Software Development: Design and Project (COIT 23004)


You are employed as a software engineer for XYZZY Software. The company previously was involved in games development, but their ground breaking games – Adventure and Hunt the Wumpus – while initially successful, were copied by competitors and the company’s market share plummeted. In an attempt to revitalise the company, the marketing department has identified information kiosks as the future for the company. The marketing department have discussed the concept with the Whoop-Whoop Automotive Museum, but because of the novelty of the concept, the museum was reluctant to fund the development of a prototype even though it thought highly of the concept. Consequently, XYZZY Software has decided to internally fund the development of a proof of concept system.

The system is to be demonstrated to the museum in 12 weeks time. If the demonstration is successful, the museum has agreed to fund the development of a prototype system. Given the profile of the museum, it is expected that if the prototype implementation is well received, other organisations will follow suit. Both parties have agreed that the content of the system does not need to be an actual reflection of the items held by the museum, but that the museum’s layout needs to be captured. Also, it is critical that there are no technical glitches in the demonstration – the museum is particularly concerned with the performance and reliability of the system.

The museum consists of 12 exhibition buildings, numbered 1-12. These buildings hold themed exhibits e.g. cars from the 1920’s, racing cars, farm machinery, trucks and so on. There is also a gift shop, café, toilets and two exits. A connectivity graph for the museum will be provided on the course website, together with code to determine the shortest path between two buildings. The museum provides mostly permanent displays, but building 12 is used for temporary exhibitions, such as electric vehicles. The museum is also renowned for a number of iconic exhibits – for example, the first Holden car produced in Australia and a replica of Donald Campbell’s Bluebird. These exhibits are often on loan to other sites.

Visitors to the museum will want to know where to find a particular exhibited item, such as the Bluebird. They may also want to know how to get to the gift shop, café, toilets or the nearest exit. In both cases, the visitor should be provided with a list of buildings to pass by to reach the desired destination. Visitors may also want to know general details about particular collections (such as the racing car collection) and individual items within a collection (such as the Bluebird).

Given the dynamic nature of the museum displays, museum staff must be able to modify the information relating to exhibits and their location.

The initial user requirements are for a single user system that runs on a desktop. Interaction with the system will be GUI-driven. The system is to be developed using Microsoft’s .NET environment; in particular, you are to use Visual Studio C++/cli 2005. Microsoft Access is to be used to store museum information. Note that since the system is a proof of concept system, it is not necessary for the system to be populated with actual museum data.

//student Instructions:

Can you design it with the help of Window Form in c++/CLI 2005 according to the document designed given below, that I prepared myself for the other part of this assignment. you have to prepare design with the following instructions and by creating and connecting database in Access . The data base should show proper results according to instructions given below .And coding for the user to find out the shortest path to search for the exhibits.


When the Visitor clicks on the Visitor option then the pop up window appears showing the main menu of the museum. When someone clicks on administrator then they should enter their login id and password then the pop up window appears showing all the details about the database.

User interface Design: Visitor

This is the main menu of a museum information system which gives information about the museum. The Visitor can select from following options

If the user clicks on General exhibits, then the user will see the following window with these additional options:

If the user clicks on Iconic Collections, then the user will see the following window with these additional options:

3.3 User Interface Design: Administrator

When the administrator logs with his/her login Id, then they can access to database and all the information whatever must be modified or updated can be done.

When the admin clicks on add items it shows the window as exhibit search as below

When the admin clicks the save button, the system prompts for confirming whether user wants to proceed with the ‘save’ request.

Moreover, when the administrator wants to update the details and clicks on the update item link, it again lead to another window pop-up which will have the edit and delete options.

In here, when the admin clicks on the edit items or delete item , another pop-up window will pop-up which will lead to Search item where the admin will be allowed to do the actual editing as follows:

This exhibit search window takes the admin to the update i.e. edit/delete item as following

If the admin wants to save the changes being made, the system will prompt with a confirmation window pop-up as follows:-

When the admin wants to search which exhibits are in which building he will check in the building search option as

After the search has been done the user will have the display window which will mention the directions to reach the desired destination as follows and the user will close the window which will return the system to the main menu or to its original status.

3.4 Data Base Design:

Assessment item—Software Development: Implementation

and Project Review

Assessment criteria

Assessment Item A: Implementation (Total = 35 marks)

Criteria Marks Available

Visitor instructions 2

Administrator instructions 2

Source code documentation 5

Database implementation 6

Application layer/database interface 4

Application layer implementation 10

Visitor/object layer interface 3

Administrator/database interface 3