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List of Previous DBQ Topics Already Asked (1973–2008)

Years Covered / Topic / Exam
1607–1700 / Early English Colonization / 1993
1754–1763 / French and Indian War Impact on British–Colonial Relations / 2004
1750–1776 / Colonial Unity & Identity / 1999
1750–1780 / Democracy in Wethersfield, CT / 1976
1781–1789 / Articles of Confederation / 1985
1789 / Alien & Sedition Acts / 1977
1775–1800 / Impact of American Revolution on Society / 2005
1801–1817 / Jefferson & Madison: Constructionists? / 1998
1815–1825 / Nationalism & Sectionalism in the Era of Good Feelings / 2002(B)
1820–1839 / Jacksonian Democrats / 1990
1790–1839 / Jackson and Indian Removal / 1980
1825–1850 / Antebellum Reform Movements / 2002
1776–1876 / Northern Middle Class Women / 1981
1820–1860 / Political Compromises and the Coming of the Civil War / 2005(B)
1770–1860 / Change in the Status and Role of Women / 2006
1850–1861 / The Constitution & Crises of the 1850s / 1987
1859–1863 / John Brown / 1982
1860 / Lincoln & the Crittenden Compromise / 1974
1865–1877 / Social & Political Changes of Reconstruction / 1996
1840–1899 / The Settlement of the West / 1992
1865–1900 / Federal Government and Lassiez–Faire / 1979
1865–1900 / Changes Affecting Agriculture and Farmers’ Responses / 2007
1875–1900 / Labor in the Gilded Age / 2000
1880–1900 / Agrarian Unrest & the Populists / 1983
1877–1915 / Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. DuBois / 1989
1830–1914 / American Expansionism/Imperialism / 1994
1899 / Ratification of the Treaty of Paris in 1899 / 1975
1880-1925 / Immigration Tensions and Federal Response / 2008(B)
1890–1925 / Evolution of Women in American society / 1997
1900–1919 / Prohibition / 1978
1917–1921 / The Senate Defeat of the Versailles Treaty / 1991
1900–1920 / Effectiveness of Progressive Era Reformers / 2003(B)
1920–1929 / Change and Tension in the Roaring Twenties / 1986
1924 / Immigration Act of 1924 / 1973
1920–1941 / U.S Foreign Policy Changes (the 1920s–World War II) / 2004 (B)
1928–1945 / Hoover & FDR: Liberal or Conservative? / 1984
1929–1941 / The New Deal and Expansion of Government / 2003
1939–1947 / Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb / 1988
1941–1949 / Relations Between the U.S. and Soviet Union / 2006 (B)
1948–1961 / Eisenhower’s Success in the Cold War / 2001
1960–1969 / The Civil Rights Movement / 1995
1960–1970 / LBJ’s Handling Of Political, Economic and Social Problems / 2007 (B)
1964-1975 / Vietnam War’s Impact on United States / 2008

Some Possible DBQ Topics for 2009 and Beyond

·  The Impact of European Exploration on Native Societies in North America

·  The Rise of a Slave Culture in the Colonial South

·  Tensions and Rebellions in Colonial Society in the 17th and/or 18th Centuries

·  The Impact of Religion and/or the Changes in Religion in Colonial Society

·  Factors Leading To the Revolutionary War (1763–1776)

·  The Compromises, Ratification Debate, and/or Impact of the U.S. Constitution

·  The Domestic Policies, Foreign Policies, and/or Political Legacies of Washington, Adams, and/or Jefferson’s Presidencies

·  Louisiana Purchase and/or Lewis and Clark

·  War of 1812: Causes, Impact, Significance

·  The Rulings and Impact of the Marshall Court and/or the Burger & Warren Courts

·  Re-emergence of the Two Party System

·  States Rights and Controversies in the Age of Jackson

·  Economic growth and changes, and its impact on Antebellum American society

·  Changes in Antebellum Society (impact of industrialization, technology, urbanization)

·  Growth of Sectionalism in Antebellum America

·  The Causes and/or Impact of the Mexican War

·  Native Americans (Reconstruction–1920s)

·  Causes/Impact of Industry and Technology during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

·  Urbanization and City Life, excluding immigration (1870s–1910s)

·  Intellectual, Cultural, and Reform Movements (Gilded Age)

·  The Changes and Status of the South (Gilded Age–WWII)

·  The Rise of Conservationism and/or the Environmental Movement

·  The Causes and/or Impact of World War I and/or World War II

·  The Home Front during World War II

·  Great Depression: Causes, Impact (social, economic, cultural)––not New Deal

·  1950s Culture, Economics, and Politics (by Itself or Compared to the 1920s)

·  Turbulence and change in the 1960s and 1970s: Vietnam, Assassinations, Civil Rights, Hippies, Watergate, Women’s movement, minorities

·  The Rise of the “New Conservatism” 1968–present

·  Economic Changes and Their Impact on Government, Business and Workers 1960s–present

·  Political Compromises in Early US History: Constitution vs. Civil War

·  Civil Liberties During Wartime (Quasi–war, Civil War, WWI, WWII, War on Terror)

·  Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement

·  Change in the role and office of the Presidency or the federal government (post WWII)

·  Changes in 20th Century US foreign policy: imperialism to isolationism to interventionism

·  Causes and Consequences of Internal Migration (1900–1950 or 1950–present)

·  Changes in the Status of Women (1860–1920), (1920–1970) and/or (post-World War II)

·  Changes in the Status and Attitudes Towards Minorities Since World War II

·  Immigrants and American Attitudes (1820–1860), (1880–1924) and/or (1965–2000)