MSU Meeting Agenda: February 4th, 2014

  1. Presentation of minutes from January 7th, 2014

- Motion to approve minutes from Sept 10th, 2013

- Motion passes

- Opening song: “Timber” by Ke$ha feat. Pitbull

III. Report from the MSU Officers

  1. President—Edie Graham
  1. Additions to
  2. Buy/sell used books
  3. Buy/sell furniture
  4. Sublease/rent apartments
  5. Google Student Organization calendar
  6. Student Health Resource Link
  1. Medical Marijuana Panel
  2. 5:30-6:00 pm – Intro from neurologist, Dr. Matthew McCoyd
  3. 6:00 pm – Panel with Dr. Christopher Holden, Psychiatry, Dr. Matthew Flood, Ophthalmology, Dr. Cheryl Czerlanis, Oncology, Dr. Kayhan Parsi, Bioethics, Tammy Jacobi, founder of 'Good Intentions', Chicago's first medical marijuana clinic
  1. AIDS WeekFeb 17-21
  2. Talent Show Friday, February 21that 7pm in Atrium
  1. MSU Board Elections
  2. Accepting applications: Feb 24-28
  3. Presidential candidates will give a short (2-3 minute) speech at the March 4th MSU Meeting
  4. Elections will be held March 5-7 (before break)
  1. Class Board Elections
  2. Accepting applications: March 17-21 (after break)
  3. Elections will be held March 24-26

B.Vice-President—Ashley DiLorenzo

i.Spring Formal March 28 at CrystalGardens

a. Projected price: $35!

ii.Student Health Advisory Board

a. Expect positive changes with student counseling resources, including access to a potential social worker

  1. Student Faculty Awards Luncheon Monday, April 21, atrium
  2. Free lunch

C.Treasurer—Matt Hoscheit

i.Budget Update

  1. Secretary—Mitch Day

IV.Report from Class Presidents

A.M1 – Lizzy Carroll

  1. Clinical Data Presentation can be found on LUMEN calendar under January 22nd’s lecture hall events

B. M2 – Hani Kuttab

a. In the process of reviewing MHD1 evaluations

b. M1/M2 basketball game moved to March 21st

c. Come to marijuana panel!

C.M3 – Caileigh Pudela

a. Registering for Step 2

D.M4 – Dan Opel

a. M4 rank list due 2/26

b. Match day is 3/21

V.Reports from Stritch or University Committees

A. Medical Council Meeting –January 27th, 2014

i. Acceptance stats:

-9,900+ applications, 700+ interviews, ~ with matriculating lass size of 150

-DACA students: 9 accepted from 9 different countries (34 interviewed)

ii. Foreign Medical School Accountability Fairness Act

An Act proposed by US Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) on Dec. 12, 2013 “to establish consistent eligibility requirements for graduate medical schools operating outside of the United States and Canada in order to increase accountability and protect American students and taxpayer dollars.”

1. At least 60% of the enrollment must be US citizens

2. At least 75% of students must pass their licensing exams.

Findings (direct from the bill):

(1)Three for-profit schools in the Caribbean receive more than two-thirds of all Federal funding undertitle IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965that goes to students enrolled at foreign graduate medical schools, despite those three schools being exempt from meeting the same eligibility requirements as the majority of graduate medical schools located outside of the United States and Canada.

(2)TheNational Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditationand the Department of Educationrecommend that all foreign graduate medical schools should be required to meet the same eligibility requirements to participate in Federal funding undertitle IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965and see no rationale for excluding certain schools.

(3)The attrition rate at United States medical schools averaged 3 percent for the class beginning in 2009 while rates at for-profit Caribbean schools have reached 26 percent or higher.

(4) In 2013, residency match rates for foreign trained graduatesaveraged 53 percent compared to 94 percent for graduates of medical schools in the United States.

(5) On average, students at for-profit medical schools operating outside of the United States and Canadaamass more student debt than those at medical schools in the United States.

VI.Reports from MSU committees

VII.Reports from Student Organizations

VIII.Reports from OSR Rep

IX.Reports from CCA (Central Curriculum Authority)

X.Unfinished Business

XI.New Business

XII.Funding Requests

Collette Williams - $150 for food for Medical Marijuana panel


Mateo Houle – $500 to cover speaker equipment and concessions for Physicians for Human Rights

- approved

XIII.Room for Improvement:

Things we can change: Big things or Small things

Next meeting will be held March 4th at 5:00 pm in rm 460.

Last meeting with this MSU Board!

Thank you for taking the time to be here tonight!