Building Stronger Communities: Community Strengths Recording Template


This is the development and activity of community groups and organisations and how well they work in the interests of the community

Factor / Description / Level / Comments and notes
Governance and management / The extent to which community organisations have sound management and effective decision-making structures.
Resources and assets / The extent to which community organisations own and/or have good access to the resources and assets they need to support their activities
Links and networks / The extent to which community organisations are in contact with each other, and with wider networks to access and share learning and ideas
Effectiveness / The extent to which community organisations can bring about tangible and beneficial change for their communities
Accountability and legitimacy / The extent to which community organisations are recognised as legitimate, authoritative and representatives and accountable to the communities they serve
Specific Gaps:

Building Stronger Communities – Community Strengths Recording Template 1

Building Organisations

Factor / Comments: Issues and gaps
Government and management
Resources and assets
Links and networks
Accountability and legitimacy

Building Skills

This is the ways in which groups can build the skills, knowledge and confidence of the members to enable them to be effective in achieving their aims, and to fully participate in and benefit from community activity.

Factor / Description / Level / Comments and notes
Confidence and morale / The extent to which community organisations have the ability to represent and advance community perspectives
Assessment / The extent to which community organisations have the ability to assess and understand community needs and issues
Planning / The extent to which community organisations have the ability to plan effectively for change
Learning / The extent to which community organisations have the ability to reflect, evaluate and learn
Influencing / The extent to which community organisations have the ability to influence perceptions, decisions and policies
Engaging / involving / The extent to which community organisations are engaged and involved in community affairs
Specific Gaps:


Factor / Comments: Issues and gaps
Confidence and morale
Engaging /


This is the extent to which community and voluntary groups are inclusive, and work to build equality in their communities.

Factor / Description / Score / Comments and notes
Involvement and inclusion / The extent to which community organisations involve and include all interests and identities in their work
Barriers and opportunities / The extent to which community organisations recognise and tackle any barriers to wider involvement
Supporting common interests and identities / The extent to which community organisations encourage and support exchange and dialogue between different groups and identities
Building relationships between different groups / The extent to which community organisations encourage and support links between different groups and identities
Dealing with conflict / The extent to which community organisations deal with conflict and promote cooperation
Specific Gaps:


Factor / Comments: Issues and gaps
Involvement and inclusion
Barriers and opportunities
Supporting common groups and interests
Building relationships between different groups
Dealing with conflict


This is the extent to which community organisations encourage local involvement and influence decision making.

Factor / Description / Level / Comments and notes
Understanding needs and issues / The extent to which community organisations have a sound, informed understanding of community needs and issues and their impact on the community
Breadth of participation / The extent to which community organisations involve and engage with all sections of their community
Democracy and legitimacy / The extent to which community organisations are accountable and subject to community influence
Influence on decisions / The extent to which community organisations are effective in exerting influence and articulating their priorities in planning and decision-making structures
Participation in service delivery / The extent to which community organisations manage effective participation in delivery of services and joint work with other partners
Specific Gaps:

Building Involvement

Factor / Group Specific Comments: Issues and gaps
Understanding needs and issues
Breadth of participation
Democracy and legitimacy
Influence on decisions
Participation in delivery

Building Stronger Communities – Community Strengths Recording Template 1