State of Maine Maine Centers for Disease ControlMaine Immunization Program
286 Water Street, KeyPlaza, 9th Floor, 11 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0011
Phone (207) 287-3746, 1-800-867-4775 Fax (207) 287-8127, 1-800-437-5743
Pin #______Practice: ______
Organization Name: ______*Practice NPI:______
Vaccine Manager: ______
Phone: ______Fax: ______e-mail: ______
Medicaid Provider #: ______Federal Tax ID #: ______
Vaccine Delivery Address:
Mailing Address:
* National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) are given to health care providers—individuals, groups, or
organizations that provide medial or other health services that need them to submit claims or conduct other
transactions specified by HIPAA. The NPI is a 10-position numeric identifier. FAQs about the National
Provider Identifier (NPI) can be found at:
(NOTE: Please make corrections to above information and fill in blank fields)
Please indicate any day(s) the Office is Closed: ___ Mon ___ Tues ___ Wed ___ Th ___ Fri
Type of Facility (please check only one box):
A. Public Health Department - 10 (A state, district, county or city public health clinic)
B. Federally QualifiedHealthCenter (FQHC) - 15 (Primary care clinics funded by the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC/HRSA) as well as FQHCs and “look-alikes” not funded by BPHC)
C. Rural Health Clinic (RHC) - 15 (A clinic located in a shortage area as designated by HCFA)
D. Other Public Health - 16 (Any other public funded clinic which provides immunizations, for example Indian Health Service/Tribal Health Clinic, public school or state, district, county, city public outpatient clinic)
Please designate: ______
E. Private Practice (Individual or Group) - 20
F. PrivateHospital - 22
G.Other Private Facility – 24 (For example, Nursing Homes, Long Term Care, Manufacturers)
A.Vaccine Need – (Current)
PART A:For the 12-month period beginning January 1, 2014 estimate the number of patients who will receive vaccinations at your facility, by age group. Only count a patient once for the 12 month period based on the status at the last immunization visit. You may be able to get these numbers from your billing department or VFC Screening Records. These numbers do not affect your ability to receive vaccine in Maine. They do help our program identify appropriate funding sources.
<1year / 1-6 years / 7-18 years / 18 years / *TotalPART B: Of the total number for each age group entered in Part A, indicate by category how many children are VFC eligible at your health facility and how many are not VFC eligible (Insured). The total shown in Part A should equal the total shown in Part B.
Category / Number of PatientsLess than
1 year old / Number of Patients
1 through 6 Years of Age / Number of Patients
7 through 18 Years of Age /
Number of Patients Over 18 Years of Age
VFC EligibleEnrolled in Medicaid
Without Health Insurance / N/A
American Indian or Alaskan Native / N/A
Non-VFC Eligible
Private Insurance
*(includes underinsured)
*Maine legislation requires private health insurance companies to cover the cost of ACIP recommended vaccines for those individuals, up to age 19, who are under their health plan.
B.Health Professionals
Please type the names of all health professionals authorized to prescribe and/or administer vaccines in your facility.
NOTE:Individuals or entities that have been placed in non-payment status under Medicare, Medicaid and other Federal health care programs, including the VFC program by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (OIG) or through Executive Order by another Executive department (e.g., Department of Transportation, Office of Personnel Management, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Defense) are not allowed to enroll or participate in the VFC program or receive VFC vaccine. VFC providers are responsible for checking the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) list of excluded Individuals/Entities on the OIG website () prior to hiring or contracting with any individuals or entities. VFC enrolled provider sites who are found to have a person employed that is on the OIG excluded provider list shall be terminated from the VFC program.
*National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) are given to health care providers—individuals, groups, or organizations that provide medial or other health services that need them to submit claims or conduct other transactions specified by HIPAA. The NPI is a 10-position numeric identifier. FAQs about the National Provider Identifier (NPI) can be found at:
Last Name / First Name / *National Provider Identifier (NPI) / Medical License No.(As applicable) / Medicaid Provider No.
(Physicians Only) / Title (MD, DO, NP, PA, RN, LPN, MA)
This record is to be submitted to and will be kept on file at the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Immunization Program. The Maine Immunization Program should be notified within ten (10) days of any changes, additions or deletions to this list.
C.Vaccine Storage, Handling and Accountability Plan
Vaccine Storage, Handling and Accountability Plan: Practices must have a written vaccine routine and emergency storage and handling plan, in accordance with CDC’s Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit ( This plan must address storage, handling and accountability of vaccine during emergency situations (times the office may be closed and there is a power outage) and during regular business hours. This plan will be reviewed by MIP staff during VFC site visits. You may develop your own written routine and emergency storage and handling plan or use the storage and handling plan template below. If you choose to develop your own plan, all of the following information and questions must be addressed.
Keep a copy to post on Refrigerator and/or Freezer
Practice Name: (required) / PIN(required)
Primary Position Responsible for vaccine and name of person currently in position: (required) / Phone:
Secondary Position Responsible for vaccine and name of person currently in position: (required) / Phone:
Person with 24-hour access:(required) / Phone:
During a Power Outage: (The following questions are to identify the steps that will be taken by your facility personnel to ensure temperatures of the vaccine will be maintained appropriately at all times. This includes periods of time when power outages occur, both when the facility is open and closed.)
1. This Facility has a back-up Generator. (Go to Question 2)
If you do not have a generator, identify at least one location with a generator (hospital, 24-hour store, etc.). Before transporting, call the back-up location site to ensure that their generator is working.
The location, contact name and phone # of an alternative location to store vaccines during a power outage is REQUIRED if Facility does not have a back-up Generator
#1.Location ______Contact Name ______Ph# ______
#2.Location ______Contact Name ______Ph# ______
2.How will you be notified when a power outage occurs at your facility when your practice is closed?(required)
3.If your emergency back-up location is more than 30 minutes away and you have a large quantity of vaccine, consider renting a refrigerated truck to transport your vaccine.
Refrigeration Company ______Ph#______
4.Other Resources:
5.Who is responsible for training new staff on the Storage and Handling Policy and Procedures for this facility at this site?
6.Describe your procedure for monitoring refrigerator/freezer temperatures twice daily – including steps to be taken if temperatures are out of recommended range.
Procedure should include, at a minimum:
- Checking temperatures for each storage unit at least twice a day (morning and evening) and recording those temperatures on temperature log
- Adjusting the thermostat of the storage unit(s), when necessary, to bring temperature back in range. Note: When adjusting the thermostat does not bring temperatures back in range, it is recommended to move vaccine to a stable environment until temperatures in the storage unit can be maintained at appropriate levels.
- When the temperatures were outside the recommended range, provider must document all action taken, including but not limited to moving the vaccine to another location until temperatures in storage unit can be stabilized. This can be done on the back of the temperature log or on a separate page attached to the log with the date that the temperature was out of range. IMMPACT users can provide documentation of actions taken using the Comments text box on the temperature log screen. Notify MIP when vaccine has been involved in a cold chain failure
- If temperatures are outside appropriate range, practice will contact Vaccine Manufacturer for guidance on viability of vaccine(s) and fill out vaccine wastage worksheet (Attachment B)
I have read and agree to follow the above storage and handling requirements.
Please use the space below to describe any additional steps your practice will take. Please include the name of the responsible person if different from primary vaccine position.
7.Describe your procedure to ensure vaccines are immediately unpacked and stored at recommended temperatures upon receiving shipment. Include maintenance of the cold-chain prior to vaccine administration.
Procedure should include, at a minimum:
- When vaccines arrive at practice, immediately notify appropriate staff (identify who this is and all backup personnel for times primary is unavailable)
- The vaccines will immediately be unpacked and cold chain monitor checked for activation. MIP will be notified if cold chain monitor was activated
- The vaccines will be checked against the packing list for matching names/lot numbers
- Vaccines will immediately be placed in appropriate unit (fridge and/or freezer)
- Practice will not pre-draw vaccines
- Temperatures will be checked and recorded at least twice a day
- Thermometers are inspected to ensure that they are certified and calibrated.
- Storage unit(s) are large enough to allow adequate ventilation/air flow for vaccine ordered/received
- Storage unit(s) are regularly inspected/maintained to ensure that they work efficiently
I have read and agree to follow the above storage and handling requirements.
Please use the space below to describe any additional steps your practice will take. Please include the name of the responsible person if different from primary vaccine position.
8. Identify steps taken to advise maintenance and/or cleaning personnel not to unplug storage units (e.g., safety outlet covers and Do Not Unplug stickers are placed on the unit or near the outlet and circuit breakers. (These stickers are available at no cost from the Maine Immunization Program.)
Steps should include, at a minimum:
- Do Not Unplug signs or stickers placed on each unit (or near relevant outlets)
- Do Not Unplug signs or stickers placed near relevant circuit breakers
I have read and agree to follow the above storage and handling requirements.
Please use the space below to describe any additional steps your practice will take. Please include the name of the responsible person if different from primary vaccine position.
9. Describe your plan for ordering vaccines, controlling inventory and ensuring required accountability paperwork is submitted monthly.
Plan should include, at a minimum:
- Order vaccine in accordance with actual vaccine need; avoid stockpiling or build-up of more than six week supply
- Submit monthly temperature logs when MIP supplied vaccine is stored
- Submit monthly usage reports when MIP supplied vaccine is in inventory.
I have read and agree to follow the above storage and handling requirements.
Please use the space below to describe any additional steps your practice will take. Please include the name of the responsible person if different from primary vaccine position.
10.Describe your plan for minimizing vaccine wastage (e.g. check and rotate stock to assure shortest dated vaccine is used first; transferring short dated vaccine to another Maine Immunization Program participating provider, etc.)
Plan should include, at a minimum:
- Short-dated vaccines are stored in the front of unit and used first (stock rotated). On a weekly basis, expiration dates are checked to ensure proper placement
- Vaccines are not stored in vegetable/fruit bins, deli drawers, or door of storage units
- Vaccines are properly placed in storage units with air space between the stacks and side/back of the unit to allow cold air to circulate around the vaccine
- Transfer short dated vaccine to another MIP participating Provider
- Practice will not pre-draw vaccines
I have read and agree to follow the above storage and handling requirements.
Please use the space below to describe any additional steps your practice will take. Please include the name of the responsible person if different from primary vaccine position.
11. Vaccine Storage Equipment: Please indicate the type of unit(s) currently being used by your practice to store vaccines. Identify each unit below by providing corresponding name as shown on your ImmPact temperature log(s) report.
Unit 1: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
Unit 2: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
Unit 3: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
Unit 4: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
Unit 5: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
Unit 6: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
Unit 7: Name______
Stand alone refrigerator with no freezer compartment
Stand alone freezer
Refrigerator that has a separate freezer compartment with a separate exterior door
Other (describe) ______
Age of Unit (years): ______Size of Unit (cubic feet): ______
Has unit had maintenance check performed? (yes/no): _____
Date of last maintenance: ______
The information supplied in this Storage and Handling Plan may be verified by the State during a visit and/or in the event of a cold chain incident.
Vaccine ManagerPrescribing Physician Or Equivalent
Reminder:A copy of theStorage and Handling Plan must be submitted with the Provider Agreement. Keep a copy of this Plan in a location easily accessible by all staff and on your storage units.
D.Agreement Signature Page
NOTE:Individuals or entities that have been placed in non-payment status under Medicare, Medicaid and other Federal health care programs, including the VFC program by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (OIG) or through Executive Order by another Executive department (e.g., Department of Transportation, Office of Personnel Management, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Defense) are not allowed to enroll or participate in the VFC program or receive VFC vaccine. VFC providers are responsible for checking the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) list of excluded Individuals/Entities on the OIG website () prior to hiring or contracting with any individuals or entities. VFC enrolled provider sites who are found to have a person employed that is on the OIG excluded provider list shall be terminated from the VFC program.
By signing this Provider Vaccine Agreement you agree to implement and will ensure that all staff at the facility listed in Section B: Health Professionals section adhere to the requirements of the VFC Program listed in Attachment A.
I do not want to have address and telephone information for this facility shared with other providers or public health entities in the State.
______PIN #:______
Typed Name - Vaccine ManagerTyped Name – Prescribing Physician Or Equivalent
Signature - Vaccine Manager Signature – Prescribing Physician Or Equivalent
Keep a copy of the agreement on file at your facility.
Questions? Call 1-800-867-4775 or (207) 287-3746
For Office Use Only:
Date Received ______Data Entry Initial______Reviewer Initial______Date Completed______
Attachment A: Provider Requirements
The following are the provider enrollment requirements that each provider must agree to follow to participate in the VFC program and receive vaccine from the Maine Immunization Program. Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in enrollment in a non-compliance resolution process. Do Not return this section with the provider agreement. This Attachment is for your files.
(1)Eligibility Screening:
Screen all patients at every immunization encounter to determine VFC eligibility.
a.VFCeligibility categories are listed below:
- Are American Indian or Alaska Native
- Are enrolled in Medicaid
- Have no health insurance
b. Non-VFC eligibility categories are listed below:
- *Have health insurance (including underinsured)
*Maine legislation requires private health insurance companies to cover the cost
of ACIP recommended vaccines for those individuals, up to age 19, who are under
their health plan