Social Swipe Posts

SS1: True orrrrrrrr true?

SS2: If it’s not helping you get to where you want to be, then leave it in your rearview mirror.

SS3: Make moves. Not excuses.

SS4: You didn’t fail because you weren’t strong enough. Or smart enough. Or good enough. You failed because you didn’t try long enough.

SS5: Happy Bunny Day to all my friends and family! Xo

SS6: You have a choice. You are in control of what you let into your life. Stop blaming everyone else for the drama, negativity and heartache in your life. Own it!

SS7: You have so many more options than you think you do. Get un-stuck.

SS8: Shout outs to all my strong women who raise babies and businesses!

SS9: 6 months ago you would have already made the additional income you needed. 6 months ago you would have already become part of a community of strong women and men who want to see you succeed. 6 months ago you would have aligned with a company who wants to make a difference. The time has passed. But the opportunity hasn’t. The next best time to make a decision is now.

SS10: Telling yourself lies about your failures will continue to hold you back.

SS11: Let’s be honest…

SS12: Stop holding yourself back from the goals you keep setting for yourself.

SS13: Take a risk. It’ll be worth it.

SS14: It’s going to be hard. It’s going to mean you’re going to have to change your lifestyle - change your routine. It will definitely be hard, uncomfortable and unnatural. But only for a little while.

SS15: You learn from your mistakes. You miss out when you hold yourself back.

SS16: Can you live with the worst outcome? If you can, then try. You never know how sweet the success will be.

SS17: Slow and steady wins the race.

SS18: I’m not here to be your voice. I’m here to help you find yours.

SS19: [Share testimonial about your business]

SS20: See the glass half full. Find the silver lining. You know the rest.

SS21: Collect less likes and change more hearts.

SS22: Do it, even if no one sees you.

SS23: You don’t need to know where you’re going. You just need to enjoy each step.

SS24: You can turn anything you love into a business.

SS25: Life isn’t A or B. It’s not this or that. You can live in the middle. See life in color.

SS26: Being sensitive isn’t a weakness. It is your strength.

SS27: If you’re having a bad day, put all of your energy into making sure someone else doesn’t, too.

SS28: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

SS29: “If only I had more time.” Does this sound like you? You have the same number of hours in a day as Oprah, Beyonce, Mother Theresa. It’s just all about how you use them.

SS30: You got this. It’s not the end.