The questionnaire enables you to demonstrate that your company has both the resourceand capability to carry out works effectively
Please complete every question
Completed Forms and supporting information should be returned by12:00 noon on Monday 12th January 2015 to:
John Billington, Senior Building Surveyor, Housing Services, St. Albans City and District Council, Civic Offices, St. Peter’s Street, St. Albans Herts AL1 3JE
PART 1General Instruction’s for the Submission of Pre-Qualification
PART 2Selection Criteria for Shortlisting Tenderers
PART 3Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
1.0The purpose of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is to enableSt. Albans City and District Council (the “Council”) to receive applications from interested firms, to provide the Council with sufficient information about applicants and to allow an assessment to be made of their capability and suitability for selection to be invited to tender forproposed contracts in respect of:
Kitchen and Bathroom Replacements to local authority dwellings
2.0The information obtained from this PQQ will be used to determine a shortlist of companies who may be invited to tender.It is important that you read the contents of this PQQ with care and attention as failure to understand and comply with the instructions may result in the exclusion or disqualification of your organisation from the procurement. In particular, please note that the Council’s discretion, exercisable at anytime during the course of the procurement, to take all reasonable steps to protect the Council by exclusion or disqualification of any organisation that appears to the Council to present a risk of technical or financial failure of that organisation. Organisations are asked to carefully consider the final paragraph NOTE of this PQQ, Part 2.
3.0If you are a partnership or consortium, full details will be required from each partner or consortium member.
4.0Where the PQQ refers to UK legislation, regulations, trade/professional bodies, codes of practice or standards and the like, organisations based outside of the UK should attempt to answer each question substituting where relevant the appropriate legislation, regulations, trade/professional bodies, codes of practice or standards which are applicable and equivalent within their own domestic jurisdiction.
5.0Please note that if any of the information supplied in your submitted PQQ changes in the ensuing PQQ evaluation period, your organisation shall notify the Council in writing as soon as possible. Failure to do so may put your organisation at risk of disqualification.
6.0Organisations shall treat all information and documentation issued by the Council and its advisors as confidential and the Council’s express written consent must be obtained prior to the release of information or documents to any third party other than applicant’s funders, insurers, advisors or any proposed sub-contractors and in the event of which such third parties shall be bound by the same confidentiality requirements.
7.0Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this PQQ, the information within it does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been independently verified. Neither the Council nor its advisors accept any liability for the adequacy or accuracy of any information or opinions stated in this PQQ.
8.0No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be given by the Council or any of its advisors with respect to this PQQ. Any such liability for such matters is expressly disclaimed.
9.0The questions require concise, honest and factual responses, which clearly reflect the applicant’s position. The questionnaire therefore provides applicants, with the opportunity to present their case for being short-listed to submit a formal tender.
10.0To ensure fair and even handed assessment of your PQQ please answer, in the correct order, and using the same numbering system, the questions stated in the following sections as fully as possible. The restriction on the length of the submission is identified in the appropriate question; clarity and concise expression will be highly regarded. If you are required or need to submit additional documentation in the form or appendices please ensure these are properly identified and cross referenced to the appropriate PQQ question. Additional information will only be scored against the cross referenced criteria.
11.0Please complete all the boxes provided. If you wish to add clarification or provide further information please attach a separate sheet to the relevant section of the questionnaire indicating to which question it refers. Should the wording of some questions not be precisely applicable to your organisation, you are welcome to provide brief explanatory notes wherever necessary.
12.0Subject to compliance with the Council’s requirements as to technical and financial capacity, the Councilwish to encourage a response from any organisationsthat are able to demonstrate that they operate or have the ability to operate in the St. Albans City and District Council area in the county of Hertfordshirein the UK for the purpose of the proposed work.
13.0Your suitability for inclusion on the short list of selected bidders will depend on the answers to this questionnaire. Even if you already provide similar services tothe Councilyou should answer all questions fully and provide all supporting documentation referred to.
14.0Please note failure to provide a completed PQQ, in the correct format, or failure to provide additional information requested will be reflected in the scoring and may result in your organisation being not being invited to Tender.
15.0Please note that the Council’s discretion, exercisable at any time during the course of the procurement, to take all reasonable steps to protect the Council by exclusion or disqualification of any organisation that appears to the Council to present a risk of technical or financial failure of that organisation.
16.0To be eligible for consideration for selection to the tender list, your PQQ submission must demonstrate that your organisation is able to fulfil the following as a minimum requirement:
- Turnover - annual turnover for your own organisation (not for a parent company or group) for the type of works and services being the subject of this procurement, as demonstrated by submitted financial statements at twice the anticipated combined annual value of all works for which interest is expressed. Provision by the applicant of a Dunn and Bradstreet Compact Report(as a minimum) for your organisation, will also be used by the Council in assessing the eligibility of your organisation.
- Resources - the means and intent to deploy under the contract an adequate, properly trained/qualified workforce for identified traditional building trades. Preference may be given towards organisations with their own directly employed workforce.
- References - provide the references (with full contact details) requested that are directly relevant to the work under the proposed contract i.e. kitchen and bathroom renewal
- Experience - has an established and proven track record of upgrading works in respect of occupied public sector social housing,
17.0The select tender list will comprise a minimum of 6 of the top scoring eligible organisations from evaluation of PQQ submissions, providing there are sufficient applicants and they have achieved the sufficient cut off score.
18.0You shall identify the key personnel responsible for your application, together with full contact details.
19.0The Council is not obliged to review reasons for, investigate or follow up, any information found to be missing from an organisation’s PQQ response and the PQQ will be evaluated accordingly.
20.0Completed PQQ submissions must be received by the Council no later than 12:00 noon on Monday 12th January 2015, sent as 1 x written copy & 1 x (electronic) CD copy to John Billington, Senior Building Surveyor, St. Albans City and District Council, Housing Services, Civic Offices, St. Peter’s Street, St. Albans Herts AL1 3JE.
21.0Proof of delivery to any other location will not be accepted as proof of receipt by the due time or date.
22.0Questionnaires and/or supporting information received late will not be considered under any circumstances.
23.0One paper copy of your submission. One electronic copy on CD is also to be provided.
24.0The Council does not bind itself to accept any submission for inclusion in the subsequent tender stage and reserves the absolute right to postpone, cancel or abandon the procurement process at any stage.
25.0Applicants shall note that the Council and or its advisors shall not be liable for and will not pay any costs in respect of the preparation of any pre-qualification or subsequent tender submission of any applicant/bidder whether they are successful or unsuccessful. This shall equally apply in the event that the procurement process is postponed, cancelled or abandoned at any stage and for whatever reason.
26.0Please note that this PQQ applies to the Contract for Kitchen and Bathroom Replacements to Local Authority Dwellings only. Where a contractor is applying for other contracts with St Albans City & District Council, including but not limited to other Housing Contracts currently being advertised the PQQ/ other documents specific to the relevant contracts must be completed and submitted separately. In no circumstances should PQQ/ other documentation relating to any other contracts be included in the return envelope for this Contract.
Further information or queries in connection with this PQQ may be obtained from: John Billington, Senior Building Surveyor – Tel 01727 819524.
All enquiries shall be made by email and shall be received by the Council, no later than 12.00 noon on Monday15th December 2015 AND all responses to clarification questions / enquiries will be supplied to all bidders via the website at the above address by 22nd December 2015 . It will not be possible to respond to any queries received after that date and time.
Selection Techniques
Assessment of the PQQ submissions will be carried out through the following stages:
- Assessment of achievement of fundamental criteria
- Detailed assessment and initial scoring of the PQQ based upon a predetermined weighted scoring mechanism
- Experience and capability assessment
- Geographical coverage capability
- Analysis of references provided by applicants
- Final scoring of the PQQ
The initial assessment will be against the Stage 1: Fundamental Criteria, these criteria represent the minimum criteria an applicant is required to meet, are shown below and will be marked as a pass or fail. Some of these criteria will then be scored further on Stage 2: Scoring Criteria. Failure against any of the criteria will result in exclusion from the detailed scoring and elimination from the selection process and pass means the application will proceed to the detailed assessment stage.
Stage 1 – Fundamental Criteria
Section/Question / Heading / Criteria for Pass/FailGENERAL COMPANY INFORMATION
(Q1.13, 1.14, 1.18) / Conflict of Interest / Submissions will not be permitted from more than one organisation from within the same parent company or ultimate parent company or from the same group of companies.
(Q1.20) / Declarations Made / If any Partner or Director has been involved in a business carrying out services similar to those being the subject of this PQQ, which has either become bankrupt, insolvent, had a compulsory winding up order, gone into administration or receivership.
(Q1.21) / The applicants have NOT got any conflict of interest in respect of a relationship with any employee or staff member of the Council.
Explanation of ALL relationships for consideration if it is acceptable/unacceptable to the Council
(Q1.26) / The applicants have NOT received a Court, arbitration, or Industrial Tribunal Judgement awarded against it in the last three years.
Explanation of ALL judgements against for consideration if it is acceptable/unacceptable to the Council.
(Q1.41) / Do any of the other circumstances set out in The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 Part 4, Regulation 23 apply to the applicant?
(Q2.5, 2.10. 2.11) / Health and Safety credentials / Applicants must provide copies of their H&S statement, policy, codes of practice, risk assessment and compliance audit.
(Q3.1 – 3.9) / Quality Assurance credentials / Applicants must demonstrate accreditation or working towards accreditation in respect of the services being provided under this contract or have an equal and/or approved system.
(Q4.1 – 4.10) / Environmental credentials / Applicants must demonstrate accreditation or working towards accreditation in respect of Environmental Management or have an effective environmental policy.
(Q 6.2) / Turnover / Annual turnover level at twice the anticipated combined annual value of all Works for which interest is expressed for the type of works and services being the subject of this procurement.
(Q 6.8) / Financial Assessment / That the Dunn and Bradstreet report does not indicate a risk for the Council as set out on Page 7 (below).
(Q 7.1, 9) / Work Experience / Evidence that the applicant has worked for other public and or commercial sector organisations in the provision of the services being the subject of this PQQ.
(Q7.4 – 7.7) / Applicants must NOT have had a contract terminated and/or its employment determined under the terms of the contract.
(Q 7.5, 7.7) / Applicants must NOT have failed to receive a contract renewal on the basis of unsatisfactory performance.
In terms of the Dunn and Bradstreet report, applicants will need to meet all of the following criteria in order to pass at stage 1:
- Financial Strength IndicatorB and above
- Risk Indicator2 or lower
- D&B Failure Score60 and above
- D&B Delinquency Score 50 and above
N.B. Where the bidding company is part or a group of companies the bidder is to supply Dunn & Bradstreet reports for both the bidding company and the group of companies. The lowest of the two reports will be used.
It is the Bidders responsibility to ensure that the Dunn & Bradstreet report contains the correct information to ensure that their company is being evaluated correctly.
The Council shall only consider financial reports in place of a D&B Compact report where the organisation is a Partnership.
Stage 2: Scoring
The applicants that achieve a pass at stage 1 will progress to the detailed assessment stage which will measure how applicants match the Council’s key objectives. Appraisal criteria, maximum available scores and weightings have been agreed prior to dispatch/receipt of the applications. The various category headings and weightings are detailed below.
Category / PointsWeighting
General Company Details / 5%
Equality and Diversity / 3%
Health and Safety / 6%
Quality Accreditation / 2%
Environmental / 2%
Financial Trends / 25%
Credit Rating / 25%
Experience and Technical / 17%
Technical References / 15%
Total / 100%
Detailed Assessment
Each submission will be scored against set criteria, and the analysis of references provided by applicants to produce a final score based on the following model.
% Apportionment / Points WeightingGeneral Company Details
CIS Accreditation / 12.50% / 1.00
Construction Skills Certification Scheme / 12.50% / 1.00
Insurances / 12.50% / 1.00
Lost days due to Industrial Dispute / 12.50% / 1.00
Out of Hours Provisions / 25.00% / 2.00
Provision of Financial Accounts/Statements / 25.00% / 2.00
100.00% / 8.00
Equality Diversity
Policies Generally / 40.00% / 2.00
Training / 20.00% / 1.00
Employment / 40.00% / 2.00
100.00% / 5.00
Health Safety
Accredited Scheme / 10.00% / 1.00
Accident Statistics / 10.00% / 1.00
No. of Prosecutions / 20.00% / 2.00
No. of Prohibition/Improvement Notices / 20.00% / 2.00
Health and Safety Policy/Statement / 10.00% / 1.00
General Health and Safety / 30.00% / 3.00
100.00% / 10.00
Quality Accreditation / % Apportionment / Points Weighting
Accredited / 100% / 3.00
ISO 14001 Accreditation / 33.33% / 1.00
Environmental Policy/Statement / 33.33% / 1.00
Number of Prosecutions / 33.33% / 1.00
100.00% / 3.00
Financial Trends
Expansion or Contraction of the Business / 30.00% / 3.00
Profit / 50.00% / 5.00
Order Book Capacity / 20.00% / 2.00
100.00% / 10.00
Credit Rating
Dunn & Bradstreet Report – Provided/Satisfactory / 100.00% / 7.00
Experience Technical
Supplementary Questions / Added Value / 44.73% / 17.00
Staff Development and Training / 13.16% / 5.00
Sub-Contractor Matters / 13.16% / 5.00
Directly Employed Staff and Labour / 13.16% / 5.00
Capability Proven by Existing Projects / 15.79% / 6.00
100.00% / 38.00
Technical References
Suitable Referees / ReferencesProvided / 18.75% / 3.00
References Received / 81.25% / 13.00
100.00% / 16.00
The applicants will be ranked in order based upon the scores achieved.
Based upon the scores achieved, other relevant information from the submissions, discussions and references, applicants will be selected on merit to ensure that those applicants selected have the necessary geographical coverage, expertise, experience, resources and management capability to tender for the Council’s new contracts.
The selected list of Tenderers will be established accordingly.
Applicants shall note that the underlying scoring mechanism for evaluation of pre-qualification submissions is private and confidential to the Counciland its advisors and will not be disclosed. Any feedback provided to unsuccessful applicants shall be restricted to the headings of the main categories of General Company Details, Equality Diversity, Health Safety, Quality Accreditation, Environmental, Financial Trends, Credit Rating, Experience & Technical and Technical References. In participating in this pre-qualification process applicants shall be deemed to unequivocally accept this.
NOTE: Organisations are reminded that the Council has an obligation to obtain best value in the course of its procurement exercises. In furtherance of that objective, the Council reserves and retains an absolute discretion throughout the PQQ and the entirety of the procurement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, up to the award of any contract) to carry out or authorise any further reviews, verifications or checks that the Council reasonably believes are required to ensure the suitability of the organisation to be awarded the contract. Such steps include, but are not limited to, further financial or other verification of any organisation (or any party associated with that organisation’s application, such as a party to any consortium or a sub-contractor). Following such verification, the Council reserves an absolute discretion to exclude, disqualify or impose conditions upon any organisation which, in the reasonable opinion of the Council, presents a risk to the successful fulfilment of the contract, or does not meet the Council’s requirements in relation to the procurement and / or the contract. Matters that might lead to such exclusion, disqualification or conditions include, but are not limited to, an adverse assessment of an organisation’s financial standing, whether current or by way of trend or forecast and whether carried out internally or commissioned by the Council from any third party source. In exercising this discretion, the Council will act with appropriate transparency, equal treatment, fairness and proportionality to all organisations.