31st Sunday in ordinary time
31st Sunday
In Ordinary Time
"For they preach but they do not practice." The scribes and Pharisees may be the ones Jesus was speaking about in today's Gospel, but we must be careful not to dismiss his words when it comes to our own actions. Jesus offered a difficult challenge to those honor-seekers that we must also heed when he said, "The greatest among you must be your servant." This is not the way the world usually works. Generally speaking, the idea of being a servant is considered inferior to being someone who has risen to high levels of leadership or status. But Jesus wants people in positions of authority to selflessly serve those over whom they have influence. And he insists that the leaders who establish laws, rules, and guidelines do not excuse themselves from following their own directives! "Practice what you preach," as the saying goes.
Whether or not we have extensive public influence, almost all of us at certain points are in a position to exercise leadership--with our children and families, with classmates, coworkers, neighbors, friends, and sometimes strangers. When these moments arise, we are called to step into this role without being hypocrites. It's important to be sure we don't issue unrealistic demands on others that we ourselves would find it burdensome or even impossible to fulfill. This requires the virtue of humility. Instead of reveling in the authority we may have at any given moment, instead of creating "heavy burdens hard to carry and lay[ing] them on people's shoulders," we need to be ready and willing to walk a mile in their shoes, and lead accordingly. And Jesus tells us clearly that this servant leadership will be rewarded, for "whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
Sunday Collection: Oct. 28/29, 2017 $2,739.00.
Day of Reflection
and Fellowship
Divine Mercy Parish is sponsoring a day of reflection and fellowship for all in 12 step programs of recovery and their loved ones on Saturday, November 18th, 2017, from 9am to 4pm at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington, Long Island. The total cost of the day which includes transportation and lunch is $20.00. Call the parish office to reserve your spot.
31er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Muchas veces se ve en los medios de comunicación especialmente la televisión y la radio programas de imitación y algunas personas se dan a la tarea de imitar a artistas famosos. Los imitadores procuran hacer el mejor papel del personaje. Pero hay que notar que se imita lo de fuera, no lo que es su vida o su forma de ser. Hoy en el Evangelio, el Señor Jesús nos da una cátedra de a quien debemos de imitar; fue directo, al grano y habló sin reservas tanto para el pueblo como para sus discípulos y para nosotros en este tiempo. Su palabra debe ser aliento para la sociedad actual que trata de imitar lo que ve y lo que escucha.
“En la cátedra de Moisés se han sentado los escribas y fariseos. Hagan, pues, todo lo que les digan, pero no imiten sus obras, porque dicen una cosa y hacen otra” (Mt 23, 2-3). ¿A quién imitan los niños y jóvenes de hoy? ¿Quiénes son sus guías a seguir? Jesús habla de las cargas pesadas que los maestros de la ley imponían especialmente a los pobres. Si damos carga a los demás, el deber principal es ayudar a llevarla. No se puede dejar toda la responsabilidad de los hijos a la esposa o al esposo. Se trabaja en familia. También las cosas no se hacen para quedar bien o para lucirse. ¡Hay tener cuidado en esto! En su discurso, Jesús recalca que tenemos un solo Padre y un solo guía que es Cristo. Entonces, dice él: “Que el mayor de entre ustedes sea su servidor, porque el que se enaltece será humillado y el que se humilla será enaltecido” (Mt 23, 11-12).
Transfiguration Men’s Shelter
We are once again asking for volunteers to provide a hot meal for the men of the Transfiguration men’s shelter, our Parish will be serving the week of November 12th to November 18, 2017. We are required to provide a complete meal including beverage & dessert for 30 people.
Whether you decide to do it personally, as a family or with a group or organization, please know that your generosity and kindness is appreciated!
For more information or if you are interested in providing food or helping with serving please contact Angela Scotti at 718-782-3881 or the Parish Office at 718-387-0256.
Pray For Vocations
31st Sunday in ordinary time
A Message from Fr. Tom
Rest in Peace Benjamin Brancato
As we have just celebrated the Solemnities of All Saints and All Souls, I wanted to express a few words of gratitude for Ben Brancato who went home to God on October 25th. Ben was a member of St. Cecilia’s Church for his entire life—nearly 92 years, and a great supporter of Divine Mercy Parish. He personally underwrote every single one of our family day trips since I have been your Pastor/Administrator and was extraordinarily generous in so many unseen ways—truly a humble man. He was a man who loved God, his neighbor and his country—a veteran of WWII. I personally feel a deep sense of loss at his passing and the passing of his generation which has done so much for our church and country. As his great nephew said to me at the prayer vigil—he is a man you will carry with you for the rest of your life. Ben—God Bless you and thank you.
A Word About Planning for Your Funeral
The celebration of All Saints and All Souls this past week is an opportunity for me to address our community about an issue of serious concern. It has happened that when a person dies in our parish, the family—oftentimes not church goers—decides NOT to give the deceased person a Catholic funeral. They prefer to skip the Mass altogether and just have a wake and the burial. Please note that every Baptized Catholic Christian regardless of whether they were religious or not has a right to a Catholic Funeral. It is not up to the family members to decide to take away this right. The reason I write these few words to you is so that each person should take the time and trouble to make provision for their own funeral in advance. Obviously, after you die, you will not have a say in what is done. Therefore, every person who is at that stage in their lives where this planning is advisable should put their intentions in writing and entrust these wishes to a reliable party so that when the time comes—your intentions are fulfilled. Fr. Tom
Welcome to Heart’s Home!!
Over the last month, Divine Mercy Parish has been privileged to welcome seven members of the Heart’s Home community to reside for a term in Divine Mercy Parish. That number may change as they receive various mission assignments. Perhaps you have already met some of them celebrating Mass or accompanying our communal gatherings. They are ministering in our parish on a part-time basis at the request of the diocese while fulfilling other missionary activities in various locations throughout the diocese and the NY area.
It is my understanding that the Diocese of Brooklyn is currently searching for a parish for the community to pastor and reside in on a full-time basis the same way the Vincentian order is responsible for St. Stanislaus Kostka in Greenpoint or the Conventual Franciscans are responsible for Most Holy Trinity in Williamsburg. Therefore, I cannot say exactly how long their community will be with us—I hope it is as long as possible. They are a gift to our community!
In residence at St. Cecilia’s Rectory
Fr. Paul Anel Fr. Alexandre Morard
In residence at St. Nicholas Rectory
Cecile Fourmeaux Natalia Fassano
Melanie Delesalle Lucy Rahner
Sr. Catherine Mary Kustusch Fr. Tom
Mass Book 2018 January to June only
The 2018 Mass book will open on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 for Masses in January through June.
In order to give everyone an opportunity to book Masses, for the first week that the Mass Book is open, requests must be made in person at the Rectory, and each person is limited to 2 weekend masses and 3 weekday masses. Mail in requests and phone in requests, are also limited to 2 weekend Masses and 3 weekday Masses, and will be entered into the Mass book after November 9th.
The stipend for Masses are $20.00 for weekend Masses and $15.00 for weekday Masses. Only one name is permitted per Mass.
As always, the 9:30am Sunday Mass at St. Cecelia and the 10:30am Sunday Mass at St. Nicholas will be collective Masses. The last Sunday of the month, at the 11:30am Mass at St Francis will now also be a collective Mass.
Organizations and Societies are asked to contact the Rectory to request their Masses before the Mass book is opened to the parishioners of Divine Mercy Parish.
Holy Hour for Vocations
Join in on a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration to pray for Vocations, it will take place on Nov. 8, at 7 pm at St. Damiano Mission, 21 Nassau Ave. Rev. Rafael Perez will be the guest speaker.
31st Sunday in ordinary time
For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome…” (Matt. 25:35-36)
“Very humble work, that is where you and I must be; for there are many people who can do great things; but there are very few who will do the small things.”
~ St. Teresa of Calcutta
Specific items needed: Stuffing Mix, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Dessert items.
Food Pantry Coordinator and Volunteers
St. Francis of Paola Church
Memorial Gifts – November 5, 2017
Anthony Cassese by Marie & Joe Bavuso
Martin Bavuso by Marie & Joe Bavuso
Louis & Tessie Brando by Teresa Puccio & Family
Louis & Tessie Brando by Teresa Puccio & Family
Mario Gangone by Lucia Michele Marcan
Deceased Members of the Criscio Family by Amelia C. Petagna
Wedding Banns
St. Francis of Paola - December 1, 2017
Pat Palamca & Michael Cruz
St. Francis of Paola – December 2, 2017
Jenna Scotti & Kevin Fathi
St. Cecilia - December 8, 2017
Elisa Fusco & Nicholas Tejada
You are Invited
1 Maspeth Avenue has an application with the Board of Standards and Appeals and is scheduled for a Public Hearing Tues. Nov. 21 2017 at 1pm session of the BSA in Spector Hall 22, Reade St., Manhattan. Owner is seeking special permit to allow reduction of required parking for the use group 4 ambulatory diagnostic treatment healthcare facility and Use Group 6 offices. C8-2 zoning district.
Mass Intentions for the Week
St. Francis of Paola Church
Saturday, November 4, 2017
5:00pm For the People of Divine Mercy Parish
Sunday, November 5, 2017
8:00am Saverio DeStefano by Wife & Children
11:30am San Sabino
Monday, November 6, 2017
7:45am Joseph & Lena Perrotto by Phyllis & Dom Salvato
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
7:45am Vito Gallo by Wife & Children
Wednesday, November 8 2017
7:45am Robert Hirx by Scotti Family
Thursday, November 9, 2017
7:45am Nunziata & Vincenzo Morena by Raffaela Morena
Friday, November 10, 2017
7:45am All Souls by Francesco & Filomena Babino & Family
Saturday, November 11, 2017
7:45am Louise Murray by Diana Altadonna
5:00pm Deceased Members of the Don Bosco Colunbiettes & Knights
Sunday, November 12, 2017
8:00am For the People of Divine Mercy Parish
11:30am Our Lady of the Snow Deceased Members
Town Hall Meeting
Change of Date And Place
There will be a Town Hall Meeting for all Parishioners of Divine Mercy Parish on Sunday, November 19, 2017 at 2:00pm in St. Francis Auditorium. Our accountant will be available to answer questions. Questions should be submitted in writing before the meeting.
St. Theresa Guild
The next meeting of the St. Theresa Guild will take place on Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 7:30 pm in the St. Francis of Paola rectory basement. Please being a “Thanksgiving” themed raffle gift. New Members are always welcome.
November 5, 2017
Mass Intentions for the Week
St. Nicholas Church
Sunday, Noveber 5, 2017
10:30am Sofia Ramierz by Family
12:45pm Paul Mary Giudice by Barbara Giudice
Sunday, November 12, 2017
10:30am Giovannina Garofalo by Alice & Dominick Santoro
Pedro Espinal
12:45pm Erik Brown by Mr. & Mrs. Francesco D’Arrigo & Family
Joseph Morris by Michael Rochford
Pray For the Sick
Contact the Parish Office to add a name to this list….
Patrick Del Vicario, Ralph Varano, Margaret Consentino, Cindy Parciak, Jack Turano, Rae Pacifico, Louis Mendez, Frank Cremato, Margaret Consentino, Antoinette Bergamo, Dora LoGosso, Nancy Gonzalez, Vincent Gonzalez, John Porcelli, Theresa Lizzol, Maria Damato, Joe & Marie Bavuso, Deacon John Orlandello, Wanda Zadwarny, Maria Damato, Sister Paul Maria Filippelli, Maddox Moises, John Gonzales, Pat Baumbach, Maddon Moises, Carmella Ciafia
Pray for the Recently Deceased
Benjamin Brancato
Consecration to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Journey Begins Monday, Nov. 6
We celebrated a special Mass marking the 100th Anniversary of the final apparition of Fatima. During this celebration we consecrated Divine Mercy Parish to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I look forward to the fruit of this action which is pleasing to God. Consecration to Mary can happen on a personal level as well. If you are interested in entering a process of personally consecrating yourself to Mary, St. Louie Marie De Montfort has provided a 32 day journey to undertake this promise. Please contact Fr. Tom at (718) 387-0256 who will accompany you in this devotion. I propose the final date of consecration to be the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th, 2017 (it takes 32 days)—so we must begin the process by early November. Call or speak to Fr. Tom personally if you have questions or want more information.