25 FEB 2009, 10 – 12
Hailsham Room
Prestamex House
1.Apologies and Introduction
In Attendance / Workstream / OrganisationPaul Humphreys (PH) (Chair and Minutes) / Programme Management / Sussex HIS
Tina Hayes (TH) / Data Quality / NHS Brighton & Hove
Libby Butler (LB) / Project Management / Sussex HIS
Nick Birch (NB) / Information Governance / Sussex HIS
Catriona Arnold (CA) / Change / Sussex HIS
Roy Atvarnieks (RA) / IT Training / Sussex HIS
Bronne Fielke-Smith – from item 6 / NPfIT lead / NHS Brighton & Hove
Clare Pirie (CP)- from item 6 / Communications / NHS Brighton & Hove
Tina Hayes (TH) / Data Quality / NHS Brighton & Hove
Pete Sims (PS) / GP Stakeholder (Sussex) / Sussex HIS
Apologies received / Workstream / Organisation
Becky Gayler (BG) / Programme Management / South East Coast SHA
Fran Wellington (FW) / PALS / B&H City PCT
2. / Previous notes / Action
Last Team Face to Face Actions completed (14/2)
- Concept and Training actions to organise content and courses for GP practices all completed. BG/LB
- Benefits strategy completed by CA
- Stakeholder engagement shortfall . Agreed that HIS would provide some support through PH/LB for the Wave 1. Then for other sites this would need to be provided by NHS B&H.
Last Phone conference (18/2)
- R&I log to be reviewed by LB and BF-S. TG specifically questioned Risk 11 which was unclear however it was suggested this related to the potential risk of GPs lack of engagement and willingness to change processes if there were not enough incentive (LES/DES) PH wants BHC to change words to fit what they might perceive to be a risk rather than use those taken from other Early adopters.
- Concept training (train the trainer) confirmed for 3rd March, and with practices (Dr H and Dr N’s practices) 4th & 5th March. However St Peters now postponed.LB to reorganise with Dr N’s practice should they wish to proceed with the project.
3. / Project Deliverables
Highlight Report – Circulated to Project Board and Project Team members for information purposes. / LB
Project Initiation Document – Has been circulated to Project Team and will be presented to the Project Board for final approval at the Board meeting on the 11 Mar 2009. / LB
Project Plan – to be updated by LB following this meeting for Project Board on the 11 Mar 2009 and circulated to team members accordingly. It was agreed that there were tight deadlines to ensure the commencement of the PIP by the 31st March. / LB
4 / Workstream progress
Training and Change Strategy
See the Concept Training. Section 5
CA completed a high level strategy. Need for a workshop agreed in principle and timing would be key. Dependant upon the engagement of 1 or 2 unscheduled care settings and the commencement of the PIP. Dates and scope TBA
All agreed that some measurable “baselinable” items would be required. / CA
- On behalf of CP, LB reported that initial quotes had been received by mailhouses for the Wave One PIP. Further discussions were ongoing.
- Discussion on PIP letters delayed till CP arrival at meeting.
- LB ran through the tasks in the plan to show the large number of tasks requiring completion in the next 2-3 weeks to meet the 31 March target.
Stakeholder Engagement
It was stated that whilst these first 2 practices were being supported then the HIS (ie PH/LB) would provide additional stakeholder support if required. / PH
LB confirmed that BF-S had been in discussions with the PALS team, and reminded the project team that PALS were involved in a local ‘Healthy Living’ event on the 28th March 2009, and that this could be an opportunity to be able to launch the Summary Care Record programme. Resources were still an issue for the length of the project and this had been raised with the Project Board. / BF-S
Information Governance
The SHA were holding a consent workshop on the 18 March 2009 (pm) and key staff would be invited. NB or a rep to attend / NB
6. / Patient Information Programme
Discussion took place as to the content of the 2 letters. One to those who have already asked to opt out and another for the remainder.
Comments had already submitted by PH and BG.
It was agreed that CP would discuss the BHC view with the CfH Comms lead. Areas of difference included :-
- Opt out form included or not.
- The need for the second letter for those with Read code 93Cx
- The signature on the end of the letter ( GP or Chief Exec of PCT)
- Mention of HealthSpace
6. / Concept Training for GP Practices
CfH Train the Trainer scheduled for 3 days from 3/Mar/09.
Dr NConcept training postponed. BG, BF-S and LB meeting with the practice to discuss the project in further detail on the 3March 09.
Concept training at Dr H’s practice scheduled for the 4th March. Dr H is First Of Type due to use if ISOFT Premiere however currently keen to progress
RA asked as to qualification required for those who had been Train the Trainer to then also then cascade TtT to others. LB to query with CfH / LB
7. / Future meetings
1st Wed of the month (team meeting),
2nd Wed of the month (Board meeting),
3rd Wed (conf call for all team members),
4th Wed (nothing) – LB to confirm.
Next meeting 18 Mar Conference Call.
Author: Paul Humphreys