Quickr 8.5.1Fixpack Install Instructions

Table of Contents

Important information before beginning install

Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for Win32

Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer forAIX / Linux

Installing a Fixpack by copying directoriesand files

Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases

Upgrading offline installations

Documentation Updates / Addendums

Additional Informationfor specialfixes


Important information before beginning install

Information for customers with locked down client environments:

This current build, dated 2011/08/12does not have an updated qp2.cab.

The previous most recent update to qp2.cab was in dated 2011/01/21.

2010/09/29 – Fix List information

As of 2010/09/09, the Fix List will contain both the SPR and APAR number if an APAR number exists. The APAR information is useful when dealing with support.

Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for Win32


  • Win32 based system
  • Java JRE 1.5 or above must be installed on the host OS of the server.
  • The Domino program directory (eg: c:\Program Files\IBM\Domino) must be in the System PATH variable. To Access: Right Click on My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables:

  • If the Domino Program directory is not listed, Click Edit and append it to the list.

Location of the Fixpack jar file:

Place the Fixpack jar file on the Domino server in the following location:

{Domino Program directory}\jvm\lib\ext

To avoid confusion and mistakes, please be sure to remove any existing Quickr FixPack jar files from this directory before placing and installing the new FixPack. This will ensure you are installing the correct FixPack version.

How to Install:

The Domino Server is required to be shutdown to run the Lotus Quickr Fixpack Installer.

The Quickr Domino Fixpack Installer can be launched in the by either:

Double clicking on the Fixpack jar file located in the {Domino program directory}\jvm\lib\ext directory


From a command line in the {Domino program directory}\jvm\lib\ext directory, type the following command:

java -jar {Quickr85_FP####.jar}

Once the installer launches, you will be prompted to select the notes.ini file of the Domino server that you wish to upgrade.

The Fixpack Installer will backup the original files to the directory:

{Domino Program directory}\QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup.

To change the default backup directory from the Domino Program directory to a different drive \ directory, create a notes.ini variable named QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory and set its value to the drive:\directory to backup to.

Example: QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory=d:\FixpackBackup

Once the original files have been backed up, the Fixpack files will be installed.

When the Fixpack installer has completed, you will be prompted to review the installation logs located in the Fixpack backup directory {Domino Program directory}\QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup which will have the following files and directories:

AllPlatforms / contains backup files
W32 / contains backup files
Backup.log / List of files that were backed up during the Fixpack installation
Error.log / List of errors (if any) that were encountered during the Fixpack installation
FP.log / List of files that were installed by the Fixpack Installer

The Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.

Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for AIX / Linux


  • AIXorLinux based system
  • Java JRE 1.5 or above must be installed on the host OS of the server.

Location of the Fixpack jar file:

The Fixpack jar file doesn’t have to be located in any specific directory

How to Install:

The Domino Server is required to be shutdown to run the Lotus Quickr Fixpack Installer.

You must be logged in as root in order to install.

From a command line in the directory that contains the Fixpack jar, type the following command:

java -jar {Quickr85_FP####.jar}

To avoid confusion and mistakes, please be sure to remove any existing Quickr FixPack jar files from this directory before placing and installing the new FixPack. This will ensure you are installing the correct FixPack version.

Once the installer launches, you will be prompted to enter the location of the notes.ini file of the Domino server that you wish to upgrade.

To override being prompted for the location of the notes.ini file, you can enter the location of the notes.ini on the commandline by using the -ini parameter:

java -jar {Quickr81_FP####.jar} -ini /local/notesdata

The Fixpack Installer will backup the original files to the directory:

{Domino Program directory}/QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup.

(Domino Program directory typically being:

/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/ for aix

/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/linux/ for linux)

To change the default backup directory from the Domino Program directory to a different directory, create a notes.ini variable named QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory and set its value to the directory to backup to.

Example: QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory=/local/FixpackBackup

Once the original files have been backed up, the Fixpack files will be installed.

When the Fixpack installer has completed, you will be reminded to review the installation logs located in the Fixpack backup directory {Domino Program directory}/QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup which will have the following files and directories:

AllPlatforms / contains backup files
aixor linux / contains backup files of platform dependant files
Backup.log / List of files that were backed up during the Fixpack installation
Error.log / List of errors (if any) that were encountered during the Fixpack installation
FP.log / List of files that were installed by the Fixpack Installer

The Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.


  • If, when launching the installer, you receive an error message “Do not run Domino as root”, then you have the /opt/ibm/lotus/bin directory in your path and java is running from this directory. This java binary cannot be used to launch the installer, please add a different java installation to the beginning of your path before launching.

Installing a Fixpack by copying directories and files

Start by extracting the contents of the Fixpack file from the Fixpack zip or the Win32, AIX or linux FixPack jar file into a temporary folder / directory. These archives contain the files needed for upgrade, the difference being the jar file has additional files used for installation that are not necessary if upgrading via manual copy.

Upon extraction, view the temporary directory you created.

Directories created after extracting the zip file:





If using the jar file, from the root of the jar go into the directory named FixPackFiles and then go into the directory named Quickr_FP####_{FixpackDate}, within this directory you will find the following directories:

For Win32 Fixpack jar:



For AIX Fixpack jar:



For Linux Fixpack jar:



These directories contain files and directories that can be easily copied to their final destination.

Let’s start with your OS:

  • Win32 If you are using a Win32 based system copy all of the files in the w32 directory directly into your Domino Program directory, IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino
  • AIX If you are using AIX, copy all of the files in the AIX directory directly into your Domino Program Directory, IE: /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow
  • linux If you are using linux, copy all of the files in the linux directory directly into your Domino Program Directory, IE: /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/linux

Now go into the AllPlatforms directory you will find the following:

  • (file) quickplace.jar – Copy this file directly into your Domino Program directory
  • (directory) data – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data or /local/notesdata
  • (directory) html – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\Domino\html directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\Domino\html or /local/notesdata/domino/html
  • (directory) LotusQuickr – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\LotusQuickr directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\LotusQuickr or /local/notesdata/LotusQuickr

*Please Note: if you have upgraded from a previous version of QuickPlace, you may not have a LotusQuickr directory. If you do not then copy the entire contents to your Domino Data\QuickPlace directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\QuickPlace

  • (directory) QuickPlace – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\QuickPlace directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\QuickPlace or /local/notesdata/QuickPlace

Once these files have been copied, the Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.

Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases

After upgrading the files on your Lotus Quickr server, you may need to upgrade the place templates and other Quickr Domino databases so that they reflect the most current changes of the files you have upgraded.

To upgrade follow these steps:

  • Make sure the Quickr Server is running
  • From the Domino Console type the following commands :

*Note that you must wait for each of these commands to finish before proceeding to the next command. You will know that the command has finished when you see a message in the console such as qptool: command finished: {the command performed}

Command / Action It Performs
load qptool unlock –a / Unlock all the places.
load qptool upgrade -f -server / Upgrade all the databases on the server.
load qptool upgrade -f -a -saveformprefs / Upgrade all the places and PlaceTypes.

Upgrading offline installations

When you install a Quickr Domino Fixpack, you will also get the latest files needed for your offline installations. Clients taking a place offline for the first time after applying the Fixpack will automatically get the latest version of the offline support files installed to their machine. For client machines that already have offline places installed to their machine, the recommended way to update their machine with the latest offline support files is to:

  1. Take note of all the subscription names from the Domino Sync Manager.
  2. Synchronize all the places to deliver any changes from the offline places.
  3. Delete the subscriptions from the Domino Sync Manager.
  4. Uninstall the Lotus Domino Sync Manager to remove it from the machine.
  5. Go to the online places that were noted and take them offline.

This will ensure that the latest version of the offline support files have been installed on the client machine.

Documentation Updates / Addendums

Applying a Fixpack to Quickr 8.x servers in a cluster

For the Quickr cluster to run properly, each server in the cluster needs to be on the same Fixpack. To do that, perform the following steps:

*Please note: It is highly recommended that you backup all places and PlaceTypes.

  1. At the Domino console, use the “load qptool unlock -a” command on only one server in the cluster to unlock all the places.
  2. Stop every Lotus Quickr server in the cluster.
  3. Upgrade all the servers with the Fixpack.
  4. Restart each of the servers (cluster replication and qptool replicamaker tasks should remain running).
  5. Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -server” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade the design of databases.
  6. Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -a -saveformprefs” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade places and PlaceTypes.
  7. Let replication pass the design upgrades to all servers.

Your Quickr 8.x servers should now be upgraded to the latest Fixpack.

Additional Information for special fixes

*Please note: each row in the following table represents a specific issue as described by the SPR / Description column, these special fixes (the Instructions column) only need to be applied if you encounter that specific issue. Applying these fixes if you do not encounter the issue specified may cause unexpected results and is not recommended.

SPR / Description



ESEO87URKK - “qptool settheme” does not reset the themes of subrooms of the place.


Use the new qptool settheme option -allrooms.

Ex: qptool settheme -default -p placename –allrooms

MMOI5YEMN9 - When adding a place member and sending an invitation, there should be an option to allow a different LDAP field such as short name (sn) listed as the User Name. Also, instead of a User Name there should be a way to include a message.


Please see the new settings in the qpconfig_sample.xml

<user_name_message>your message</user_name_message>
Please note: these settings are mutually exclusive.

RTIN8FTG2P - With imported spreadsheet files, preview does not retain the cell attributes. Also, spreadsheets show cell and row column headers, which it shouldn’t.


Please note, for documents that are pre-existing, the preview for those documents will have to be regenerated before you will see the changes introduced by this fix.

The simplest way of regenerating the preview files is to delete all the DONE.sem files from underneath the preview directory structure (all sub-directories). When a preview is generated, a DONE.sem file is placed in the directory where the preview files reside. Removing this file will force Quickr to regenerate the output next time it is previewed.
The preview directory typically exists in the following locations:
Win32 - {DominoDir}\data\domino\quickplace\preview
AIX / Linux - /local/notesdata/domino/quickplace/preview
Though your AIX / Linux installation’s data directory may be in a different location, the relative path to preview should be the same
The exception to the where the preview directory resides is if you changed that directory in your qpconfig.xml file. In this case you should remove the DONE.sem files in the directory structure pointed to by the qpconfig.xml variable for <preview_feature> / <dirpath>.

GAKI8BPEKX - Running “qptool refresh” on an upgraded Quickr 8.2 place based on a PlaceType may not refresh the theme from the PlaceType if you had previously run “qptool archive” on that place.


Please note a new qptool refresh command to force the theme of the child place to the parent:

Ex: qptool refresh -theme -p placename
This option will only affect the theme of the child place.

GAKI8GQEEM- Creating a room using the qptool execute command along with the correct input.xml does not succeed.

/ Please note that to use this functionality, you must include a session.xml as a parameter of qptool execute as the member who is creating this room:
Ex session.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dn>cn=person, ou=Lotus,o=exampleOrg</dn>
Also note that adding members to the room must be done after the initial creation of the room.
Ex usage:
load qptool execute -i input.xml -session session.xml

GAKI8JGHSZ - Upgraded 8.2 places with posts / pages that have 1 attachment show in the Connector as an upload where the default action is to launch the document instead of launching into the browser.

/ This is by design and allows single attachment posts / pages to be double clicked within Connectors with the default action being to launch the application associated with the document.
If you prefer to have all posts / pages with the default page action of launching the browser, please set the following notes.ini setting:
and then you must run:
load qptool upgrade -f -a
for those changes to be made to the documents in each place.
Please note that you must keep the notes.ini setting set so that if you upgrade the places in the future, you will continue to have the this preference set.

RSOI8JFJXT - When copying a document based off a custom form to a Room and then copy custom form to room, changes made to that room's custom form are not honored in the already copied document.

/ When copying a Document based on a Custom Form to a Room, a copy of that Form will automatically be copied to the Room, but it is marked as hidden, so not visible in the list of Custom Forms of that Room. If a previous Document based off this Form has been copied into the Room, the hidden Form already exists and is not copied again. This copy of the Form is needed by the Room to display the Document, but, no changes can be made to the already copied Document's Form.
This fix will expose the hidden copy of the Form so that changes can be made to the existing Documents, but a few steps need to be taken first.
If there the place owner copied the Form to the Room and created Documents based on that new copy of the Form, that Form (in the Room) is still needed for those Documents and should be renamed to avoid confusion as this fix will be exposing the version of the Form associated with the pre-existing Documents. Note, the Custom Forms screen will allow multiple Custom Forms with the same name, we are renaming the form strictly to avoid confusion.
If no new Documents have been created in the Room with the copied Custom Form, that Custom Form can be deleted from the Room.
Once that is done, go to the Main Room and copy the Custom Form to the Room. By performing this action, the fix will attempt to locate an existing, hidden copy of the Form in the destination Room, if it finds one, it removes the field that hides the Form from the Custom Forms view. The Form in the Room can now be modified and the changes will change the originally copied Documents.
If there are Documents based off the Copied Form, you will now have to make any modifications to both the copied version of the Form and the unhidden version of the Form.

HHIE8GBHBC- When upgrading from 8.2, existing Places in Connectors show in the Add Places dialog as not being installed.