members. Agenda of January 14, 2008 meeting was distributed to Council.

Strategic Planning Consideration - Paul Weagraff stated that it doesn’t make sense to implement a new strategic plan until the new Governor is in place. Mr. Weagraff suggested the Division and Council could use 2008 to meet with focus groups, hold public hearings, and gather public input. He reported that the over-arching goals established in the last plan may still be relevant, but that strategies may need to be adjusted to work toward those goals. He recommended getting input on the current goals as to their future relevance, and work from there to develop a framework of a new plan, in preparation for a new administration’s review and affirmation. Tracking the process of current plan has been helpful and he said we need to do some self evaluation and strive to establish measurable objectives within the new plan.

Discussions included suggestions on ways to kindle interest in the arts which was focused on the younger generation. It was stated that young people are more involved in creating and the problem is that the older generation does not recognize it. It was stated that children are much more participatory in the arts and we need to recognize and realize the value of that and begin looking at strategies to include the arts in this process. Today youth are technology-savvy, and the arts community needs to take advantage of that in ways that are productive for them and meaningful for the youth.

Paul Weagraff suggested the Council’s input on convening a couple of focus groups. Pamela Bell suggested that we need to recognize the different types of focus groups. Once concept would be to have a “supergroup” which would develop the plan in the beginning and then a second group would be comprised of constituents who would serve in the validation of the plan.

Committee Structure: Paul Weagraff stated that currently there are 6 areas of oversight in the Council’s committee structure. He stated that we needed to look at all areas to see what is still relevant and what mechanisms for by the Council are needed; i.e., formal or informal information meetings via phone, e-mail, or on an as-needed basis.

Council members seemed in agreement that informal input and meetings on an as-needed basis were preferable to set up a rigid committee structure and schedule.

Karen Lewis will contact Council members requesting their input as well as their participation on the following committees based on expertise and interests. The committees are: Advocacy; Lifelong Learning; Grant Programs & Funding; PR Marketing; Nominating; and Professional/Organizations Development.

In the context of the strategic planning, Council committees and areas of oversight will be reviewed and address the needs that emerge from that process.

Agenda Item 6: Old Business

Paul Weagraff recognized the efforts of Kristin Pleasanton and Roxanne Stanulis in providing assistance to the Veterans Home in hanging 40 pieces of artwork which were donated by the Hardcastle Gallery.

Paul Weagraff reviewed with Council a response that was received from the Wilmington Music School, pertaining to their recent merger with the Delaware Music School. In a conversation with Kate Ransom, President and CEO of the Wilmington Music School, she raised concerns about the level of funding approved for FY2008. She was under the impression that the music school would receive a grant reflecting the sum of the two organizations grants from the previous year, though nothing in the Division’s literature or conversations would indicate that would be the case. Mr. Weagraff explained to Ms. Ransom how the funding was determined, that the amount she was expecting would have exceeded the agency’s cap (as indicated in public documents) and exceeded grants to organizations three times their size.

Mr. Weagraff stated that he would bring Ms. Ransom’s concerns to the Council. In a subsequent correspondence, Ms. Ransom indicated her concern with the current formula. The FY2008 award is $20,000 less than the FY2006 grants for two organizations combined, despite positive comments from the panel process. The Wilmington Music School assumed a financial burden by merging with the Delaware Music School, and hoped that the Division would have awarded level funding for both organizations.

After reviewing the panel process, Council June meeting comments, and the Wilmington Music School’s correspondence, Paul Weagraff and Council Chair Judy McCabe agreed that the June Council decision to apply the formula with an added $7,500 to assist with merger expenses was the appropriate decision, consistent with funding policies and methodologies for funding all arts organizations. Council agreed. Also discussed was the possibility of considering the use of Technical Support funds to address additional needs the Wilmington Music School may have this first year, without re-adjusting their General Operating Support grants. Council believed this was already addressed by augmenting their General Operating Support grant with the additional $7,500.

Agenda Item 7: New Business

Lise Monty stated that an important goal for the new Communication Coordinator position would be to set up an online calendar for all arts organizations, accessible by arts organizations, for listing events throughout the state. It was mentioned that inputting calendar of events could be made mandatory for all organizations that come to the Division for funding.

Council discussed hosting a candidate’s forum prior to the Delaware Primary Elections and invite political candidates to come and speak to the general audience regarding their position on the arts and public support, as well as take questions. Planning should begin early in the year and it was suggested to identify a venue willing to host this event to take place in the spring. It was suggested to add an entertainment component to this event and to invite the arts community and general public.

Newark Arts Alliance is prepared to submit an application for Arts Stabilization with a preliminary budget. Council was notified last spring that they had been given permission to apply outside the regular application cycle. They did not know, as of March 1, when they needed to move or what expenses they might incur. Based on a draft budget they submitted recently, money is available from the ArtCo fund to award $10,000. A motion was made by Lise Monty, which was seconded by Ann Schenck, with unanimous approval for funding to the Newark Arts Alliance for $10,000 in Arts Stabilization funds.

Judy McCabe announced that the next Council meeting will be held on March 19, 2008. The Biggs Museum of American Arts was suggested for a Kent County meeting site. Karen Lewis will follow up with them regarding availability.

As there was no public comment, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Delaware State Arts Council Minutes – 12/12/07 Page 4 of 10

Appendix I: Director’s Report – December 12, 2007

New Communications Coordinator

The Division welcomes Roxanne Stanulis on board as our new Communications Coordinator.

Arts Summit 2007 and Poetry Out Loud

See Appendix III below.

NASAA Conference 2007

In attendance were Paul Weagraff, Susan Salkin, Terry Plummer, Sheila Dean Ross (pre-conference only), Judy McCabe, and Lise Monty.

Sunset Review

We have submitted our report and several revisions to the Joint Sunset Committee on behalf of the Division of the Arts and the State Arts Council. The upcoming schedule is as follows:

January JSC convenes and schedules
public hearings.

Draft report distributed to the Agency.
Feb / March Public Hearings.
March / April JSC Recommendation Meetings.
May JSC finalizes recommendations.
Preparation of Final Report.

Arts in the news

The October News Journal coverage of the arts funding in Delaware raised public awareness about the challenges facing many Delaware arts organizations. On Tuesday, December 11, Judy McCabe and Paul Weagraff met with the heads of the arts organizations featured in the story to begin discussing what kinds of coordinated efforts might be employed to raise the level of discussion about the arts, advance a case for the arts to decision-makers, and raise public awareness of the arts.

Updates on grantees (Old business)

Paul Weagraff has spoken with Kate Ransom from the Wilmington Music School. She raised concerns about the level of funding approved for FY2008, given their recent merger with the Delaware Music School. I offered to share her concern with the Council. In our discussion and follow-up email, she noted:

·  Current GOS formula is problematic, as their budget vacillates due to enrollment and salaries

·  FY2008 award is $20,000 less than in FY2006 for two organizations combined, despite positive comments from the panel process

·  WMS took on a financial burden by merging with DMS, and hopes that Division can “get behind this project financially”

·  Because of our “warm reception for the school’s stepping up to serve the state,” they thought it reasonable to prepare a budget based on level funding from the state

Paul Weagraff shared this with Judy McCabe, and both agreed that the decision to apply the formula with an added $7,500 to acknowledge merger expenses was appropriate. We also discussed the possibility of considering the use of Technical Support funds to address additional needs they may have this first year, without re-adjusting their General Operating Support award.

Office updates

·  We’ve moved…down the hall.

Arts Advocacy

·  Meeting on January 14 at Delaware Art Museum from 2:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Agenda is in the mail…additional copies available from the website.

·  Current projection is for level funding in FY2009. JFC hearing will likely be sometime in February or early March.

·  Issues raised by arts organization directors call for a stronger joint advocacy effort to develop relationships and disseminate information effectively and on an ongoing basis.

·  Arts Advocacy Day in Washington, DC, March 31 and April 1, 2008.

o  Training

o  Congressional Arts Breakfast on Capitol Hill

o  Meeting with Members of Congress

Panel Meeting in 2008

Dates are set for the week of May 5–8, 2008 at Polytech High School in Woodbridge

Council meeting will be at Buena Vista on Wednesday, June 19, 2008.

Delaware State Arts Council Minutes – 12/12/07 – Appendix I Page 6 of 10

Appendix II: Delaware Division of the Arts Proposal for Delaware City

Creative Artist Magnet Program (CAMP)

Delaware Division of the Arts, (the Division) would provide funding support for up to fifteen artists/craftsmen over a seven-year period, introducing three new artists/craftsmen each of the first five years. (see chart below). Each artist would receive support for three years after which he/she would be eligible to apply for individual artist grants currently offered by the Division.

The Division would develop a Letter of Agreement with Delaware City Main Street (DCMS) outlining DCMS’s responsibility for administering the grant funds received from the Division.