RFP14-071DATE: November 6, 2013


PHONE: (816)271-4465


Date: JANUARY 17, 2014

Time: 2:00pm CST Faxed or electronic submissions will not be accepted.


Return Proposals To: Missouri Western State University

Purchasing Department, Popplewell Hall, Room 221 4525 Downs Drive

St. Joseph, MO 64507

All prospective applicants must submit this form along with their proposals.



Date of Submission Minority Vendor ______YesNo


Applicant E-Mail Address


Company Name of ApplicantApplicant TelephoneApplicant FAX Number


Address of ApplicantCity/StateZip


By (Signature of Authorized Agent)TitlePrinted Name of Signatory

I(We) received Addendum Number(s) ______(Fill in number(s) received, if none, write none.)

Unsigned Proposals May Be Considered Non-responsive.

Proposal Specifications for RFP 14-071

Section I: Campus Master Planning Services

Section I.

Part One: Introduction

Missouri Western State University (“Missouri Western”; “the university”; “the institution”) is proposing to undertake the development of a Campus Master Plan (“the plan”) to assess the manner in which university facilities and infrastructure currently serve constituent needs and how the institution might meet future capital demands.

The university requests the submittal of proposals from firms interested in providing consulting services (“the provider”; “the respondent”) to develop a Campus Master Plan that integrates the requirements of the institution’s vision, mission, values and strategic plan. Services shall include two phases:

  1. Review and evaluate the Missouri Western campus including, but not limited to, all academic, administrative, recreational/athletic/social, ancillary, and residential facilities, as well as a comprehensive space utilization analysis. This review will include assessment of renovation and new construction needs, accessibility/ADA, safety and security, pedestrian/vehicular circulation, roadways, parking, landscaping and green space, signage, and land development.
  1. Identification of current and anticipated facility/capital requirements and preparation of a plan for the development of the campus to address those needs.

Missouri Western does not have a current Campus Master Plan. Such a document is needed to establish a framework for the physical growth and evolution that can be anticipated over the next 10 years. The new plan will be an essential tool to help guide the university’s decisions regarding new construction and renovation, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, accessibility, parking, land development, and space utilization. The plan will also assist the university in adapting to unanticipated opportunities and needs.

Section I.

Part Two: Background

Missouri Western State University is a four-year, state-assisted, public institution providing a blend of traditional liberal arts and professional degree programs. It is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, and offers student-centered, quality instruction that focuses on experience-based learning, community service, and state-of-the-art technology. Missouri Western is located on 723 acres of land in St.Joseph, Missouri, and is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the region it serves.

The state’s largest open-enrollment university, Missouri Western is authorized under Missouri statutes to offer associate, baccalaureate and graduate degrees, as well as certificate and graduate certificate programs. Dual-credit classes, continuing education opportunities, and self-enrichment courses are also offered. Missouri Western State University has an enrollment of approximately 5,900 students, and nearly 23 percent of them live in university housing. Approximately 68 percent of the university’s students attend school fulltime, and more than a quarter of them are nontraditional students. Missouri Western has approximately 305 nonteaching employees and 185 full-time faculty members.

The predecessor to Missouri Western, St. Joseph Junior College, was organized in 1915 as an integral part of the city public school system. An independent junior college district involving 11 school districts was organized in 1965, and the school’s name was changed to Missouri Western Junior College. Also in 1965, legislation allowing the junior college to become a fouryear institution passed the Missouri General Assembly. In fall 1969, 2,536 students began attending the new four-year school at its present location. Enabling legislation allowed Missouri Western to take on its university designation August 28, 2005, and also provided the institution with a statewide mission in applied learning.

Missouri Western’s non-auxiliary facilities cover approximately 753,000 square feet and have an estimated value of $151,834,000. A majority of the university’s facilities are more than 40years old. A campus map and brief description of facilities may be accessed electronically at

Section I.

Part Three: Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Plan

  1. University Vision – Missouri Western State University will set the standard for excellence in student development and community leadership.
  1. University Mission – Missouri Western State University is a learning community focused on students as individuals and as members of society. Western offers students at all stages of life the opportunity to achieve excellence in the classroom and beyond, as they prepare to be leaders in their work and in their communities. As a leader itself, Western is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the people and the region that it serves.
  1. University Values – In fulfilling its mission and pursuing its vision, the people of Missouri Western State University hold in common these values:
  2. Service – We share the common purpose of serving students, one another and the people of the region.
  3. Quality – We are committed to the quality of our programs, our students, and our partnership with the people of the region.
  4. Enthusiasm – We are enthusiastic about learning and confident that we can make a difference in the lives of students through their learning.
  5. Freedom – We promote the free exchange of ideas that makes education liberating and democracy unique.
  6. Respect – We act as individuals and as a campus community with respect for diversity and for the best in human potential.
  7. Courage – We seek the challenge and adventure of shaping the future with an increasingly global perspective.
  1. University Strategic Plan – Information regarding Missouri Western’s strategic plan may be accessed electronically at

Section I.

Part Four: Guiding Standards

The university’s Campus Master Plan must be Missouri-Western based, evolving from the institution’s history, mission, vision, values and strategic plan. It will not only help meet current needs and enhance the quality of academic and student life, but also anticipate long-range capital needs while providing a dynamic plan for continuous progress. The plan must point out deficiencies and outline opportunities, while offering comprehensive solutions and presenting an agenda for accomplishing the required improvements.

The plan will support Missouri Western’s campus environment, which fosters a sense of community, contributes to student learning and development, enhances pride in the university, and serves as an asset for Missouri Western’s students and the greater region. All facility and grounds management will include intentional planning of eachdesign, renovation and expansion.

Section I.

Part Five: Scope of Services

The Campus Master Plan will outline clear issues, needs and goals to guide campus growth and development. The plan will comprise, but not be limited to, Missouri Western’s main campus, including all academic, administrative, recreational/athletic/social, ancillary and residential facilities, West Campus (comprised of physical plant offices, warehouse, and maintenance buildings), the Christopher S. “Kit” Bond Science and Technology Incubator, and the academic sections of the Missouri Department of Conservation facility on campus. This review will include assessment of renovation and new construction needs, space utilization, accessibility/ADA, safety and security, pedestrian/vehicular circulation, roadways, parking, landscaping and green space, signage, and land development.

This project will be conducted in two phases as detailed below:

Phase I

The selected master planning services provider will complete a comprehensive review and analysis of Missouri Western’s facilities and land, and present findings to university officials for review and input.

  1. Review and assess condition and utilization of campus facilities
  2. Assess academic, recreational/athletic/social, administrative, ancillary, and residential facilities in regard to condition as well as renovation and expansion needs, and provide an inventory in a computer database agreed upon by the provider and Missouri Western
  3. Analyze existing space utilization and needs, and provide an inventory in a computer database agreed upon by the provider and the university
  4. Assess campus safety, security and accessibility/ADA compliance, and provide an inventory in a computer database agreed upon by the provider and the university
  1. Review and evaluate campus design in relation to current and future needs
  2. Assess pedestrian and vehicular circulation, roadways and parking
  3. Appraise landscaping and green space, including preservation of natural areas
  4. Evaluate campus signage
  1. Assess campus land holdings in regard to future expansion needs and project development
  1. Engage university officials and other key stakeholders in evaluation of findings

Phase II

Guided by Missouri Western State University’s mission, vision and strategic plan, the selected master planning services provider will develop a comprehensive Campus Master Plan document utilizing the findings in Phase I. This document will guide decisions in regard to university facilities, design, and land use that not only help meet current needs and enhance the quality of academic and student life, but also anticipate long-range capital needs while providing a dynamic plan for continuous progress. The plan will point out deficiencies and outline opportunities, while offering comprehensive solutions and presenting an agenda for accomplishing the required improvements.

  1. Provide a comprehensive Campus Master Plan document to include, but not be limited to, recommendations for the following:
  2. Overall campus design
  3. Campus facilities, including academic, administrative, ancillary, residential, and recreational/athletic/social
  4. Locations for additions and future buildings
  5. Lifecycle costing of facilities
  6. Space allocation and utilization
  7. Campus safety, security and accessibility/ADA
  8. Pedestrian and vehicular circulation, roadways and parking
  9. Landscaping and green space, including preservation of natural areas
  10. Signage
  11. Land development
  1. Provide 25 copies of the printed Campus Master Plan and an editable PDF version for copying and web posting, with drawings in CADD or other software approved by Missouri Western
  1. Lead presentations and discussion of recommendations with university officials and other key stakeholders (The university will schedule these meetings.)

Section I.

Part Six: Existing Data

The following materials, as well as other pertinent information, will be made available to the successful service provider for the Missouri Western State University Campus Master Plan:

  1. Copy of 1966 Master Plan Report – Missouri Western College
  2. Copy of 1967 Campus & Building Plans – Missouri Western College
  3. Copy of the 2003 Housing Facilities Master Plan – Missouri Western State College
  4. Copy of 2009 Facilities Usage Plan – Missouri Western State University
  5. Copy of FY 2015 State of Missouri Appropriations Request
  6. Copies of building floor plans
  7. Information regarding residential housing usage
  8. Enrollment trend data
  9. Other information as deemed appropriate


Section II: Proposal Preparation

Section II.

Part One: General Information

Proposalsshall be clear, concise, and follow the format detailed in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Proposals that are difficult to follow or that do not conform to the RFP format or binding specifications may be rejected. Respondents shall include required information requested in this RFP. Missouri Western State University reserves the right to reject a proposal package if required information is not provided or is not organized as directed. The university reserves the right to change any provision in this RFP, provided all service providers are notified of the change(s).

This Request for Proposaldoes not obligate Missouri Western to award a contract, and the university reserves the right to cancel the solicitation if it is considered to be in its best interest.

  1. This document, including attachments, constitutes a formal Request for Proposaland is a competitive procurement. Therefore, the responding service providers shall carefully follow the instructions herein to be considered fully responsive to the RFP.
  1. Proposals shall be sealed in mailing envelopes or packages with the responding service provider’s name and address clearly written on the outside. The Request for Proposal Number should also be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope or package. The completed cover sheet shall be incorporated into the service provider’s proposal and shall be signed in ink by an authorized officer of the company. Proof of authority of the person signing shall be furnished as part of the proposal. All costs incurred by a respondent in replying to this RFP shall be borne by the responding service provider.
  1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Missouri Western State University reserves its right to:
  1. Reject any and all packages received in response to this RFP.
  2. Waive or modify any informalities, irregularities, or inconsistencies in packages received.
  3. Select more than one service provider.
  4. As part of the evaluation process, interview some respondents who have been shortlisted after review of proposal documents.
  1. Any verbal explanations, instructions or discussion of any aspect of this RFP provided to the responding service providersbefore the award of a contract shall not be binding. Respondents with questions regarding this Request for Proposalshall submit them in writing by electronic mail (do not fax) to the campus contact person.

Section II.

Part Two: Contacts

Requests for information or clarification by service provider respondents shall be received no later than December 17, 2013. Written questions or communications with Missouri Western State University regarding this RFP shall be submitted via e-mail to the university contact as outlined below. Questions shall include the name of the questioner and a phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address for confirmation.

All communication shall clearly state the appropriate RFP reference (i.e. subject plus page and section numbers) and shall generally state the contents of the communication (for example, “RFP Questions”) at the top of the e-mail. Any email not including this designation will be assumed to be general e-mail, and may not receive priority attention.

If appropriate, a change responding to questions or communications may be issued by the university in the form of an addendum to the RFP. No other communications shall be of any effect in changing or amending this RFP.

All communications from potential service provider respondents shall be sent via e-mail to:

Name: / Brenda Cazel
Title: / Purchasing Manager
Address: / 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507
E-mail: /
Phone: / 816-271-4465

From the date of release of this RFP until after a review of proposals has been completed by the university, respondents shall not communicate with Missouri Western’s staff concerning the RFP except through the university contact, Brenda Cazel, pursuant to the procedure described in the RFP. If any respondent attempts any unauthorized communication, the university may reject that service provider’s proposal.

Section II.

Part Three: Proposal Delivery

All proposals shall be priced, signed, sealed, and delivered with all necessary attachments to the Missouri Western State University Purchasing Department by the bid receipt date and time specified on the cover of this RFP. The Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A) shall be submitted in its own sealed envelope as part of the proposal package and marked with the additional title: Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A). Proposals shall be submitted to:

Missouri Western State University

Purchasing Department, Popplewell 221

4525 Downs Drive

St. Joseph, MO 64507

“RFP (RFP14-071) Enclosed” should be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope.

To be considered, proposals shall be received at the address identified above no later than 2:00 p.m. CST January 17, 2014. Submission by fax, e-mail or other electronic transmission is unacceptable, and packages submitted by these means shall not be considered. Missouri Western assumes no responsibility for delays in the U.S. Postal Service or courier systems, or because of weather.

Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted or considered.

Section II.

Part Four: Quantities

Each service provider respondent shall provide one(1)signed original copy of its entire submission including all attachments. In addition, each respondent shall submit ten(10)identical copies of its proposal with duplicate signatures and all attachments for a total of eleven (11) hard documents for each proposal. The Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A) shall be submitted in its own sealed envelope as part of the proposal package and marked with the additional title: Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A).

Section II.

Part Five: Binding

All proposals shall be submitted in bound booklets. All pages shall be sequentially numbered within each section (1.1, 2.1, etc.). A detailed index for easy reference to the proposal shall be included.

Section II.

Part Six: Proposal Content

Submissions shall include the following minimum contents:

  1. List ofproject team members proposed to conduct the campus master planning services, including the project principal and any subcontractors, with details about their training and work experience. Description should include key staff involvement in project management and on-site presence, as well as time commitment of key staff members. No change in personnel assigned to the project shall occur without the approval of Missouri Western State University.
  1. Statement of responding firm’s service, background and experience, with emphasis on local, state, and federal government work, particularly as it applies to higher education campus master plan preparation. Outline experience of firm, key staff and subcontractors with projects of similar scope and complexity. This should include, but not be limited to, experience with and analysis of university campus master planning; residential life master planning; space utilization; land development; accessibility; safety and security; pedestrian/vehicular circulation, roadways, and parking; landscaping and green space; and signage.
  1. Describe responding firm’s capabilities, including the delineation of lines of authority and coordination, as well as identification of essential management functions. Include a statement regarding the firm’s hardware and software capabilities, including database management and CADD. State current and projected workload and the firm’s personnel capacity.
  1. Provide statement of demonstrated success on projects of similar scope and complexity completed during the past five years, including a minimum of four (4) references. Missouri Western may contact previous clients concerning the respondent’s former clients for relevant information concerning the respondent’s record of past performance. This information should be submitted on the Prior Experience/Services Performed (EXHIBIT B) form, and include name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of referenced contracting agency and a person who may be contacted for verification of data submitted; dates of the contract; and a brief written description of the service required and performed.
  1. Guided by Missouri Western’s mission, vision, values and strategic plan, describe the respondent’s approach to successfully performing the services outlined in Section I. Part Five: Scope of Services, including firm strategies and methods for accomplishing a Campus Master Plan. Include a schedule and anticipated timeline to complete each phase of the project as outlined in the Scope of Services. List all items and information which will be required from Missouri Western by the respondent. Outline the process for ensuring quality control of the final product.
  1. State where the prime service provider and subcontractors will do the key work of this project, including responding firm’s proximity to Missouri Western State University, and its familiarity with the project area.
  1. Completed Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A) form in a separate sealed envelope. Elements shall include:
  1. A not-to-exceed lump sum for basic services
  2. Separate, itemized fees for Phase I and Phase II, as described in Scope of Services
  3. Itemized fees for the space utilization analysis and Campus Master Plan as described in this RFP
  4. Itemized services to be provided by each subcontractor, including work to be performed, expected hours of service, and corresponding fees
  5. Estimated fees for customary reimbursable expenses to be invoiced separately and not considered as professional services
  6. Expected fee payment schedule

A separate Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A) must be submitted in a sealed envelope within the proposal package and marked with the additional title: Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A). The respondent must provide prices for all requirements described above and shown in the Fee Proposal (EXHIBIT A). Any cost/pricing data submitted by the respondent, including any data related to contractual extension options, shall be subject to evaluation.