- Welcome
- Minutes of November 28, 2013
- Voting Item #1
- Voting Item #2
- Budget
- Legislative and Public Policy/Mission Moment
- Investigation of Bullying Report by OMNI
- Adjournment
- Council convened at 12:02 pm
Council website was revealed. Katherine Carol requested each Councilor provide a blog for the website, staff will help with grammar etc.
Sue Fager was welcomed as Marna Ares replacement on Council Staff.
- Minutes of November 28, 2013 passed with one minor change.
- Voting Item #1: Local Leadership to fund three new communities, and to fund the
Legislative and Public Policy workshop on April 2014.
Sarita Reddy led a spirited discussion of the Voting Item. With some changes, the Voting Item passed with one abstention.
- Voting Item #2: Two community organizing projects were approved.
- Budget: Mackenzie Helton reviewed his budget handout and the dispersal of available
funds.$44,712.00 must be encumbered by September 30, 2014.
- Legislative and Public Policy/Mission Moment: Ed George explained the Committee just
met on Tuesday for the first time, and there
are a number of bills that will be followed.
Meetings convene at the Capitol on the 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays during the session.
A handout eulogizing Clarence Miller, a long
time Councilor was distributed.
Mary Anne Harvey requested that Council be given links to follow important, pending legislation.
- Investigation of Bullying Report by OMNI: Emily Murillo reviewed the final findings on the
statewide investigation on bullying. A final
report will be submitted by OMNI on 2/22/2014.
Mary Anne commended OMNI for theirreport,
considering the parameters of the scope
of work they worked under.
She urged Council to follow up on the report.
8. APPLE TECHNOLOGY PRESENTATION: Ron Ustach from the Apple Government Team gave a comprehensive review of the technology that Apple is working with/on to make communication easier for people with disabilities.
He supplied an extensive list of links to popular
10. Adjournment at 4:10PM.
NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: WEDNESDAY, March26, 2014 11:30-4:00 PM
- Melissa Mannix moved to accept the minutes with a minor change on 5. C.; Positive Behavior Supports should read Positive Behavior Intervention Supports. Mary Anne Harvey seconded, the minutes passed.
- Katie Grange motioned to approve Voting Item #1, with changes. The cost for three communities should read $82,500. Melissa seconded, the motion passed. Scott LeRoy opposed.
- Todd Coffey motioned to approve Voting Item #2 for two Community Organizing projects, Melissa seconded, the motion passed.
- Melissa volunteered to help in any capacity during the April Legislative Workshop.
- Katherine invited Emily to re-join Council in March to review the finding of the OMNI bullying study in more depth, and to take questions from Council.
Those in attendance: Katherine Carol, Todd Coffey, Ed George, Katie Grange, Mary Anne Harvey, Mike Hoover, Lisa Kramer, Scott Leroy(GTM), Melissa Mannix(GTM), Corey Mineo(GTM), Gina Quintana, Sarita Reddy, Corry Robinson, Karen von Phul
Those absent: Senator Irene Aguilar, Deon Gillespie, Tim Hudner, Carol Meredith,Jennie Munthali, Josh Winkler
Staff Present: Sue Fager, Julie Farrar, Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell
Guests: Nathan Anderson, Donna Downing,Melinda Graham, JoAnne Hirsch, Bob Lawhead, Mikele Learned, Erlen Marsh, Gary Montrose, Emily Murillo, Wayla Murrow, Anne Patton, Sheila Peil, Jill Pidcock, Jose Torres-Vega, Katie Taliercio, Mellisa Umphenour, Ron Ustach
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Final Council Meeting Activities 1/22/2014