Parental/Guardian Consent



UNICEF and [PARTNER ORGS] are working to improve their programs. We are interested in challenges related to menstruation in schools. We want to understand pupil needs, concerns, and knowledge of menstruation. This study will help us better understand some of the challenges girl students face at school.


We request that your girl/boychild participates in an individual interview or a group discussion. Your child will only participate in one of these discussions. Interviews with girls/boys will take[TIMEFRAME]. Questions will be about [FOCUS OF DISCUSSION]. Group discussions with girls/boys will take [TIMEFRAME]. Questions will be about FOCUS OF DISCUSSION].

These discussions will be recorded. Recordings will be written down after.

Not all children will be involved. We only need 10 girls/boys to participate. We will need to speak only with girls who are menstruating. A female teacher will randomly choose 10 girls to participate.

Risks and Discomforts

The risks posed for participation are minimal. Pupils will be told that they do not have to answer questions if they are uncomfortable. They are free to stop the discussion at any time. There is a risk that conversation may not stay private. Pupils may be talked about or teased if the conversation is not kept private. We will encourage everyone to respect privacy to prevent this.


This study is designed to improve UNICEF programs. The findings may be used to help improve school policies and programs.


Participants will not be offered payment.


Members of the research teams will be the only ones to listen to the interviews and discussions. Members of the research teams will be the only ones to view the written transcripts.The only time we will share information with othersoutside of our team is if we think your safety or the safety of others is in danger. We will ask pupils to keep group discussions private. We will ask them to not share any part of the conversations. The only time we will share information with othersoutside of our team is if we think your safety or the safety of others is in danger.

Voluntary Participation and Stopping Participation

Participation in this study is voluntary. Pupils do not have to participate. They can stop at any time.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this research or the rights of the children, you may contactTEAM LEADER]. If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this research study, please [IRB CONTACT INFORMATION]


Please, print your name and sign below if you agree to allow your children to participate in this research. We will give you a copy of the signed consent, to keep.

If you decide not to have your child participate, it is your right and we will respect your decision.


Print Name

Child’s Name



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