December 2004 News
29th. Ann Lister (nee Lyddon) emailed to say she had bumped into none other than Fred Prosser recently. the old guy is still going strong although he has had three strokes and now has to walk with the aid of a stick. Ann's email address is on the Lag's contacts page.
9th. Pete Silcock sent me a 'copy of an article' he apparently read in an old magazine whilst waiting for a scrape and polish at the dentists....interesting! It is under 'Musical Lags' on the 'Elsa Nunn Ensemble' page.
31st I am beginning to place some of Jennifer's photos into galleries the first of which you can see in Lag's Gallery 11.
10th Jennifer has been as good as her word and has sent a picture which you can find on Lag's Photos 12. More soon I hope.
3rd. Had an unexpected e-mail today from Jennifer Forrester who was a student at St. Matts from '64 to '67 and lives and teaches near Toronto. she mentions an English lecturer called Gordon Wells who she met up with a few years ago , anyone remember him? Any way hopefully she will provide me with some fresh pictures shortly.
1st. Some sad news I'm afraid. I had an email from John Jones today telling me that Keith Alywin had passed away after a battle with throat cancer. You may remember that in March this year he had survived an op and chemo and was seemingly quite well. My path and his only crossed for a year at college but I got to know him quite well and more recently corresponded occasionally via email. Jones fondly remembers him attempting to drink his way through a European wine mountain at a reunion, I shall remember him for his athleticism as a goalkeeper and most of all that he was a decent bloke. I don't know what you do at times like these but I will be raising a glass to his memory. To Keith a bloody good bloke!
30th.John Jones is proposing a mini reunion on December 10th in Nuneaton. Please contact him if you are interested.
7th. I am returned from my hols and feeling much more relaxed now. While I was away I got two interesting emails, one from Barbara Wanless, yes Tom's daughter, who as well as giving me his email address also gave me his online gallery which I include a link to below. Apparently he's a dab hand with computers and teaches others how to build sites! Barbara also mentioned that Tom would bring her into the Art dept when she was only 6 years old and how students babysat her. Anyone remember her?
Also I got an email from Hazel Muthu who was at St. Matts in 1950-52 and she kindly included a couple of pictures. Clearly college was a far different place then, all female for a start. I have placed a copy of her email along with the two pictures.
JULY 2004
11th. For those of you still teaching it's getting near to the holidays, in fact it's getting near to that long holiday when Mr. Retirement comes calling, only 3 or 4 years to go! I'm off to Cornwall, (again), but on my return I shall get down to finishing my memories of college. Meanwhile I publish for your enjoyment Tim's latest letter from America. Check it out!
3rd. It's all eerily quiet at present although I did get a brief email from Paul Redgate asking to be added to the email listing, (actually he's already on it but I guess no one's contacted him), so put fingers to keys and get in touch! It's good to talk.
MAY 2004
31st. Thought I'd better put something down for this month although it seems that the old lags community is running out of steam! Anyway I was browsing some web pages when I suddenly thought, "why not look up Keith Christmas?" For those who do not remember he was a local, (Bath), singer/guitarist who used to play around Bristol, so I did and there is an excellent website with samples of his latest music on offer at, , or use the new links page. Check it out.
APRIL 2004
29th. Well known Old Lag John Jones informs me that Bishop Monk Hall has burned down! Can anyone confirm this?
Kev Kibbey assures me it wasn't him what did it!
1st. Clearing out the loft today I found my college scarf so rather than just throw it away I scanned a section in to the computer and put it into Lagorabilia 3.
It certainly took me back. It seems incredible to me that I bought it 35 years ago from the shop on Park Street, it used to sell all the university and college scarves, ties and other clothing. I wonder if it's still there?
MARCH 2004
6th. Those who are familiar with Keith Aylwin will know in December 2002 he was diagnosed with throat cancer however I am pleased to let old lags know that he has seemingly made a full recovery after surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. On the down side he has lost 3 stone, has a scar running from behind his left ear to his chin and his attention span is about 10 minutes, even shorter than it was at St Matts, so he needs to take a nap every hour. But good to know you are well again Keith!
Lynne Bryce has asked me to put her address on the contacts page which, of course, I have done.
1st. Jane Dyer and hubby Mike Bushell are now on line. Email on contacts page.
I was pleased to hear from Jonesy who seems to have been out of circulation for the past year, perhaps a reunion is in the offing!! Received Chris Ashton's email today....bummer. Chris is on a downer at present, why not send him your regards?
29th. Just got the latest offering from Tim Whiteford hot off the press. See Letter from America.
4th. Received the briefest of emails from Paul Redgate, (remember him?), containing his email address which is now on the contacts page.
20th. Added some mug shots to fill Lag's Gallery 10. Any names?? Phil Miles has got in touch and promised to send me some stuff I can use on this site so something to look forward to, (or should it be backward?)
6th. Back at work and it's bloody tedious. Pleased to see that Tim Whiteford has joined Friends Reunited...lets all email him through the site!!