Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum
Minutes of a meeting held on 11th June 2015, in the Corner House, Charlbury
Present: Graham Terry (Chair), John Hole , Meryl Smith, Simon Fenn, Rod Evans, Tony Merry, Mark Gregory, Elieen Kendrick, Lucy Crane-Lupton(minutes)
In attendance:
Apologies: Liz Reason, Chris Morton, Chris Sharp, Tim Crisp, Sarah Routley
Declarations of conflict of interest: As previously received
Minutes: Approved
Matters Arising: Regarding Splendlove site improvement GT did write to Gifford Trust. Gifford Trust have meet and suggested that Town Council be approached to act as liaison. Chris Sharp to create interactive map of Charlbury, he is working on it but not complete. Action: GT to write to Town Council to ask if they would act as liaison. CS asked to keepworking on the interactive map for the website.
Financial report:The arrangements for the locality grant discussed. No invoices have been submitted since the prevision meeting. Action: All expenditure must be passed to EK. LR to advise EK what are the grant elements. EK to discuss with Roger Clerk of Town Council the process of expenses with regard to CNF expenditure.
Report from Pillar Groups:
Infrastructure – Meet 10th June. Rod Evans has now agreed to take the lead of Infrastructure group. Infrastructure now has a new housing sub-group. Action: RE to get more questions for survey.
Community -Community pillar has not meet. Has already put forward questions and will now meet to suggest more questions. Action: MS check there are no other questions the group want to ask.
Movement - has not meet, but are meeting. Simon expressed an interest in joining the Movement Pillar. Action: LC to put Simon in touch with LR.
Survey group has meet and put forward recommendations. Vital that the survey collects opinions and views to identify issues. Group has funding for housing needs survey (HNS). Town Council keen that HNS should take place at the same time at the CNF survey. Make sure we run survey past District, TC and County. Agreed that priorities should be divided into each section and made very specific to the area, and put at the end of the section.
Action: LC to circulate with committee the survey meeting held on Tuesday 9th June. TM to circulate the outcome of the previous 1997 survey – the development statement. GT to forward contact for OSRCC for HNS to LC. LC to get in contact with OSRCC and arrange a meeting to discuss the specifics of HNS. Pillars to remember that it has to maintain usefulness of the answer – issues that the community would like acted on in Charlbury.
Workshops to test questionnaire:
No take-up for the 20th June. Some take up of the workshop on the 2nd July. Action: All - cancel 20th June workshop. ALL Pillar groups must work on Survey in time for workshop. Lucy to cancel room for 20th June. ALL Whole group to meet 25th June. Simon to run workshop 2nd July. LC to circulate letter of intent. All to circulate to any group they are part of in Charlbury and encourage to sign up.
Communications Strategy:
Mark put forward key things to think about –
-What do you want to commutate?
-Don’t keep things under wraps too long (Parking around Co-op).
-Survey - What is the unifying theme? Needs to be clear.
-Art work - Where next for Charlbury?
-Make a statement about the past.
-Website? Need to be feed with fresh content and needs to have strongly linked with the Charlbury website.Photos are important way of communicating things like workshops and open meetings.
Table at street fair – something needs for people to take away recruiting street rep.
Action:ALL Survey to be launched at the street fair. SF to book stall for street faire. ALL committee members to bring ideas for the launch of the survey to the next meeting. LC to find up money/mechanisms for some art work draw the extremes for the future of Charlbury.
Update on timeline:As discussed above
LC suggested school holidays might be a time to reach teenagers with quick imaginative competition. Action: LC to put out rough t for next full meeting to Teenagers and competition winners. Lucy to send around letter to prompt community groups. MG to advise whether LC ideas are workable.
Meeting Closed by GT at 21:35
Minutes submitted by: Lucy Crane-Lupton
Minutes approved by: