Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Research Activity

You will be given a topic to research that is related to our novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. You will have one day in the library to use the internet to help you answer the following questions below, related to your topic. Along with the answers to the questions you are also expected to turn in one (1) visual.

You will be expected to display your research on a full size poster board. We will take one other day to complete these last steps in a collaborative group. Keep in mind that since you will be publishing on a full size poster board, the pictures you find should be a reflection, no postage stamp size pictures. Make sure you copy and paste the pictures that you find into a Word document BEFORE you print.

When answering the questions below, please be sure to cite your source. What is the name of the website where you found the answer? Part of your answer IS citing your source. See the examples of the format below:

Website: format > Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of Document." (Online) Document date. URL (visited: date of visit).

The Great Depression

Go to the following web site to answer the questions below:

  1. What years did the Great Depression occur?

Cite your source: ______

  1. What percentage of African-American people were out of work during the Depression?

Cite your source: ______

  1. List three major problems that the U.S. faced during the Depression.




Cite your source: ______

  1. Find one person and/or organization that helped black Americans succeed following the Great Depression.


Cite your source: ______

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Research Activity

You will be given a topic to research that is related to our novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. You will have one day in the library to use the internet to help you answer the following questions below, related to your topic. Along with the answers to the questions you are also expected to turn in one (1) visual.

You will be expected to display your research on a full size poster board. We will take one other day to complete these last steps in a collaborative group. Keep in mind that since you will be publishing on a full size poster board, the pictures you find should be a reflection, no postage stamp size pictures. Make sure you copy and paste the pictures that you find into a Word document BEFORE you print.

When answering the questions below, please be sure to cite your source. What is the name of the website where you found the answer? Part of your answer IS citing your source. See the examples of the format below:

Website: format > Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of Document." (Online) Document date. URL (visited: date of visit).

Racism and Segregation

Go to the following web site to answer the questions below:

NOTE: You will also need to go to “A Century of Racial Segregation”.

  1. What is segregation? Explain.

Cite your source: ______

  1. What were some of the court cases that involved segregation? Find at least 2, and explain.

Cite your source: ______

  1. What were some of the things that happened in the aftermath of Brown vs. Board of Education? List 2, and explain.

Cite your source: ______

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Research Activity

You will be given a topic to research that is related to our novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. You will have one day in the library to use the internet to help you answer the following questions below, related to your topic. Along with the answers to the questions you are also expected to turn in one (1) visual.

You will be expected to display your research on a full size poster board. We will take one other day to complete these last steps in a collaborative group. Keep in mind that since you will be publishing on a full size poster board, the pictures you find should be a reflection, no postage stamp size pictures. Make sure you copy and paste the pictures that you find into a Word document BEFORE you print.

When answering the questions below, please be sure to cite your source. What is the name of the website where you found the answer? Part of your answer IS citing your source. See the examples of the format below:

Website: format > Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of Document." (Online) Document date. URL (visited: date of visit).


Go to this website to answer the questions below:

  1. Study the photographs. What stands out to you about these images? Describe the quality of life for sharecroppers.

Cite your source: ______

  1. Put yourself in one of these photographs. Write a diary or journal entry describing your thoughts about your life and your future. Use a separate piece of paper to finish your entry, and staple it to the back of this sheet.

Cite your source: ______

Go to this link to answer the questions below:

  1. Define sharecropping.

Cite your source: ______

  1. How is sharecropping similar to slavery?

Cite your source: ______

  1. Describe the traps which tied sharecroppers to the land.

Cite your source: ______

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Research Activity

You will be given a topic to research that is related to our novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. You will have one day in the library to use the internet to help you answer the following questions below, related to your topic. Along with the answers to the questions you are also expected to turn in one (1) visual.

You will be expected to display your research on a full size poster board. We will take one other day to complete these last steps in a collaborative group. Keep in mind that since you will be publishing on a full size poster board, the pictures you find should be a reflection, no postage stamp size pictures. Make sure you copy and paste the pictures that you find into a Word document BEFORE you print.

When answering the questions below, please be sure to cite your source. What is the name of the website where you found the answer? Part of your answer IS citing your source. See the examples of the format below:

Website: format > Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of Document." (Online) Document date. URL (visited: date of visit).

Mob Violence/KKK

Go to to answer the questions below.

  1. What groups do the KKK oppose?

Cite your source: ______

  1. During what time period did the KKK have the most political power?

Cite your source: ______

Go to to answer the questions below.

  1. What things did the KKK do to frighten people and maintain power over non-whites?

Cite your source: ______

  1. Imagine the reaction of a man being hunted by the KKK. How would it be different for his wife? for his children? Write a short diary entry or journal entry from the perspective of a hunted man, his wife or child. Use a separate piece of paper to write your entry, and staple it to this sheet.

Cite your source: ______

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Research Activity

You will be given a topic to research that is related to our novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. You will have one day in the library to use the internet to help you answer the following questions below, related to your topic. Along with the answers to the questions you are also expected to turn in one (1) visual.

You will be expected to display your research on a full size poster board. We will take one other day to complete these last steps in a collaborative group. Keep in mind that since you will be publishing on a full size poster board, the pictures you find should be a reflection, no postage stamp size pictures. Make sure you copy and paste the pictures that you find into a Word document BEFORE you print.

When answering the questions below, please be sure to cite your source. What is the name of the website where you found the answer? Part of your answer IS citing your source. See the examples of the format below:

Website: format > Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of Document." (Online) Document date. URL (visited: date of visit).

Jim Crow Laws

Go to to answer the question below.

  1. Define Jim Crow laws. Give some examples.


Cite your source: ______

Now go to for the following questions to answer.

  1. What years (roughly) did the “Jim Crow” laws occur?


Cite your source: ______

  1. List 2 horrific events that occurred in American history due to these laws.


Cite your source: ______
Finally, visit this site to learn of actual laws that were in place against black men and women.

  1. Write 2 of the laws here and tell why they are so ridiculous or degrading.


Cite your source: ______