MA – International Studies – Thesis (30 Hours)
The Master of Arts with a major in International Studies is an interdisciplinary degree that prepares students for challenging careers in government, business, and nonprofit organizations. The course of study prepares students for work and leadership in an interdependent world by equipping them with proficient oral and written communication skills, familiarity with the world's major regional cultures, and technical skills with optional emphases in international communication, computer information systems, industrial manufacturing, and area studies.
Specific Graduation Requirements
Oral Exam: All graduate students in International Studies, whether thesis or non-thesis are required to pass an oral examination in order to graduate. The exam is administered by a committee of three graduate faculty members whom the student selects and usually takes place about two to three weeks before graduation. One of the faculty members, chosen by the student and with the consent of said faculty member, serves as the chair of the oral exam committee and is responsible for managing the exam and coordinating the exam report that is submitted to the Center for International Studies. The Center will forward the result of the oral exam report to the Graduate College. The student is responsible for selecting the oral exam committee and for coordinating the date, time, and location of the exam. In most instances, the oral exam lasts one hour, but it may be longer, depending upon a majority decision of the faculty committee.
Core Requirements12 hours
- Select one course from HIST 5335, HIST 5362, or HIST 5395 (Any other History course must be approved by Director)
- Select three Political Science courses (emphasis must be international)
Thesis Courses (two course sequenced in same department)6 hours
- GEO 5399A and5399B
- HIST 5399A and 5399B
- MC 5399A and 5399B
- POSI 5399A and 5399B
- SOCI 5399A and 5399B
- SPAN 5399A and 5399B
Elective Courses12 hours
(Selection must be approved by Program Director)
ANTH 5314 Latin American Cultures
ANTH 5320 The Rise of Civilization
ANTH 5322 People and Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa
ANTH 5323 Cultures of the Middle East
ANTH 5345 Archaeology of Mexico
ANTH 5350 Gender and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective
ANTH 5354 Latin American Gender and Sexuality
ANTH 5000# Topics Courses (when emphasis is international)
BLAW 5368D Business Dispute Resolution BLAW 5368E Environmental Law and Policy
BLAW 5368G Legal Issues in International Business Law
CI 5330 Multicultural Teaching and Learning CI 5336 Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language
CIS 5358 Project Management
CIS 5360 E-Commerce: Strategies, Technologies, and Applications
CJ 5320 History and Philosophy of Justice
COMM 5325 Seminar in Human Communication Theory
COMM 5330 Seminar in Nonverbal Communication (when research emphasis is international)
DAE 5373 Grant Development and Management
ECO 5310 International Economics
ECO 5320 The Latin American Economies
ENG 5311 Foundations in Technical Communication
ENG 5313 Studies in Principles of Technical Communication
ENG 5314 Specializations in Technical Communication
ENG 5324 Studies in Literary Genre (when emphasis is international)
ENG 5353 Studies in Medieval Literature
ENG 5354 Studies in Renaissance Literature
ENG 5383 Studies in Rhetorical Theory or COMM 5326 - Classical Rhetorical Theory or COMM 5327 - Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
ENG 5395 Studies in World Literature
FCD 5357 Comparative Studies in Child Development
FCS 5340 International Study in Family and Consumer Sciences
FIN 5337 International Finance
GEO 5338 Land Use Planning
GEO 5349 Population Geography
GEO 5351 Regional Waste Management
GEO 5352 Air Quality Management
GEO 5353 Hazardous Wastes and the Environment
GEO 5354 Applied Water Resources Management
GEO 5380 Internship
GEO 5390 Independent Study
HA 5335 Public Health for Healthcare Administrators
HIST 5307 Medieval European History
HIST 5308 Ancient and Medieval Europe
HIST 5308E Latin Literature and Roman History and Society
HIST 5308G Ancient and Medieval Warfare
HIST 5309 Topics in Early Modern European History
HIST 5309A Interpreting the Eighteenth Century
HIST 5310 Modern European History
HIST 5313 Early American History
HIST 5318 British History
HIST 5318D European Imperialism
HIST 5323 History of Brazil
HIST 5323A Society and Culture in Brazil
HIST 5324 Latin American History
HIST 5324B Class and Society in Latin America
HIST 5325 History of Mexico
HIST 5325A History of Mexico to 1848
HIST 5335 Twentieth-Century Russia
HIST 5336 East European History
HIST 5362 Military History
HIST 5385 Modern Middle Eastern History HIST 5345 Topics in American History
HIST 5351 Modern American History
HIST 5360 American Historiography or HIST 5361 General Historiography
HIST 5381 Chinese Communism
HIST 5382 China and the Modern World
HIST 5390 Problems in Historical Research (when emphasis is international)
HIST 5395 World History
HIST 5395B Modern Middle Eastern History
IS 5387 International Studies Internship
MC 5301 Mass Media and Society
MC 5302 Research Methods in Mass Communication
MC 5303 Theories of Mass Communication
MC 5304X Media in Latin America
MC 5310 International Communication Issues MKT 5322 Marketing Research Methods
MKT 5330 International Marketing
PHIL 5301 Applied Philosophy
POSI 5300 Topics in Ancient and Medieval Political Thought
POSI 5301 Problems in American Foreign Relations
POSI 5302 Topics in Modern and Contemporary Political Thought
POSI 5333 Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity POSI 5360 Problems in International Politics
POSI 5364 Problems in International Organization
POSI 5375 Comparative Public Administration
POSI 5382 Seminar in International Relations Theory
POSI 5384 Topics in Modern Democratic Systems
POSI 5385 Topics in Third World Politics
POSI 5398 Directed Reading and Research (when emphasis is international)
RDG 5331 Literacy Methods for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students
SOCI 5320 Seminar in Demography
SOCI 5365 Seminar in Political Sociology
SOCI 5370 Multicultural Relations
SOCI 5371 Directed Study
SOWK 5322 Advanced Social Policy: Social Welfare and Social Justice
SOWK 5339 Selected Topics in Social Work (when emphasis is international)
SPAN 5306 Studies in Spanish Peninsular Literature
SPAN 5307 Studies in Spanish American Literature
SPAN 5308 Studies in Hispanic Culture
TECH 5310 Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
TECH 5315 Engineering Economic Analysis
TECH 5364 Statistical Applications in Manufacturing Process Control
TECH 5382 Industrial Ecology
TECH 5384 Problems in Technology
TECH 5385 Readings in Technology
TH 5371 Classical and Renaissance Drama