PUBLICATIONS- Brian P Kinghorn


R1Kinghorn, B.P. 1980. The expression of recombination loss in quantitative traits. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 97, 138-143

R2Kinghorn, B.P. 1980. A model for the optimisation of genetic improvement by the introduction of novel breeds into a native population. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 97, 95-100

R3Kinghorn, B.P. 1982. Genetic effects in crossbreeding. I Models of merit. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 99, 59-68

R4Kinghorn, B.P. 1982. Genetic effects in crossbreeding. II Multibreed selection indices. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 99, 315-320

R5Kinghorn, B.P. and Gjedrem, T. 1982. Livestock production in Europe, perspectives and prospects: Farmed fish. Livestock Production Science. 9, 263-269

R6Kinghorn, B.P. 1982. Water flow controller. Progressive Fish Culturalist. 44, 48-49

R7Kinghorn, B.P. 1982. Central system for monitoring the quality of water from many sources. Progressive Fish Culturalist. 44, 30-32

R8Kinghorn, B.P. 1983. Genetic effects in crossbreeding. III Epistatic loss in crossbred mice. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 100, 209-222

R9Kinghorn, B.P. 1983. Genetic effects in crossbreeding. IV A simulation study on global selection of sires for an open population. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 100, 223-237

R10Kinghorn, B.P. 1983. Genetic variation in food conversion efficiency and growth in Rainbow trout. Aquaculture. 32, 141-155

R11Kinghorn, B.P. 1983. A review of quantitative genetics in fish breeding. Aquaculture. 31, 283-304

R12Kinghorn, B.P. 1985. Modelled relationships between animal size and production efficiency. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 102, 241-255.

R13Kinghorn, B.P. 1987. The nature of 2-locus epistatic interactions in animals: evidence from Sewall Wright's guinea pig data. Theor. Appl. Genet. 73, 595-604.

R14Kinghorn, B.P. 1987. On computing strategies for mate allocation. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 104, 12-22.

R15Kinghorn, B.P., Shepherd, R.K. and Banks, R.G. 1989. On the formation of optimal composite populations. Theor. App. Genet. 78:318-320.

R16Kinghorn, B.P. and Vercoe, P.E. 1989. The effects of using the wrong genetic model to predict the merit of crossbred genotypes. Anim. Prod. 49:209-216.

R17Kinghorn, B.P., Smith, C. and Dekkers, J.C.M. 1991. Potential genetic gains with gamete harvesting and in vitro fertilization in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 74:611-622.

R18Kinghorn, B.P. and Swan, A.A. 1991. A multitrait approach for data involving genotype by environment interaction. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 108:111-115.

R19Swan, A.A. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1992. Evaluation and Exploitation of crossbreeding effects in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 75: 624-639.

R20Shepherd, R.K. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1992. Optimising multi-tier open nucleus breeding schemes. Theor. App. Genet. 85: 372-378.

R21Blattman, A.N., Hulme, D.J., Kinghorn, B.P., Woolaston, R.R., Gray, G.D. and Beh, K.J. 1992. A search for associations between MHC RFLP bands and resistance to haemonchus contortus infection in sheep. Anim. Genet. 23: 382-393.

R22Shepherd, R.K. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1993. A deterministic model of BLUP selection in two-tier open nucleus breeding schemes. Livestock Production Science. 33: 341-354.

R23Kinghorn, B.P., Kennedy, B.W. and Smith, C. 1993. A method of screening for genes of major effect. Genetics. 134: 351-360.

R24Klieve, H.M., Kinghorn, B.P. and Barwick, S.A. 1993. The value of accuracy in making selection decisions. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 110: 1-12.

R25Noor, R.R., Barker, J.S.F. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1993. Effects of stains, strain crosses and environments on additive genetic and phenotypic variances in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 110: 41-56.

R26Kerr, R.J., Hammond, K. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1994 Effects of multiple-sire mating on genetic evaluations, selection response and rates of inbreeding. Livestock production Science. 38:161-168.

R27Klieve, H.M., Kinghorn, B.P. and Barwick, S.A. 1994. The joint regulation of genetic gain and inbreeding under mate selection. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 111:81-88.

R28Van Arendonk, J.A.M., Tier, B. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1994. Use of multiple genetic markers in prediction of breeding values. Genetics. 137:319-329.

R29Kerr, R.J., Graser, H.U., Kinghorn, B.P. and Johnston, D. 1994. Implications of using an average relationship matrix in genetic evaluation for a population using multiple-sire joining. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 111:199-208.

R30Shepherd, R.K. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1994. A deterministic multi-tier model of assortative mating following selection. Genet. Sel. Evol. 26: 495-516.

R31Mackinnon, M.J., van der Beek, S.J. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1996. Use of deterministic sampling for exploring likelihoods in linkage analysis for quantitative traits. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92:130-139.

R32Kerr, R.J. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1996. An efficient algorithm for segregation analysis in large populations. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 113:457-469.

R33Kinghorn, B.P. 1997. An index of information content for genotype probabilities derived from segregation analysis. Genetics. 145:479-483.

R34Kinghorn, B.P. and Clarke B. E. 1997. Genetic evaluation at individual QTL. Animal Biotechnology, 8:63-68.

R35Montgomery, G.W. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1997. Recent developments towards marker assisted selection in sheep. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 48:729-741

R36Kinghorn, B.P. 1998. Future developments in Animal Breeding. In Honour of Professor Dr. Harald Skjervold. Acta Agric. Scand., Sect. A, Animal Sci. Suppl. 28: 27-32.

R37Kinghorn, B.P. 1998. Mate selection by groups. J. Dairy Science. 81:55-63.

R37.1Banks, R.G., J.H.J. van der Werf and B.P. Kinghorn. 1998. Optimal use of young and old sires in sheep breeding.. Wool Techn. & Sheep Breeding. Vol 46(3): 218-223.

R38Kinghorn, B.P. 1999. Use of segregation analysis to reduce genotyping costs. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 116:175-180.

R39Carlborg, O., Andersson, L. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. The use of a genetic algorithm for simultaneous mapping of multiple interacting quantitative trait loci. Genetics. 155: 2003-2010.

R40Montaldo, H. H. and Kinghorn, B. P. 2000. Detección y uso de genes mayores en animales. (Detection and use of major genes in animals). Acta Universitaria, Universidad de Guanajuato10 (2):9-17.

R41Bindon, B.M., Burrow, H.M. and Kinghorn, B. P. 2001. Communication, education and training strategies to deliver CRC outcomes to beef industry stakeholders. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 41:1073-1087

R42Piyasatian, N. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2003. Balancing genetic diversity, genetic merit and population viability in conservation programs. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 120: 137-149.

R43Macrossan, P. E. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2003. Cyclic genotyping strategies. I. A comparison of ranking criteria. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 120: 303-311.

R44Macrossan, P. E. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2003. Cyclic genotyping strategies. II. True and perceived utilities under incorrect allele frequency assumptions. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 120: 312-321.

R45Stephen T Eskesen , Frank N Eskesen, Brian P Kinghorn and Anatoly Ruvinsky, 2004. Periodicity of DNA in Exons. BMC Molecular Biology BMC Molecular Biology 2004, 5:12[ Abstract in “Molecular and Cellular Biology Open Access Research”, BioMed Central, September 2004, p51. ]

R46Mayer, D.G., Kinghorn, B.P. and Archer, A.A. 2005. Differential evolution – an easy and efficient evolutionary algorithm for model optimisation. Agricultural Systems 83:315-328

R47Percy, A. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2005 A genotype probability index for multiple alleles and haplotypes. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 122: 387-392.

R48Li, Yongjun, Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2006 Optimisation of a crossing system using mate selection. Genetics, Selection, Evolution. 38:147-165.

R 49Wilke, V.L., Conzemius, M.G., Kinghorn, B.P., Macrossan, P.E., Cai, W. and Rothschild, M.F. 2006. Inheritance of rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament in NewfoundlandsJ. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 228: 61-64

R50Doeschl-Wilson, A.B., Knap, P.W., Kinghorn, B.P. and van der Steen, H. (2007). Using mechanistic animal growth models to estimate genetic parameters of biological traits. Animal. 1:489 – 499.

R51Gondro, C. and B. P. Kinghorn (2007). “A simple genetic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment.” Genetics and Molecular Research 6(4): 964-982.

R52Gondro, C. and B. P. Kinghorn (2008). “Optimization of cDNA microarray experimental designs using an Evolutionary Algorithm.” IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 5(4): 630-638.

R53Dominik, S. and B.P. Kinghorn. 2008. Neglecting genotype x environment interactions can result in biased predictions from selection index calculations. Livestock Science 114: 233-240.

R54Lee, S., van der Werf, J.H.J. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2008. Using an evolutionary algorithm and parallel computing for haplotyping in a general complex pedigree with multiple marker loci. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:189 [doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-189.]

R55Yongjun Li, Julius H. J. Van der Werf and Kinghorn, B.P. 2008 Optimal utilization of non-additive quantitative trait loci in animal breeding programs. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 125: 342-350

R56Macrossan, P. E., Kinghorn, B.P. and Abbass, H.A. 2009. Cyclic genotyping strategies. III. A comparison of predictive methods for group genotyping. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 126: 117-126.

R57Ciobanu, D.C., J.W.M. Bastiaansen, J. Magrin, J.L. Rocha, D.-H. Jiang, N. Yu, B. Geiger, N. Deeb, D. Rocha, B.P. Kinghorn, G.S.P Plastow, H.A.M. van der Steen and A.J. Mileham. 2010. A major resource of SNPs for the genetic studies of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and association analyses with economically important traits. Animal Genetics. 41: 39-47

R58Kinghorn, B.P. 2010. A method to detect recombination between a genetic marker and the QTL that it marks. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics.127:199-206 doi:10.1111/j.1439-0388.2009.00836.x

R59Kinghorn, B.P., Bastiaansen, J.W.M., Ciobanu, D.C. and van der Steen, H.A.M. 2010. Quantitative genotyping to estimate genetic contributions to pooled tissue samples and genetic merit of the contributing entities.Acta Agric. Scand., Sect. A. 60: 3-12.

R60Carvalheiro, R., S.A. Queiroz and B.P. Kinghorn,2010. Optimum contribution selection using differential evolution. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 39:1429-1436.

R61Van der werf, J.H.J., Kinghorn, B.P. and Banks, R.G. 2010. Design and role of an information nucleus in sheep breeding programs. Animal Production Science, 2010, 50, 1–6.

R62Kinghorn, B.P. 2011. An algorithm for efficient constrained mate selection. Genetics Selection Evolution. 43:4.

R63Marshall, K., Quiros-Campos, C., van der werf, J.H.J. and Kinghorn, B.P.2011. Marker-based selection within small-holder production systems in developing countries. Livestock Science, 136: 45–54.

R64Hickey, J.M., Kinghorn, B.P., Tier, B., Wilson, J.F., Dunstan, N., and van der Werf, J.H.J. 2011. A combined long-range phasing and long haplotype imputation method to impute phase for SNP genotypes. Genetics Selection Evolution 2011, 43:12.

R65Cleveland, M.A., Hickey, J.M. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2011. Genotype imputation for the prediction of genomic breeding values in non-genotyped and low-density genotyped individuals. BMC Proceedings, 5(Suppl 3):S6.

R66Webb, S.L., S. Demarais, B.K. Strickland, R.W. DeYoung, B.P. Kinghorn, and K.L.Gee. 2012. Effects of selective harvest on antler size in white-tailed deer: a modeling approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 48-56.

R67Kinghorn, B.P. 2012 The use of genomics in the management of livestock. Animal Production Science. 52:78-91.

R68Hickey, J.M., Kinghorn, B.P., Bruce Tier, Julius HJ van der Werf, Matthew A Cleveland 2012 A phasing and imputation method for pedigreed populations that results in a single-stage genomic evaluation method. Genetics Selection Evolution. 44:9.

R69Hickey, J.M., Kinghorn, B.P., Bruce Tier, Samuel A Clark, Julius HJ van der Werf, and Gregor Gorjanc, 2012. Genomic evaluations using similarity between haplotypes. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics.Accepted.

R70Flores, E.B., Kinghorn, B.P. and van der Werf, J.H.J. 2013.Predicting lactation yields in dairy buffaloes by interpolation and multiple trait prediction. Livestock Science 151:97-107.

R72Clark, S.A., B .P. Kinghorn, J.M. Hickey, J.H.J.van der Werf. 2013. The effect of genomic information on optimal selection in livestock breeding programs. Genet. Sel. Evol. 45:44

R73Ferdosi, M.H., Brian P. Kinghorn, Julius H.J. van der Werf and Cedric Gondro. 2014. Detection of recombination events, haplotype reconstruction and imputation of sires using half-sib SNP genotypes. Genet. Sel. Evol.

R74Ferdosi,M. H.,Brian P. Kinghorn, Julius H.J. van der Werf, Lee, S.W. and Cedric Gondro. 2014. hsphase: an R package for detection of recombination events, phasing and imputation of half-sib family groups. BMC Bioinformatics, 15:172


B1Kinghorn, B.P. and Gjedrem, T. 1982. Farmed fish. In 'Livestock production in Europe, perspectives and prospects.' Politiek, R.D. and Bakker, J.J. (eds), Elsevier. [Also in Livestock Production Science. 9, 263-269 as above.]

B2Kinghorn, B.P., Rogan, I.M. and Davis, G.P. 1991. Chapter 3: Breeding and Selection. In: 'A sheep and wool handbook of Australia'. ed D.J. Cottle, Inkata press

B3Kinghorn, B.P. 1992. Principles of estimated breeding values. Chapter 4 in: Animal Breeding: The Modern Approach. Eds Hammond, K., Graser, H-U, and McDonald, C.A. Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 47-55.

B4Kinghorn, B.P. 1992. Principles of genetic progress. Chapter 19 in: Animal Breeding: The Modern Approach. Eds Hammond, K., Graser, H-U, and McDonald, C.A. Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 193-203.

B5Kinghorn, B.P. 1992. Maximising improvement with AI, MOET, and cloning. Chapter 21 in: Animal Breeding: The Modern Approach. Eds Hammond, K., Graser, H-U, and McDonald, C.A. Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 217-225.

B6Swan A.A. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1992. Design of cross-breeding programs. Chapter 22 in: Animal Breeding: The Modern Approach. Eds Hammond, K., Graser, H-U, and McDonald, C.A. Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 227-235.

B7Kinghorn, B.P. 1993. Deterministic versus stochastic approaches to evaluating the design of livestock breeding programs. In: Design of Livestock Breeding Programs. H-U. Graser editor. AGBU, University of New England. ISBN 0 86389 066 1. Pages 111-126.

B8Kinghorn, B.P. 1993. Mate selection for the design of breeding programs. In: Design of Livestock Breeding Programs. H-U. Graser editor. AGBU, University of New England. ISBN 0 86389 066 1. Pages 165-170.

B9Kinghorn, B.P. 1993. Selection programs across breeds. In: Design of Livestock Breeding Programs. H-U. Graser editor. AGBU, University of New England. ISBN 0 86389 066 1. Pages 171-188.

B10Kinghorn, B.P. 1995. Methods of using genetic variation. In: Breeding for resistance to infectious diseases of small ruminants. Eds. Gray, G.D., Woolaston, R.R. and Eaton, B.T. Austrailan Centre for International Agricultural research. ISBN 1 86320 1416. Pages 291-308.

B11Kinghorn, B.P. 1997. Genetic improvement of sheep. Chapter 21 in: The Genetics of Sheep. Eds L. Piper and A. Ruvinsky. C.A.B. International, Oxon. ISBN 0 85199 200 5. Pages 565-591.

B12Kinghorn, B.P. and Simm, G. 1999. Genetic improvement of beef cattle. Chapter 20 in: The Genetics of Beef Cattle. Eds R. Fries and A. Ruvinsky. C.A.B. International, Oxon. ISBN 0 85199 258 7. Pages 577-604.

B13Kinghorn, B.P. 1999. Total Resource Management: Tactical optimisation of vertically integrated animal production systems. In: The application of artificial intelligence, optimisation and Bayesian methods in agriculture. Eds. Abbass, H. A. and Towsey, M. QueenslandUniversity of Technology. ISBN 1 86435 463 1. Pages 95 - 100.

B14Vagg, R.D., Meszaros, S.A. and Kinghorn, B.P. 1999. Delivering the power of artificial intelligence to the practitioner: a client/server solution to a complex optimisation problem. In: The application of artificial intelligence, optimisation and Bayesian methods in agriculture. Eds. Abbass, H. A. and Towsey, M. QueenslandUniversity of Technology. ISBN 1 86435 463 1. Pages 153 - 162.

B15 Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.) 2000. "Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies.” The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B16 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. The building blocks of quantitative genetics. Chapter 2 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B17 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. The genetic basis of crossbreeding. Chapter 4 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B18 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Genetic maps and detection of major genes. Chapter 7 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B19 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. DNA test and segregation analysis to help manage genetic disorders. Chapter 8 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B20 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Key issues in breeding program design. Chapter 11 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B21 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Nucleus breeding schemes. Chapter 12 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B22 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Reproductive technology and designs to exploit it. Chapter 16 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B23 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Animal production and breeding systems to exploit cloning technology. Chapter 18 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B24 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Description and targeting of breeding objectives. Chapter 20 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8.

B25 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. The tactical approach to implementing breeding programs. Chapter 22 in “Animal Breeding – Use of New Technologies”, Kinghorn, B.P., Van der Werf, J.H.J. and Ryan, M. (eds.). The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinarian Science of the University of Sydney. ISBN 0 646 38713 8. Pages 291-308.

B26 Kinghorn, B.P. 2000. Implementation of New Genetic Technologies. The Fourth Mendel Lecture, Genetics Society of Malaysia. 18 pages. ISBN 983-99037-5-6

B27Kinghorn, B.P., Meszaros, S.A. and Woolliams J.A. 2002. Development and Commercialization of Software for Genetic Improvement Programmes. In ”Intellectual property rights in animal breeding and genetics”. CAB International. ISBN: 0851996418

B28Van der Werf, J.H.J. and B.P. Kinghorn.2003. Molecular Genetics and their place in breeding systems. In: "Strategies to improve Bali cattle in Eastern Indonesia", Entwistle, K. and Lindsay, D.R. (Eds.). Austral. Centre for Internat. Agric. Res. Canberra. ISBN 1 86320 366 4. Pages 34-40.

B29Kinghorn.B.P. 2003. Options for genetic improvement of Bali Cattle: Full program with all technologies and facilities available. In: "Strategies to improve Bali cattle in Eastern Indonesia", Entwistle, K. and Lindsay, D.R. (Eds.). Austral. Centre for Internat. Agric. Res. Canberra. ISBN 1 86320 366 4. Pages 58-71.

B30B.J. Hayes, B.P. Kinghorn and A. Ruvinsky (2005) Genome Scanning for Quantitative Trait Loci. Chapter 20 in Mammalian Genomics. CAB Press. Pp 507-537.

B31Kinghorn.B.P. 2005. Mating Systems. In Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Edited by W. G. Pond and A.W. Bell. CRC Press 2005. Pages 615-621.

B32Doeschl-Wilson, A., Knap, P.W. and Kinghorn, B.P. 2006. Specifying animal genotypes through model inversion. In: Mechanistic pig and poultry models. Gous, R. and Morris, T. (editors). CABI.

B33Kinghorn B. P., R. Banks, C. Gondro, V. D. Kremer, S. A. Meszaros, S. Newman, R. K. Shepherd, R. D. Vagg and J. H. J. van der Werf (2008). Strategies to exploit genetic variation while maintaining diversity. In: Adaptation and fitness in animal populations. J. H. J. van der Werf, R. Frankham, H. -U. Graser and C. Gondro. Berlin, Springer. Pages 191-200.

B34Kinghorn.B.P. 2010. Mating Systems. In Encyclopedia of Animal Science.2nd Edition. Edited by W. G. Pond and A.W. Bell. Taylor and Francis. Pages 744-747.

B35Greeff, J, Kinghorn, B.P. and Brown, D. 2010. Breeding and Selection. Chapter 8 in: International sheep and wool handbook. Cottle, D.J. (Ed) Nottingham University Press. ISBN: 978-1-904761-64-8.

B12Kinghorn, B.P., Banks, R.G. and Simm, G. 2015. Genetic improvement of beef cattle. Chapter 18 in: The Genetics of Beef Cattle. 2nd edition Eds D.J. Garrick and A. Ruvinsky. C.A.B. International, Oxon. ISBN-13:978 1 78064 221 5. Pages 451-473.

CONFERENCES - invited and sponsored/supported

CIS1Kinghorn, B.P. 1982. Multibreed selection indices for dairy cattle. European Association of Animal Production. (Leningrad) 33, 8pp

CIS2Kinghorn, B.P. 1984. A single approach to genetic improvement which exploits both selection and crossbreeding effects. Proc. 2nd World Congress on Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding. pp 473-482.

CIS3Kinghorn, B.P. 1985. Production genetics in wild and hatchery reared fish. Proceedings of Fish genetics workshop, Cronulla, NSW, 31 July - 1 August 1985, NSW Dept. Agriculture and Fisheries. Ed Rowland, S.J. and Barlow, R. Pages 25-29.

CIS4Kinghorn, B.P. 1986. Mating plans for selection across breeds. Proc. 3rd World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Nebraska, July 1986. Vol XII, 233-244.

CIS5Kinghorn, B.P. and Atkins, K.D. 1987. Heterosis in crosses between Merino strains and bloodlines and its exploitation. In: Merino Improvement Programs in Australia. Australian Wool Corporation. Leura, N.S.W., May, 1987. Pages 389-407.

CIS6Kinghorn, B.P. 1989. Exploiting the total genetic resource in beef cattle. Proceedings of Beef Breeding Workshop, South Australian Department of Agriculture, 23-26 October 1989. Paper 11.

CIS7Kinghorn, B.P. and Shepherd, R.K. 1990. The impact of across-flock genetic evaluation on sheep breeding structures. 4th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Edinburgh, 23-27 July 1990. Vol.XV pages 7-17.

CIS8Kinghorn, B.P. 1990. Evaluation and exploitation of non-additive merit in dairy cattle. American Dairy Science Association, 85th Annual Meeting, North CarolinaStateUniversity, June 24-27. Journal of Dairy Science. Volume 73, Supplement 1, Abstract P334, page 231.

CIS9 Kinghorn, B.P. and Shepherd, R.K. 1994. A tactical approach to breeding for information-rich designs. 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Guelph, 7 - 12 August 1994. 18: 255-261.

CIS10Thompson, J.M., Kinghorn, B.P. and Banks, R.G. 1996. Application of non invasive techniques for carcass evaluation in breeding. 47th Annual Meeting of European Association of Animal Production. 25-29 August. Lillehammer, Norway. Paper PS5.1, page 267.

CIS11Kinghorn, B.P. and Clarke B. E. 1997. Genetic evaluation at individual QTL. In: Allerton II, Genetic Analysis of Economically Important Traits in Livestock. University of Illinois, Nov. 6-9, 1996. Page 10. [Paper published in Animal Biotechnology.]

CIS12Kinghorn, B.P. 1998. What can be achieved with modern and classical genetics? World Keynote Paper. Merino Conference, Christchurch, NZ29-31 March. Pages 6 - 11.