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Association of Catholic Publishers • News Release
March 31, 2017
Contact: Therese Brown,
ACP Welcomes Keynoter Thad McIllroy to 2017 Membership Meeting
BALTIMORE, MD — The Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP) welcomes Thad McIllroy, long-time professional in and thinker about the publishing field, as the keynote speaker at the 2017 ACP Annual Membership Meeting, Thursday, Sept. 7-Friday, Sept. 8, 2017.
Over 100 ACP member representatives will gather at the newly-renovated Holiday Inn O'Hare Chicago to further develop their professional skills in editorial, marketing, finance, management, and customer service. In addition, members will have multiple opportunities to network with their peers as well as those from other houses that produce similar types of materials, e.g., music, liturgical books, and periodicals.
Members' schedule starts on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. with the first of 5 rounds of breakout sessions and ends that evening with cocktails and dinner at about 8:00 p.m. In between, there will be a round of 3-minute presentations by vendors in related publishing fields, a brief ACP membership meeting, led by Mary Beth Oria, president of the board of directors, and McIllroy’s keynote.The meeting resumes on Friday morning with Mass at 8 a.m., followed by peer group meetings for heads of houses, financial officers, marketing, editorial, customer service, IT, and sales that will conclude at 11:30 a.m.
Registration—which is now open—includes breakfast, lunch, wine and beer social, and dinner on Thursday plus coffee breaks. As details on the breakout sessions become available, information will be posted at they are available.
The Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP) is a membership organization of Catholic publishers, those who provide services to Catholic publishers, and individuals who work with Catholic publishers. The ACP provides opportunities for members to further the Catholic publishing industry, promote Catholic publishing and reading, and engage those they interact with including retailers, pastoral leaders, individual customers, and staff.
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Association of Catholic Publishers 2017 Membership Meeting Press Release