Several Other Things I Want To Tell You But Don’t Have Time To:
Student Evaluations
-We will conference about yours the first week of winter term: they come to me
-The numbers measure extremes, and usually extremes of popularity—higher numbers mean something but not necessarily better teaching
-This is a required, freshmen, writing class: the numbers usually range from high 2’s to mid 3’s
-Everyone gets good comments, everyone gets bad comments
-There’s a tendency toward nastiness lately (and consumerism), with everyone
-Take all this with a grain of salt; don’t take all this to heart
What Happens After Fall
-I conference with you winter term about your evaluations
-A member of the Composition Committee observes you and writes a letter of evaluation to me, with a copy to you: first year TA’s are almost always automatically renewed for the second year.
Phi Kappa Phi Essay Contest (more on this through e-mail and in your boxes)
-You nominate essays from your classes; students can receive scholarships
Further Tips
-Minimal first day (if you are really nervous): briefly introduce yourself, take roll, hand out syllabus, make assignments. That’s fine! Will break the ice.
-At first, dress as formally as you are comfortable dressing
-Tell them how you would like to be addressed
-Take time to learn names
-Don’t hesitate to use notes or prepare in detail at first
-Talk loudly, and make eye contact
-Don’t tolerate talking or discourtesy during the first class—talk with students privately, outside of class—but don’t wait until the fourth or fifth week to act—make the referral to Student Conduct as soon as it’s reasonable
-Don’t generalize from the looks on their faces; don’t assume a quiet class is a bad class
-Always go in with a back up exercise or two
-When in doubt, have them write or read in class
Polonius to Laertes (see Hamlet):
-These are real people, the sons and daughters of real people; they have lives and minds and souls
-This is good work, this is important, this has the greatest value, you can make a difference, good things can and do happen
-Sometimes, students just/people fail
-Excrement occurs
-This, too, shall pass
-Everyone has bad days/AND you will make mistakes (not necessarily the same thing)!
-This isn’t a popularity contest; not everyone will like you
-The sun will set without your assistance
-Treat the office staff with courtesy and respect
-Take care of yourself