1350 Main Street ● Cambria CA 93428
(805) 927-3880 FAX (805) 927-0312
DATE: August 2008
TO: CUSD Employees
FROM: Chris Adams
RE: Worker Injury/Return-to-Work Program
The information that is presented in this memo and the procedures outlined below are designed to promote and enhance the safety of each individual and all other District employees. Adherence to these procedures is critical as the District can be subject to fines and other negative consequences by law if the procedures are not followed in the event of an injury. Your assistance on this is very much appreciated. Active non-compliance by the employee may result in disciplinary action.
In the event of an injury that takes place during completion of your responsibilities as an employee the following steps must/will be taken:
1. Employee MUST notify his/her direct Supervisor or Chris Adams (909-0652 or
927-6121), RISK Management Coordinator, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER THE INJURY OCCURS.
2. RISK Management Coordinator/Supt. should be notified by the Supervisor or by the Employee if the Supervisor is unavailable. If the RISK Management Coordinator/Supt. is not available the following designee should be notified in this order: Safety Coordinator, Denis de Clercq (909-0643 or 927-3693), Ginger Channell (909-0642).
3. Employee consults as needed with Medical Personnel.
4. Prior to resuming his/her work assignment, the Employee must meet with the Supervisor and/or RISK Manager to review conditions for a return to work. The Employee is required to bring a copy of the Physician’s Return to Work form at this time.
5. As needed, the Employee will be required to participate in preventative safety training related to the work injury prior to resuming actual duties.
Again, this information and all the procedures described above are designed to improve safe working conditions for all employees. Thank you very much for your assistance and cooperation.