
Narrative Rubric

I can write high-quality narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using descriptive detail, a clear problem and solution, and a sequence of events.

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I can introduce a story clearly using a hook to draw in my reader. / Narrative does not have a hook or is not a story. / Narrative has a high-quality hook using onomatopoeia, figurative language, dialogue, suspense or another creative beginning and introduces a setting and characters for the story.
I can include dialogue in my narratives to develop characters and events or to show the responses of characters to situations.
I can separate dialogue using paragraphs. / There is not any dialogue in the narrative and/or there aren’t any sentences that show a character is speaking out loud. / Narrative has at least 8 5th grade sentences of dialogue using quotation marks to show speaking. Also dialogue is separated efficiently to show new speakers when necessary.
I can use sensory details and internal thoughts to describe in depth events and experiences of the characters in a logical sequence. / Narrative has a lack of details and does not describe the characters, events or setting. Sentences are not organized in a logical sequence of events. / Sentences are sequenced in a logical order from beginning to end of the narrative. There are more than 3 times where internal dialogue and/or sensory details are used. Reader can imagine the story through the details in the writing.
I can use transition words in my writing to link together topics and ideas. / Narrative does not have any transition words. / Narrative has at least 2 or more transition words to add to the flow in order to logically sequence from event to event.
I can include a conclusion in my writing giving a solution to the problem. / Narrative does not have a solution to the problem. The story never actually ended for the characters. No closure for the reader. / The narrative ended with a solution that solved the problem and connected to the main idea of the plot. The solution is elaborate and includes great detail to give the reader closure for the characters.
I can write and speak clearly and coherently by demonstrating appropriate grammar, punctuation, and use of academic English.
I can know and apply grade-level phonics in my writing. / Narrative has sentences that do not make sense because of grammar, punctuation, and/or run-on sentences. There are multiple 5th grade level words spelled wrong. (Think word sorts). / Narrative has high-quality 5th grade sentences using commas and appropriate punctuation. There are less than 3 punctuation errors. There should be no more than 2 spelling errors. All 5th grade level words are spelled accurately.