Black Faculty, Staff and Student Caucus
Inaugural Preamble
The purpose of the black faculty, staff and student caucus will be to provide a forum for discussion and subsequent action on issues and concerns to black faculty, staff and students at Arizona State University: To promote a university climate conducive to group growth and professional and leadership development; to develop strategies to insure that the university experience is relevant to these groups; to study, evaluate and interpret the effects of institutional policy on members of the caucus; to develop means for input into the university policy-making process; to establish systems of consultation.
Advisement and academic support to the members.
The name of the organization shall be officially known and designated as the Arizona State University Black Faculty, Staff and Student Caucus.
Article II.Membership
A)Full membership shall be open to any part or full-time faculty or staff employee, on any of the ASU campuses, who has attended at least 2 of the previous 4 General Meetings;
B)Membership shall be open to all faculty and staff employees;
C)Student membership shall be open to all ASU students.
Article III.Officers
1)The officers shall be elected by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Full Membership members present. Officers shall be elected for a term of one calendar year or until new officers are elected.
2)Elections shall be held annually in April. Notice for the election meeting in April shall specifically state the purpose of the meeting and shall contain a list of the nominees for the various offices. This particular notice shall be sent to all Full Members, Members and Student Members at least seven (7) days before the said meeting.
3)The officers of the organization shall be the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
Section II.Duties of Officers
1)The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall perform all duties associated with administrative responsibilities.
2)The Vice-Chairperson shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the membership acting as a body. In case of disability or absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform and be vested with all the duties and powers of the Chair until a successor is elected.
3)The Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the membership and shall give notice as required by this Constitution of all such meetings. The Secretary shall have custody of all books, records and papers of the organization except such as shall be in charge of the treasurer or some other person authorized to have custody and possession thereof by a resolution of the membership action as a body. The Secretary shall perform all other such duties as may be assigned by the membership acting as a body.
4)The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all monies of the organization received and disbursed, and shall deposit all monies and valuables in the name of and to the credit of the organization in such banks and depositories as the association shall designate. All checks for the payment of money shall be countersigned by two of the officers -- The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer.
Section III.Vacancy of Office
In the event that a vacancy for whatever reason shall occur in any elected office of this organization, an election shall be held within sixty (60) days to fill said vacancy. The Secretary shall notify the membership of said vacancy and the date of the election, which must be a regular meeting of the organization.
Article IV.Committees
SectionI.Committees shall be appointed the Chairperson.
Standing committees shall be as follows:
Section II.Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of this organization shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and the Immediate Past Chairperson.
Section III.Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee will consist of all committee chairpersons and the Executive Committee. The responsibility of this committee is to advise the Executive Committee and the Chair on matters pertaining to the organization.
Section IV.Student Relations Committee
The Student Relations Committee will be a volunteer committee, with a Committee Leader appointed by the Chairperson. This committee will 1) maintain a detailed listing of current activities by internal and external stakeholders that address the spectrum of student issues, 2) Identify and coordinate activities to increase student awareness of this organization.
Section V.Faculty and Staff Relations Committee
The Faculty and Staff Relations Committee will be a volunteer committee, with a committee Leader appointed by the Chairperson. This committee will 1) Identify and coordinate activities to increase faculty and staff awareness of this organization, 2) Pursue ways to engage various existing representative organizations to improve communications between this organization and the internal community.
Section VI.Community Relations Committee
The Community Relations Committee will be a volunteer committee, with a committee leader appointed by the Chairperson. This committee will explore a variety of ways to bring the community to campus on a regular basis.
Section VII.Ad-Hoc Committees
Ad-hoc Committees can be added with a 2/3 vote during a General Meeting. All Ad-hoc committees shall have a ‘sunset’ review no later than one year after being created. At this time the membership can consider making the committee in question a permanent committee or scheduling another review in one year.
Article V.Meetings
1)There will be 3 regular meeting per month:
- The General Meeting will occur on the 1st Wednesday of the month.
- The Executive Committee meeting will occur on the last Wednesday of the month.
- The Advisory Committee meeting will occur after the General meeting and before the last Wednesday of the Month.
2)The Student Relations, Faculty and Staff Relations, Community Relations and any Ad-hoc Committees will establish a regular meeting schedule. These schedules will be published on the organizations website.
Article VI.Rules of Order
SectionI.Robert’s Rules of Order (revised)
The latest revision of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for conduct of meetings and shall govern all matters not fully covered by the By-laws.
Article VII.Amendments
The By-laws shall be amended by a majority of the voting membership present, providing that, 1) the amendment has been posted and/or sent to the entirety of the membership at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, and 2) the amendment must be read and discussed at the General Meeting and voted upon at the succeeding General Meeting.
Draft last updated: October 18, 2005