2016 IEEE NW Russia Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference

(2016 ElConRusNW)

February 2 - 3, 2016

Venue: St.Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”

5 Prof. Popov street, St.Petersburg, Russia

Conference Program

Registration of participants

February 2, 2016 09.00 – 09.30 Building 5, Conference Hall

Opening, greetings to the Conference

Plenary session

February 2, 2016 09.30 – 10.00 Building 5, Conference Hall

Broad Aperture Semiconductor Lasers: Generation of Non-diffracting Beams, Superfocusing and Application to Optical Trapping
Prof. Grigorii S. Sokolovskii

Session 1. Micro & Nano Electronics

February 2, 2016 10.00 – 12.00 Conference Hall

1.  / Growth Characteristics of Nanostructured Lead Sulfide Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition
P. Afonicheva, L. Matyushkin
2.  / Temperature Characteristics Super Lattices Based On Solid Solution AlGaInN
S. Aglikov, A. Evseenkov, A. Obukhova, S. Tarasov
3.  / Bipolar Resistive Switching in PbO Nanoscale Thin Films
L. Alekseeva, A. Petrov, D. Chigirev
4.  / Cadmium Sulfide Thin Films Produced by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction Method
A.  Andronov, I. Matyushkin, D. Hondryukov
5.  / Morphology and Internal Structure of Porous Silicon Powders in Dependence on the Conditions of Post-Processing
A.  Belorus, K.Bespalova, Yu.Spivak
6.  / Study of Sol-Gel Nanocomposites Modified by Zinc Oxide Nanowires
A.  Bobkov, S. Nalimova, A.Maximov
7.  / An Application Report: Protective Thin Film Layers for High Temperature Sensor Technology
F. Dencker, M. Wurz, S. Dubrovskiy, E. Koroleva
8.  / Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator as Sensing Element of Microoptical Gyro
A.  Dmitriyeva, Yu.Filatov, E. Shalymov, V. Venediktov
9.  / The Modeling of the Light Output of Blue LEDs Based On GaN/AlGaN by Monte Carlo Simulation
A. Evseenkov, I. Lamkin, A. Solomonov
10.  / Silicon Carbide and Diamond Field Emission Cathodes.
V. Golubkov, V. Ilyin, M. Kuznetsova, A.Serkov
11.  / Fabrication of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals by Sol-Gel Method
V. Ilinykh, Matyushkin L.
12.  / A Study of Charge Losses in 4H-SiC Drift Step Recovery Diodes (DSRD)
B. Ivanov, A. Smirnov, S. Shevchenko
13.  / Comparative Analysis of RC- and RLC- Complex Filters for Microwave Microelectronic Phaseshifters
N. Ivanov, A. Korotkov
12.00 – 12.15 Coffee break at the Conference Hall Lobby
12.15 – 14.00 (Continuation of Session 1)
14.  / Performance Improvement of an Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator by Using DMSO as Solvent
I. Khmelnitskiy, L. Vereschagina, V. Kalyonov, A. Krot, A. Korlyakov
15.  / The Study of the Phase Composition of Polymorphous Silicon Film by Raman Spectroscopy
V. Koshevoi, N. Pshchelko, A. Belorus, V.Levitskiy
16.  / Selective Photodiodes for Ultraviolet Based on Metal-AlGaN Solid Solutions
I. Lamkin, A. Evseenkov, A. Aglikov
17.  / Synthesis of Colloidal ZnSe Quantum Dots Doped with Manganese
D. Mazing, A. Nikiforova, O. Aleksandrova, V. Moshnikov
18.  / Electric Circuit Solutions for Flow Reactor Synthesis of Nanoparticles
R. Mbwahnche, O. Alexandrova, O. Ryzhov, D. Mazing, V. Moshnikov
19.  / Problems and Approaches in Layup Path Planning for Anisotropic Composite Structures
M. Schemelev, G. Prokofiev
20.  / Alumina-Based Porous Materials
A. Sinitsyn, Yu. Spivak
21.  / Light-emitting Structures Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots of Cadmium Sulphide Having
a High Color Rendering Index
E. Stepanov, I. Mikhailov, S. Tarasov, A. Solomonov
22.  / The Study of CdSe/ZnS and CdSeZnS/ZnS Colloidal Quantum Dots Structures as Flexible
Electronics Components
P. Tadtaev , M. Gurevich, L. Kozlovich, I. Mikhailov, A. Solomonov
23.  / The Сomputer Simulation of the Proceses of the Nanoscale Film’s Growth and Annealing
During Magnetron Sputtering
V. Tupik, Chu Trong Su, I. Steblevska
24.  / Phase-Sensitive Photoreflectance Investigation of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Structures
I. Tyurin, O. Komkov
25.  / How to Choose Leak Detection Method
M. Vinogradov, D. Kostrin, M. Karganov, V. Tiskovich
26.  / Photocatalytic and Photoluminescence Properties of the Copper and Manganese Modified
Zinc Oxide
N. Yakushova, I. Averin, B. Donkova, D. Dimitrov, I. Pronin, D. Mazing
27. / Microwave and Structural Properties of Barium Strontium Titanate Films Grown Under Different Technological Conditions
A. Tumarkin, A. Odinets, A. Gagarin, A. Altynnikov, E. Sapego, O. Vendik
Session 2. Information & Computer Science
February 2, 2016 10.00 – 12.00 Room 5205
1.  / Jitter Calculation in Core IMS
B. Alassane., K. Konate , N. Chervyakov
2.  / Six-Body Problem Solution Using Symplectic Integrators
V. Andreev, S. Goryainov, V. Krasilnikov
3.  / ASIC and MEMS Co-Design Methodology
Y. Andryakov, A. Anikina, Y. Belyaev, A.Belogurov, D. Kostygov
4.  / The Building of Covert Channels in Serverless P2P Filesharing Networks
A. Antineskul, I. Bezukladnikov
5.  / Efficiency of Parallel Implementation of the Algorithm for Letter Frequencies Analysis
Ba Hla Than, E. Borzistaya, N. Dikarev, T.Oleynik
6.  / Application of Evolutionary Algorithms in Interaction Design
M. Bakaev, M. Gaedke
7.  / Special Digital Signature Schemes Based on GOST R 34.10-2012
A. Beresneva, A. Epishkina,, O. Isupova, K. Kogos, M. Shimkiv
8.  / A Survey on Methods of Timing Parameters’ Probabilistic Evaluation in Distributed
Control Systems
I. Bezukladnikov, S. Dadenkov, E. Kon
9.  / Problem of Network Monitoring in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks
I. Bezukladnikov, A. Gavrilov
10.  / Application of Regression Analysis for Data Processing of Inertial Track Monitoring System
А. Boronahin, A. Kukaev, D. Larionov, L. Podgornaya, R. Shalymov, E. Bokhman
11.  / Investigation of Incoming Airflow Influence on the Image Stability in an Optical System
of Relative Objects Position Determination
A. Boronahin, Yu. Filatov, A. Gorelaya, B. Kodatskiy, V. Makarov, Yu. Venediktov
12.  / Determining the Direction of the Target with Usage Of LFM Signal
R. Bulyakulov
12.00 – 12.15 Coffee break at the Conference Hall Lobby
12.15 – 14.00 (Continuation of Session 2)
13.  / Symmetric Extrapolation Solvers for Ordinary Differential Equations
D Butusov, A. Karimov, A. Tutueva
14.  / Semi-Implicit ODE Solver for Matrix Riccati Equation
D Butusov, A. Karimov, V. Ostrovskii
15.  / The Improved Method for Robotic Devices Control with Operator's Emotions Detection
E. Chepin, A. Dyumin, G. Urvanov, T. Voznenko
16.  / Computation of Positional Characteristics of Numbers in RNS Based on Approximate Method
N. Chervyakov, M. Babenko, M. Deryabin, A. Nazarov, M. Shabalina
17.  / The Development of Secure Mobile Computing Network Based on Secret Sharing Schemes
N. Chervyakov, M. Babenko, M. Deryabin, M. Shabalina, B. Alassane
18.  / The Development and Researching of Lightweight Pseudorandom Number Generators
I. Chugunkov, O. Novikova, V. Perevozchikov, S. Troitskiy
19.  / The Optimization of Statistical Tests for Pseudorandom Number Generators
I. Chugunkov, A. Prokofiev, P. Strelchenko
20.  / Reputation Risks through Information Security Incidents
V. Dorokhov, A. Yankenskiy
21.  / Temporal Сlustering Effects in the Network Traffic Evaluated by Queueing System Performance
D. Nguyen, A. Tamazian, O. Markelov, M. Bogachev
22.  / Information System for Room’s Technological Processes Management Based on Fuzzy Logic
V. Gorbunov, D. Bobrikov, A. Balashov
23.  / Image Segmentation for Determinations of Object Descriptions ……………………………….
V. Gorbunov, D. Bobrikov, T.N. Win
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch Break
15.00 – 17.00 (Continuation of Session 2)
24.  / Increasing CCD Frame Rate and Signal-to-Noise Ratio with High Resolution Capability
Using On-Chip Preprocessing and Multisignal Image Representation …………………………
F. Inochkin, S. Kruglov, I. Bronshtein
25.  / W-Band Microstrip Line to Waveguide Transition Simulation …………………………………
A. Ivanov, I. Smelov, A. Tupitsyn
26.  / Software Development Framework for a Distributed Storage and GPGPU Data Processing
Infrastructure …………………………………………………………………………………….
I. Kamenskikh, D. Sinelnikov, D. Kalintsev, A. Kozlov, M. Rovnyagin, D. Shulga
27.  / Implementation of Digital Filters in the Residue Number System
D. Kaplun, V. Gulvanskiy, D. Klionskiy, M. Kupriyanov, A. Veligosha
28.  / Time-Reversibility in Chaotic Problems Numerical Solution
A. Karimov, T. Karimov, D. Butusov
29.  / Proposals of Compact-Spectrum CDMA Signatures for the Future GNSS Air Interface
A. Khachaturian, A. Mikheev, V. Kutuzov
30.  / Distributed Execution Environment for Data Mining as Service
I. Kholod, K. Borisenko
31.  / Increasing the Functionality of the Modern NoSQL-Systems with GPGPU-Technology
A. Kozlov, A. Aleshina, I. Kamenskikh, M. Rovnyagin, D. Sinelnikov, D. Shulga
32.  / Actuality of Fuzzy Logic Use for Implementation Pumping Equipment
L. Kozlova, N. Polorotov, O. Kozlova
33.  / Imitation Model of the Coasting Ships Processing
I. Kukushkin, S. Sokolov, A. Nyrkov, L.Pavlova
34.  / Video Processing in Codec, Which is Better Than H.264
S. Kuzmin, R. Bulyakulov
February 3, 2016 10.00 – 12.00 Conference Hall (Continuation of Session 2)
35.  / Increasing Methodology of the Reliability of the Data Signals Based on Technical Diagnostics
K. Ye, K. Lin, E.Portnov, O. Lisov, K. San
36.  / Using the Applications’ Reentering for Improvement the GRID Computing Efficiency
S. Lupin, A. Pachin, O. Kostrova, D. Fedyashin
37.  / Hybrid Modelling as a Tool for Analysis of Information Systems Security
S. Lupin, H. Tun, A. Thike, M. Puschin
38.  / Improvement of Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor Accuracy by Means of Current Loop Circuit
Using Optimal Digital Signal Processing
A. L’vov, P. L’vov, R.Konovalov
39.  / Method of Increasing the Contrast of Low-Contrast Objects by Combining Spectral Bands
N. Lysenko, A. Chirkunova
40.  / Applying Kutter-Jordan-Bossen Seganographic Algorithm in Video Sequences
N. Lysenko, G. Labkov
41.  / The Realization of Naive Bayes Algorithm in the Logic Programming Framework PROLOG
A. Malov, S. Rodionov, I. Kholod
42.  / Methods and Technologies of Automated Learning for Improvement of Autonomous
Robots Adaptivity
S. Man'ko, V. Lokhin, M. Romanov, A. Romanov, M. Stashkevich, A. Pani
43.  / Methods of Distributed Systems’Structured Modelling
A. Martirosyan, K. Martirosyan, A. Chernyshev
44.  / Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Coding and Decoding Algorithms in Information Channels
Realized on Base of Code Signal Feature
P.Martynov, А. L’vov, O. Dolinina, M. Svеtlоv
45.  / Integrated Identifier for Object Management Circuit
V. Nikulin, T. Legotkina
46.  / A 16-bit 4 MSPS DAC for lock-in amplifier in 65nm CMOS
A. Noorwali, M. Qasim, A. Doost, A. Huynh
12.00 – 12.15 Coffee break at the Conference Hall Lobby
12.15 – 14.00 (Continuation of Session 2)
47.  / Linear Blur Compensation in Digital Images Using Lucy-Richardson Method
K. Panfilova, S. Umnyashkin
48.  / Construction of Thematic Ontologies Using the Method of Automated Thesauri Development
I. Pisarev, E. Kotova
49.  / Fault-Tolerant Self-Timed Indicator
A. Plotnikova
50.  / Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Various Dynamic Programming Algorithms
for the Knapsack Problem
M. Posypkin, S. Sin
51.  / Protection System from “0-day” Malware Transferred via SMTP-protocol, Based on
Open-Source Software
R. Rashevskiy, A. Shaburov
52.  / FPGA Based Implementation of Content-Addressed Memory Based on Using Direct Sigma-Delta Bitstream Processing
A. Romanov, M. Romanov
53.  / Multiplatform HDL-Description of the Fast Fourier Transform Module
Yu. Savchenko, A. Silantiev, D. Kaleev, A. Pereverzev
54.  / Hardware and Software Modelling and Testing of Non-Conventional Data-Flow Architecture
Yu. Shikunov, D. Khilko, Yu. Stepchenkov
55.  / Full Echo Q-Routing with Adaptive Learning Rates: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Network Routing
Yu. Shilova, M. Kavalerov, I. Bezukladnikov
56.  / The Scheduling Based on Machine Learning for Heterogeneous CPU / GPU Systems
D. Shulga, A. Kapustin, A. Kozlov, A. Kozyrev, M. Rovnyagin
57.  / Self-Timed Multiplier for Multiply-Add Unit
B. Stepanov, Y. Diachenko, Y. Rogdestvenski, D. Diachenko
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch Break
15.00. – 17.00 (Continuation of Session 2)
58.  / Applying Simulation Using for the Formation of Decision Rules Based on Binary Comparison Results
E. Suloeva, E. Tsvetkov
59.  / Traffic Analysis on the WIDE Backbone Link: From Transport Level to End User Activity
A. Tamazian, O. Markelov, M. Bogachev
60.  / Topology Optimisation of Wireless Internet Infrastructure
A. Thike, S. Lupin, H. Tun, O. Kostrova
61.  / Research and Development of the 4X-Variable Reluctance Resolver
O. Tolstykh, A. Balkovoi, M. Tiapkin, A. Markov
62.  / Synthesis of Models of Information Channels with Memory
Y. Ulyanina, А. L’vov, O. Dolinina, M. Svеtlоv
63.  / Universal Logic Cells to Implement Systems Functions
R. Vikhorev
64.  / Thermometric Decoders for High Resolution Digital-to-Analog Converters
M. Yenuchenko
65.  / Research of Temperature Controller for Difussion Process Based on Neural Network
Z. Khaing, A. Schagin
66.  / The Edges Detection in Images Using the Clustering Algorithm
Z. Htet, K. Ye, O. Lisov, V. Koldaev, N. Aung
Subsession Management
15.00 – 17.00 Room 5226
1.  / Rationalization the Process of Business Accounting within Information System at "Saint Petersburg Telecom LLC"
A. Artamonova, I. Brusakova
2.  / Development of Innovative Project WideRrange Receiver of the Knowledge-Based Enterprise
I. Brusakova, D. Chipko, M. Kuzichev
3.  / Problems and Perspectives of IT Management in High-Tech Industrial Enterprises
E. Fedotova, M. Kossukhina
4.  / Risk Analysis in the Model of the Business Process
V. Gorbunov, N. W. Htet, A. Balashov
5.  / The Innovation Performance Measurement as a Crucial Determinant of Technologically Advanced Industrial Enterprises Management
M. Kossukhina
6.  / Process Model Development of Educational Programs Using E-learning and Distance Learning Technologies
N. Kovalnogova, S. Sokolov, A. Nyrkov
7.  / About Student’s Scientific Research Motivation in Technical Institutions of Higher Education in Russia
K. Potapov, P. Terentieva, V. Semenov
8.  / The Features of the Export of Intellectual Capital
V. Semenov, V. Menshakova
9.  / Analysis of Mobile Wallet Model Applicable for Ecuador
L. Vásquez, D. Dután, E. Figueroa
Session 3. Communications
February 2, 2016 10.00 – 12.00 Room 5226
1.  / Choosing Sample Frequency for Accurate Local Signal Detection Using Wavelet Transform
V. Alekseev, I. Kaliakin, E. Sedunova
2.  / Telemetry System with Adaptive Commutation
E. Antonyuk, I.Varshavskiy, I. Kolpakova, A. Minina, P. Antonyuk
3.  / Secure One-Way Data Transfer
V. Arkhangelskii, A.Epishkina, V.Kalmykov, K.Kogos
4.  / Printed Reflectarray Antennas Investigation Based on the Finite-Infinite Structures Model
S. Ballandovich, G. Kostikov, M. Sugak, Y. Antonov
5.  / Specialized Navigation System for Rail Track Diagnostics
А. Boronahin, D. Larionov, L. Podgornaya, R. Shalymov, Y. Filatov, E. Bokhman
6.  / Optical Profilometers for Rail Track Diagnostics
А. Boronahin, A. Kukaev, D. Larionov, L. Podgornaya, R. Shalymov, E. Bokhman
7.  / Tunable Antenna for Mobile Applications
A. Grigoriev, B. Djalilov